Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 841

Three days later, after the heat of the incident subsided a bit, Su Zhan took them to the president's office of Ocean Airlines!

Chapter 0994 acquisition of Ocean Airlines, Yang Linlin endorses!

The process of acquiring Ocean Airlines was easy. Although Su Zhan controlled Garrigao, it was the same even if he did not.Oceanic Airlines failed this maiden flight, and Gary Gao had no chance of making a comeback, and he would inevitably sell Oceanic Airlines.Oceanic Airlines changed ownership, and Su Zhan added one billion dollars as a development fund.

In addition, the name of Su Zhan has been spread a few days ago, and it has not yet cooled down. Now that the news of this acquisition has come out, Ocean Airlines has once again returned to the headlines. Looking at the final results, Ocean Airlines has not only not because of this time. It seems to have taken a step further!

The A390 itself didn’t have much problem, but unfortunately it encountered the thundercloud layer and was eager to Lucky Island, so the first order after Su Zhan took control of Ocean Airlines was to strengthen the A390’s fuselage defense and fuel tank specifications. …The second thing is to take advantage of the current heat and find a spokesperson!

The spokesperson of Ocean Airlines!



Because of this incident, Yang Linlin's attention has increased a lot, but Yang Linlin is not happy at all, because this is not what she wants.Her assistant also saw that Yang Linlin's interest was not high. Didn't she see that the endorsement invitations sent by manufacturers who wanted to take advantage of this wave of attention to benefit were pushed by her?

"Okay, I see, I will ask her!"

The assistant answered the call, then hesitated to look at Yang Linlin, and said, "Lin Lin, another endorsement invitation."

"Didn't I say, I don't want to take any endorsements during this time."

"But this endorsement was sent by Oceanic Airlines. They invited you to become Oceanic Airlines' endorsement. The contract is a five-year long contract, and the price is very...very good!" the assistant hesitated.

"Ocean Airlines? How could Gary Gao have money to ask me to endorse, wait... Now the president of Ocean Airlines is... him!" Yang Linlin was a little surprised.

"It's Su Zhan. He has officially acquired Ocean Airlines and has also made additional investments. With this incident, Ocean Airlines has not only brought back from the dead, but has made it even better. Lin Lin, that Su Zhan... really knows magic?" Assistant Shinobu I couldn't help but ask with curiosity. There are so many news on the Internet. As the person involved, Yang Linlin must know it?

Yang Linlin was still wondering why Su Zhan would ask for his own endorsement when he heard the assistant's inquiry and nodded subconsciously. This shocked the assistant. He was really magical?No wonder, after she came back, her emotions were not right. Whoever she is, I am afraid that no one can adjust her emotions so quickly, right?

"Lin Lin, this endorsement... is it going to be pushed?" the assistant asked tentatively.

"Push...ah no, don't push anymore, you go to contact and see when to talk." Yang Linlin said.

"The other party said that if you are willing to pick up, they will send someone to negotiate, and I will contact them!" The assistant responded and hurried to call.

Yang Linlin couldn't help but look forward to it, thinking Su Zhan might come over, right?But when I went to the agreed place, I found that Su Zhan hadn't come at all, and it was Ren Xing who was in charge of the talk.

"why you?"

Yang Linlin said in surprise.

"Who do you think it is?" Ren Xing said with a smile.

Yang Linlin shook his head and did not speak. Although disappointed, he sat down and talked.

The process went smoothly. The contract was signed in almost half an hour. Soon... there was news about Yang Linlin endorsing Ocean Airlines at a high price, which made netizens excited.

The person who had A390 endorsed Ocean Airlines, which is a very good gimmick.

But what they didn't expect, under this breaking news, there is a more explosive live video about to appear!



Yang Linlin was about to leave after signing the contract. Who knew that Ren Xing said he would take her to a place.At first, Yang Linlin refused, but Ren Xing only said that he was there, and Yang Linlin agreed without principle. He even sent an assistant and left with Ren Xing alone!

"Where are you going?"

Sitting in the car, Yang Linlin couldn't help asking when he saw Ren Xing driving as if he was going to a certain hotel.

"Hotel, the hotel he lives in!"

"Why, why did you choose to meet in the hotel? This is easy to misunderstand, right?" Yang Linlin hesitated.

Ren Xing pouted her lips and didn't say a word. She knew Yang Linlin's thoughts about Su Zhan. She could only say that she was too whimsical?Thinking that Su Zhan is just the fifth of the diamond kings, and expecting to marry Su Zhan for exclusive use?It's just a dream!If you accept this endorsement, you are doomed to make a basket for nothing!

No, you can become his woman, but you have to add one afterwards!

When he came to the hotel, as Ren Xing came to a certain room, Yang Linlin was dumbfounded when he came in.

She thought there was only Su Zhan, but she did not expect that not only Zhang Qiu and Penello, the two students, and Li Ji, the bodyguard, but even Ruoxin and Monica were there!

What's happening here?

Isn't he asking me alone?

"Come? Let's go!"

Su Zhan stood up and said, and the others followed suit.

"Go, where to go?" Yang Linlin was a little dazed.

"You'll know in a while." Su Zhan said lightly, and the group walked out of the room.

"Let's go!"

Ren Xing greeted him, and Yang Linlin followed him curiously.

Get out of the room and get on the elevator, but instead of going down, go to the top floor?What are you doing to the top?Yang Linlin was puzzled, but the people around seemed to know it already, and had no meaning to explain it at all, which made Yang Linlin feel like being excluded.The elevator arrived, came out of the elevator, and... actually went up to the rooftop!

"Are you ready?" Su Zhan asked. Ren Xing had already taken out the camera equipment.

"Ready, the live broadcast has started."

"Live broadcast? What live broadcast? What is on the rooftop?" Yang Linlin was even more confused when he heard this.

Su Zhan nodded in satisfaction, and then raised his voice: "Many people are very curious about my identity. Let me introduce myself. My name is Su Zhan, the one who bought Ocean Airlines. Maybe many people are concerned about the so-called magic I don’t think so, thinking that there is no magic in this world. In fact, magic is real, and of course many people don’t believe it’s okay. As long as you continue to watch the next live broadcast, you will eventually believe it!"

Chapter 0995

Oceanic Airlines' official website can be said to be one of the hottest websites recently. At this time, a live link appeared on the official website.

The title is shocking!

Regarding magic, Su Zhan, President of Ocean Airlines, will announce it live for you in person!

Someone noticed this live broadcast. Soon, the number of people in the live broadcast room rose sharply. At the beginning, there were almost 20,000 people, and the number was rising rapidly, and the comments were directly brushed up.Speaking of which, for a live broadcast, Oceanic Airlines built a live broadcast room directly on the official website, which is enough for a local tyrant!

"This is Su Zhan? Oh my god, he's so young, so handsome, rich and handsome, and capable of magic, he is simply Prince Charming!"

"Maybe it's just a gimmick?"

"Fart gimmick, how could it be broadcast live without magic? Isn't that a face slap?"

"Look, let's start the introduction."

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