Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 860


Deathly silence.

Everyone waited, eyes a little unbelievable.

What did he do?

Raise your foot and fall, why are these Death Eaters dead?You can kill so many powerful Death Eaters just by lifting your foot. What kind of magic is this?

Such a powerful and strange magic is simply unheard of!

All the eyes that looked at Su Zhan changed, shocked, excited, admired, and the power of faith had quietly grown in them.Su Zhan is secretly satisfied. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't bother to waste time killing Death Eaters here, so it would be better to massage Hermione for the comfort and pleasure!

Su Zhan didn't go to find other Death Eaters, but walked towards those people. Obviously, he was going to protect them. Suddenly, there were endless voices of worship and gratitude. Su Zhan just nodded faintly.

Although the Death Eaters are numerous and powerful, they were stomped to death by Su Zhan just now. With the strong performance of Penello and other students, the situation that should have been half-slaughtered has already happened at this time. Great change!

Under the shining of the moonlight, a pair of wings easily and calmly avoided the black magic. Penello released the powerful magic that she could master one after another. Those Death Eaters had nowhere to move. This magic was powerful. The gap is too big.It's an insurmountable gap!

The Death Eaters began to feel a little bit shy and some retreated.

At this time, officials from the Ministry of Magic finally arrived late, but... the Death Eaters were almost evacuated.

"Thanks to Su Zhan."

"And his students."

"I didn't expect that Su Zhan was so advantageous, and the students he taught were so powerful. As you saw just now, Penello's powerful magic is definitely not something Hogwarts can teach. I am afraid that even Dumbledore will not Such a powerful magic!"

Everyone was chattering, Penello and others had also retracted their wings, and returned to the ground to gather next to Su Zhan, their small faces filled with excitement.

The head of the Ministry of Magic repeatedly expressed gratitude to Su Zhan, and almost regarded Su Zhan as his benefactor.No way, if it weren't for the Soviet war, I'm afraid I still don't know how many people died this time, it will be the great responsibility of the Ministry of Magic!

Su Zhan didn't talk too much nonsense with them. Now that the matter was over, he was ready to leave.As for the Quidditch World Cup, looking at this posture, there must be no way to continue!

Before I left, I saw Harry Potter and Ron and the family, and asked if they came through a teleportation magic item called a door key, and they would use this to go back.

Of course, even if they can't go back, Su Zhan will not waste time sending them a ride!

After retracting the magic tent, Su Zhan teleported the students directly back to the branch. As for the follow-up, he was not interested in paying attention to the follow-up. It was only that the Quidditch World Cup was temporarily cancelled. mention!Although this generated a lot of opposition, it was still suppressed by the Ministry of Magic.

There is still more than half of the holiday, and nothing else, just like the beginning of school, class and study as usual every day.Hermione is very interested in learning, but now she has one more course!

That is to report to Su Zhan's office regularly every day to promote development!

Although the Quidditch World Cup is temporarily suspended, the Goblet of Fire Triwizard Tournament has already undergone preparatory work. The stadium has been constructed since the beginning of the holiday, but it is somewhat different from the Quidditch stadium. The content of the Triwizard Tournament should be very special.

As time approached day by day, school finally arrived.

This should be the most anticipated start of school after Su Zhan came here!

In fact, it is not only the Soviet war expectation, but the students returning to the school are also looking forward to it. Whether it is Boothbatten or Durmstrang, the two colleges make students feel curious!

Finally, on the day of the opening ceremony, waiting for the appearance of two schools...

Before the opening ceremony, although there was no one on the playground, the corridors and windows were full of people. I wanted to see what the students of the other two colleges looked like!

The students of the Su Zhan Branch are no exception, but they are not so crazy and direct. After all... they are the Su Zhan Branch!

In the distant sky, a luxurious aerial carriage floated up and evoked a cry of exclamation.Hagrid waved the flag below and directed the landing the same time.A huge sailboat came through the waves and entered Hogwarts.Although the students were paying attention, it was a pity that they could not see the true face of Mount Lu. After landing, they arranged for another passage to leave.

As the bell rang, the students came to the auditorium one after another.

The auditorium has been rearranged.

The original five benches became seven.They are beside the Slytherin and Su Zhan branches on both sides!

The students took their seats one after another in their own branch, and the students from the Su Zhan branch have already taken their seats. Although they seem to be few and single, the eyes that look at them are full of admiration!

The fact that they beheaded the Death Eaters along with Su Zhan has spread. Such a record and feat naturally arouse the worship of people of the same age.After all, those with different strengths offer too much reward, so they can only worship and worship, and not be jealous!

Su Zhan sat in the position of the head of the branch above, and there was a box in the middle of the front, which was the symbol of the Goblet of Fire!

Dumbledore got up and went to the front to start as usual. After a few words, he began to passionately introduce the two schools and the Triwizard Tournament. In fact, the students already knew about this, although a little anxious, Especially Dumbledore's impassioned appearance is even more impatient. Finally... Dumbledore said: "Welcome to Boothbarton's principal Olim Maxim and her students..."

As the voice fell, everyone turned their heads and looked at the gate of the auditorium. Even Su Zhan, who had been distracted, concentrated and looked towards the gate!

This is what he looks forward to most!

Chapter 1017 Sister Flower of Meiwa Bloodline

The door opened, and a group of women in light blue silk robes walked in and danced, all light blue silk robes, wearing a slightly slanted top hat, the dance was elegant and charming, everyone looked at it!

They danced with smiles, wearing all-black stockings under their main robes.The silk robes have a very high texture, very close to the body and tied together, coupled with attractive stockings, moving dancing, have never seen the students at Hogwarts, all of them open their mouths without squinting, eyes, The head moves with the movement of the opponent.

At the forefront of the team is Boothbatten's best student, Fleur = Delacour!

Very beautiful, a pair of eyes gives people the feeling that the elves can talk!

As if feeling something, Furong glanced in the direction of Su Zhan, her expression was slightly moved and surprised, as if...with a hint of surprise?She smiled generously, and then she walked aside.

At this time, Boothbarton’s students had been divided into two sides and walked away, and a very tall woman came out.

Hagrid is already very tall, but he is far behind this woman. It is estimated that he can only reach this woman's chest!

Olim Maxim!

The headmaster of Busbarton!

There were bursts of surprise and low voices, no one thought she would be so high!

After the appearance, the students of Boothbatten School had already sat next to the Su Zhan Branch, and Principal Olim had also walked up and sat down.After sitting down, he nodded to the person next to him, I have to say, it's really high!

Dumbledore continued to host and welcomed Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The difference is that this school is all boys, and they all seem to be muscular guys. Su Zhan curled his lips with a lack of interest and turned his attention to the direction of Boothbatten School.

Looking across them one by one, they are all pure and beautiful, but not too many outstanding.Only two people left a deep impression on Su Zhan, one was Furong, and the other was slightly smaller. He was extremely cute at a young age, as if he had a special charm.

Even Hermione did not seem to be as charming as her when she was young!

Su Zhan looked more curiously, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly."It turned out to be like wonder..."

He looked at Furong again. Furong was not as obvious as this little girl because of her age and already exuding charm.However, she has the same breath as this little girl. These two people should be sisters, right?

"Furong, Gabriel!"

Su Zhan muttered the names of the two secretly, and then looked away.

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