Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 854

Since then, Su Zhan Branch has added two more teachers!

However, they can only appear in the branch during class hours. After all, the students in the castle of the branch are all carefully selected by Su Zhan and are ready to develop them. If they often appear here, what is the matter!

Even if the two of them have become their own believers now, Su Zhan didn't want to see them wandering around the branch courtyard without problems!But because of their existence, Su Zhan was a lot easier and had more time to do other things!

For example, study how to increase the power of belief and how to upgrade the power of chaos, the power of rules!

During this period of time, several worlds absorbed the power of faith, making the power of Chaos become more vigorous and pure, as if it had reached a certain bottleneck, it was impossible to advance.

Must be upgraded.

According to the speculation before the Soviet war, if you want to upgrade, I am afraid that the power of the rules of other worlds will be consumed.

"Try it?"

Su Zhan decided to go to the world where death came to try to swallow the power of the rules of that world!

(This world comes from the world of Reaper, Menggui Street, Inception, Sadako, and Silent Hill. In order to prevent confusion for some readers, this world will be referred to as Reaper in the future!)

Unknowingly, it happened to be Christmas again, school was off, and Su Zhan took advantage of this time to come to the world where the god of death has come.

I didn't extract the power of faith in this world as usual, nor did I go to Japan to see Akane Ayukawa, or go to Silent Hill to see the situation there, but I paid attention to Chris' mother Joey.

During this period of time, Joey operated the airline to operate the airlines. The two free routes to Japan and Silent Hill also showed initial results. The two little maids, Noriko Morisaki and Risa Kitayama, made rapid progress under Joey’s guidance and can already help. She has dealt with some simple company business, so let's reward them after swallowing the power of the rules of this world!

Looking up, looking at the sky, Su Zhan transformed into nothingness and went straight into the sky!

Chapter 1009 The power of the rules is finally upgraded!

As soon as Su Zhan turned into nothingness, he felt the coercion of the power of this world's rules, as if it already knew what Su Zhan was going to do.This made Su Zhan find it quite interesting, but after another thought, it is the power of the rules of this world. Although it is not sure what kind of form it is, there are home court bonuses, and it is normal to know what you think.

This coercion is very strong, the world changes color, the wind and rain roar as if some disaster is about to come.

Su Zhan was under this pressure, and through this pressure, he was silently searching for its position.Previously, it was relatively straightforward because of the spokesperson of the god of death, but after that, it was not so easy to find the power of the rules of nothingness.But now it’s different. With the rapid increase in the power of faith, Su Zhan has become stronger. In addition, he has swallowed part of the power of the rules before, so it is easy to feel the power of the rules. .

"The feast begins!"

Su Zhan chuckled secretly and began to drift quickly.

As he moved, he seemed to have become an invisible black hole, and the force of the surrounding rules was involuntarily sucked into it.

This is the increase brought by the power of faith, he no longer needs direct contact to be able to swallow the power of rules.Although this range is not far away, it is sufficient.

Because the power of rules does not exist, it has been integrated with this world, regardless of each other.

I didn't notice it before, but to put it bluntly, the strength is not enough!

Wherever the Su Zhan went, the wind was raging, and the power of the rules was completely out of control.

Devour, nibble.

The power of rules on Su Zhan is rapidly increasing.


Su Zhan let out a sigh of surprise, his heart moved and locked in Japan.

He found that Japan has no rules.

I haven't swallowed it there yet, and the power of rules is everywhere in the world.

"What's this? Is it active to cede land?"

The only explanation is that the power of the rules of the world has abandoned Japan, which means that Japan will no longer be affected by the power of the rules. The Soviet War can spread its power of rules all over Japan and make Japan completely under its control.

"Knowing that I can't stop my devouring, so I took the initiative to cede Japan, hoping to stop me? I have to say, you are very decisive. What a pity...I only want Japan!"

Su Zhan chuckled and did not stop.

Finding that Su Zhan did not stop, the power of rules seemed a bit angry, Su Zhan could clearly feel that the power of rules around the world seemed to be concentrated.

"Is this ready to fight?"

"It's a pity, no matter how strong you are, you can't resist my swallowing."

"It sounds a bit bullying, but the feeling of's cool!"

Su Zhan's swallowing ability is really bullying, because no matter how strong you are, you can't stop the swallowing power.

There is only one way to stop it, and that is to crush Su Zhan and kill him.

It is a pity that Su Zhan’s current strength cannot be crushed by the power of the rules of this world. Regardless of the level of difference, the power of Su Zhan’s rules is higher in quality and more pure, with so much power of belief. It's not absorbed for nothing!

The power of rules obviously knows this.

Rather than being eroded a little bit, it chose to concentrate on fighting.

"come on!"

Although Su Zhan was incarnate into nothingness, nothingness gradually condensed together, creating a phantom that resembled Su Zhan.Opposite him, the power of rules is rapidly condensing, like Su Zhan, turning into a tall giant phantom!

Look at each other, there is no unnecessary nonsense.

Su Zhan moved almost at the same time as it!

It's simple, ordinary, and doesn't involve any moves, abilities, or, it's just a competition of strengths and weaknesses in pure strength.

With a bang, they bumped into each other.

Its huge body swallowed Su Zhan at once, and wrapped Su Zhan into the body.That powerful pressure made Su Zhan feel as if he was about to collapse and fall apart, as if he might launch a state of nothingness at any time.

This is the power of rules!

Together, the most powerful force of rules!

The power of rules on Su Zhan is rapidly diminishing, and the collision of this power of rules consumes a lot every time.

If, for example, the rule power of this world is 100, the power of the Su Zhan is 50...Every time the two people collide, 10 will be reduced, so after five times, the power of the rule of the Su Zhan will return to zero, and it will naturally lose!

The power of rules can be said to be a consumable!

If the level is high, the upper limit of the power of the rules is good, and naturally it has an advantage.

Anyway, with the world as a backing, it can be supplemented.

"Look at who can fight who!" Su Zhan sneered, swallowing power crazy urged, while the power of the rules was quickly consumed, he was also quickly swallowing and replenishing!

Su Zhan soon felt that the coercion seemed to be much smaller, and the power of the rules of this world would not work!

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