Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 857

Dumbledore opened his mouth, wondering what to say.

There are only a few students in a castle as big as the Su Zhan Branch, of course there is a place!

After leaving Dumbledore and returning to the branch, Su Zhan returned to his office and began to extract the power of faith.

After the upgrade, the upper limit of the power of chaos is increased, and it cannot be increased after being filled up, but the extraction of the power of faith can have a process of purification and qualitative change. Therefore, the power of faith is still very important!


A knock on the door suddenly sounded, Su Zhan's gaze swept away, and with a wave of his finger, the door had opened by itself, and Hermione walked in.


"Hermione, something?"

"Teacher, what is Principal Dumbledore asking for you?" Hermione asked curiously.

Su Zhan, and even the position of the Su Zhan branch in the school are very detached, if there is nothing special, I am afraid I will not find Su Zhan.

"Next month's semester is going to hold the Triwizard Tournament, Dumbledore just tell me. The holiday is coming soon, what are your plans?" Su Zhan said casually.

Triwizard Tournament?Hermione was a little surprised and a little excited, but it was a great event!

But she didn't forget her purpose.

"Teacher, the Quidditch World Cup will be held during the holidays. This is the biggest event in the wizarding world. It's very lively!" Hermione said excitedly.

"So?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"There will be a lot of people at that time. Although we want to go, we are a little worried. If the teacher can take us there, it would be best!" Hermione said with a grin.

"You? It seems that you have already discussed it, so you are recommended to be a representative to tell me? Quidditch World Cup? Well, I promised!"

"Yeah, thank you teacher!"

Hermione shouted happily, and then hurried out to share the good news with others.

The Quidditch World Cup is indeed a grand event. It can be said that all people in the magic world are paying attention to it, and the school has been talking about it during this time.Unknowingly, the holidays were approaching, but the students from the Su Zhan Branch did not go home, instead they all stayed.Although the school has clear rules that no student is allowed to stay in the school during the holidays, this rule obviously has no binding force on the Su Zhan Branch!

The Quidditch World Cup is not so fast, so I stay in the branch for the time being, and I am studying as usual.

The students didn’t complain, even though they were all half-year-old children, but they knew the importance of learning. What's more, the Triwizard Tournament would be held next semester. Students from other schools would naturally want to Work harder, after all... They are students of the Su Zhan Branch and have their own pride!

As time approaches, it is finally time for the Quidditch World Cup to begin.

But before that, the issue of tickets and accommodation must be resolved.After all, this is a great event in the magical world. There are bound to be a lot of people around the stadium. If you don't book a good location first, it's not easy to get it!

The ticket is simple. Su Zhan wants to take the students from the branch to watch the Quidditch World Cup. Dumbledore told the Ministry of Magic, who was in charge of the event, that the Ministry of Magic quickly arranged a separate VIP room box and did not dare to be indifferent. .

But the problem of accommodation needs to be solved by yourself!

"Little Hermione, go out with me." Su Zhan called Hermione to look around the arena and choose a better position.

Although it was long expected to be very lively, but after coming to the stadium, Su Zhan discovered that he still underestimated its influence!Although there are still a few days to start the game, the neighborhood is already overcrowded. The tents are clearly located, and the lively ones are like a bazaar.The crowds are loose nearby, there are a lot of different kinds of paving, and there are even some jugglers, of course... just some simple magic!

This game is not just for the magic world, many Muggles related to the magic world will also come to watch it, so it is so lively!

Fortunately, Su Zhan walked around with Hermione early in the morning and found a clearing not far from the arena.The tent or something has already been prepared, directly set up, and then covered by the power of chaos, forming a simple prohibition around it!

It's the kind of gravity restraint laid out in the Brooklyn cabin.

He doesn't want to have other tents around!

Su Zhan took Hermione into the tent to set up. Not long after entering, someone came here and wanted to set up a tent nearby, but just as they approached, the strong gravity instantly made them all kneel!There were unconvinced people who wanted to use magic, but they fell to the sea and didn't respond. Finally, they were unwilling to leave one by one in despair, choosing other places.

As the number of people increased and the neighborhood became more and more dense, some people wondered how such a good place was vacated at first, but soon they knew that there was a reason why it was vacant.One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, soon it has spread, no one will try again, and make another idea here!

Chapter 1013 Hermione's Xiao Long Bao

Naturally, a small tent couldn't accommodate so many people. Fortunately, at the beginning of the holiday, Ron invited Harry Potter to his house and did not come with him, so it was easy to arrange for all girls.This tent is produced by the magic world. It is naturally not that simple. Although it looks small, the space inside is actually very large. The living room, dining room, bathroom, and bedroom are all used. Su Zhan rearranged the original The separate bedrooms became two.

One is big and the other is small.

The big thing is naturally prepared for the students, and Datongpu feels good too!Usually in a separate room in the academy, there is no harm in experiencing it!

It’s getting dark outside when it’s set up. Su Zhan wondered if he would just call everyone else over. It’s also very lively here anyway. It’s nice to come here in advance to feel the atmosphere, not to mention this is the first time he has brought students together. Activity right?

Zhanjiang Su told Hermione about this plan, and Hermione hesitated. What does Ai Ai seem to say?

"What?" Seeing Hermione's reaction, Su Zhan asked.

Hermione lowered the corners of her eyes, and her fingers unconsciously fiddled with the corners of her clothes and said, "They should have rested at this late hour, and they shouldn't be prepared for anything, so why not go back tomorrow!"


There was some truth to what Hermione said, and it was indeed not bad this evening."Then go back tomorrow, and we will rest here today. Are you hungry? Go out and eat something?"


Hermione nodded happily.

Coming out of the tent, Su Zhan took Hermione for a stroll. The neighborhood was very lively and there were a lot of people. I don’t know when Hermione had already quietly hooked Su Zhan’s arm. She walked around and bought some food, Hermione. Shows a lively or innocent side that is hard to see in school!

After all, as a student of the Su Zhan Branch, she was still the earliest student of the Su Zhan. In the school or the branch, Hermione had to maintain her identity, like a little adult!

When I came back, the things I bought before were a bit cold.

Fortunately, this is not a big problem. The release of the magic simply heats up, and Su Zhan ate and listened to Hermione talking about what he had seen along the way.

"I just looked at it specially. It seems that only the jerseys are bought, and there are no other clothes. What a pity! The previous clothes are a bit small, and I want to buy some clothes to go back!" Hermione said disappointedly.

Hermione was developing at the same time. Both her head and figure developed very quickly in one semester. The original was indeed not suitable.

Especially for girls, for girls who are in puberty, they have begun to pay attention to their own clothes.

Start to love beauty!

Hearing Hermione's words, looked at the black school uniform she was wearing.

Although it is very beautiful, after all, wearing it every day, it is somewhat visually fatigued.The most important thing is that it’s not unique. For girls, how terrible it is to hit shirts. Even if the uniforms are beautiful, they are still worse!

"It's not easy to want clothes, the teacher will send you it!"

Su Zhan smiled and said suddenly: "Stand up!"

Hermione stood up, and Su Zhan looked at her up and down. This kind of direct gaze made Hermione a little shy, and she lowered her head awkwardly.With this bow, she soon found that her clothes had changed!

The original uniform suddenly became a pure white evening dress.

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