Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 839

"Since you can't refuse, it's better to obey it, let alone you are different. The first time you bite the magician, it is the only one!" Ren Xing said.

"Looking at how interesting you are, I will add some unforgettable memories for your first time!"

Su Zhan smiled and suddenly grabbed Ren Xing's waist.Ren Xing did not refuse, but looked at Su Zhan curiously and didn't know what he wanted to do.At the next moment, Ren Xing suddenly felt the surrounding scenery changed.

The blue sky and white clouds are so uncomfortable.

Looking down, Ren Xing almost didn't call out!

They are in the air!

Teleport, suspended?


Is this the way Su Zhan said you can leave if you want to leave?

"Don't be surprised, the good stuff is still behind!"

Su Zhan chuckled and raised his arms slightly. In an instant, a huge warship gradually emerged. This time, Ren Xing could not control it, and finally shouted out in shock!

Chapter 0992

"This... what is this?"

Ren Xing was taken aboard by Su Zhan, and asked in shock as he looked around and subconsciously fumbled around.

"Are you looking for this?" Su Zhan smiled and took out the camera. Ren Xing reacted and smiled wryly. She is used to it. The first thing she thinks of when encountering things is to take pictures.

"Is this the sun god you mentioned before?" Ren Xing asked in response.

"The memory is good, yes, this is the Helios. The hull is based on the treasure ship of the sun god in the Egyptian god system, and is transformed by adding the spacecraft of the time lord. This warship has defensive capabilities even if it is nuclear It cannot be damaged. I'm talking about the protective cover, not the hull! In addition, this ship can also travel through the timeline." Su Zhan accepted it at will, but Ren Xing was completely shocked.

The treasure ship of the Egyptian god of the sun god Ra!

You can also cross the timeline.

This sounds even more incredible than a magician, and even more shocking!

Ren Xing's throat squirmed subconsciously, and said, "What you said is true?"

"Don't believe it?" Su Zhan asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No, I'm just too shocked. Isn't this something a magician can do?" Ren Xing shook his head quickly.

"Who said I am a magician? Zhang Qiu and Penello are still magicians, me? You can call me the lord of the gods!" Su Zhan laughed.

"All... Lord of the gods!"

"Yes! Do you want to see what Hathor, the god of love in the Egyptian gods, looks like? Do you want to see Athena in the Greek gods serving me with her daughter? You want to see the Olympians Does God kneel and worship my landscape? Do you want to?" Su Zhan asked in a series.

"miss you!"

Ren Xing nodded without hesitation.

"Then bite, and if you perform well, I can take you to see anyone or anything you want to see!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

Ren Xing gave him a speechless look, the dignified lord of the gods actually liked this tune!However, she slowly squatted down, stretched out her hand to open her mouth, and did it jerky.



After half an hour, Su Zhan returned to the plane with Ren Xing.

As soon as Ren Xing landed, he blushed and ran into the bathroom to rinse his mouth. Su Zhan smiled and returned to the room.

After about an hour, Ruoxin and the others came back.

I drove a jeep and brought the parts back. It should work.Sure enough, after getting off the car, Ruoxin greeted the captain to come down and repair the engine together.

The others are relieved and can finally leave here!


Zhang Qiu took Li Ji to Su Zhan's room, knocked on the door and said after entering.

"You go out first!" Su Zhan waved Zhang Qiu away. Zhang Qiu turned and closed the door. Li Ji looked at Su Zhan awkwardly, wondering what the result of waiting for her would be?

Was it a cold corpse like Vincent, or was it handed over to the police after leaving here?

Don't think that Li Ji is a woman, but she is also a mercenary, and she has good skills, otherwise Vincent will not threaten her to come together, as a mercenary, no one is clean!If she were to be transferred to the police, she would have to spend the rest of her life in a cell!

"You now have a choice, follow me, and be the escort on my special plane." When she was nervous, Su Zhan spoke lightly.

Li Ji was stunned, this situation is not right.

Don’t people have two choices?How did it become one?

One, is it still called choice?

"What if I refuse?" Li Ji asked.

"Reject? It's okay? I will control you and make you a puppet who only obeys my orders, and act as my guard. But you want to make it clear that if you voluntarily agree, you are still alive, or you, or even ...I can also consider letting your niece stay on my special plane together. However, if you refuse, I will leave your niece alone." Su Zhan said lightly.

Li Ji realized that the person in front of him was a powerful magician!

What he said, naturally able to do it!

"I am willing! I am willing to be your escort on your special plane!"

Regarding his niece, Li Ji agreed without hesitation.

That is her only relative!

"Very witty!"

Su Zhan nodded in satisfaction: "Go out."


Li Ji heaved a sigh of relief, and went out with a reply.

After leaving, Li Ji didn't leave, but quickly entered his role and stood guard at the door of Su Zhan's room.

Her idea is very simple, it doesn't matter how she is, but her niece is still young.

If you do it well, maybe... can you ask Su Zhan to teach his niece some magic?For this, she has to work hard too!

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