Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 873

It's an old acquaintance...

Nick Fury!

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is really a running dog of the U.S. government now. Everything is going to be the first." In the meeting room of the Zhan League headquarters under the palace on the top of the hill, Su Zhan pushed in and glanced at Nick Fury and Luke Cage. Walked to the other side of them and sat down and said with a sneer.

Luke Cage's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Su Zhan angrily.

Su Zhan didn't pay any attention at all, his subordinates were defeated, he was not qualified to talk to himself.

Nick Fury is worthy of being an old fox. He was quite calm as if he hadn’t heard these words. He smiled and said, “This time I’m telling you about the Superhero Registration Act on behalf of the United Nations. What I heard, in order to reassure the people and for world peace, the United Nations decided to introduce this bill to register each super-powered person on board and send a commissioner to manage it. After all, these super-powered people are too powerful. , If there is no control, it is easy to cause disaster. Including S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., Avengers, and the destruction caused by all super-powered people in the Zhan League during the mission, I believe I don’t need to say more, especially the accidental injury in the process. The people need an explanation!"


When Nick Fury said solemnly, Su Zhan cursed.

"You..." Luke Cage finally couldn't help it. He stood up awkwardly as if he wanted to lift the table, but he stopped abruptly just now, got up a little dazed and walked to the corner, then raised his hand."Slap." "Slap." Bow left and right, slapped his own slap hard!

Chapter 1032

Luke Cage's expression was very embarrassing and angry, his eyes fired as if he was about to swallow Su Zhan, but his hand did not stop, and he twitched!Nick Fury frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Is it over?"

"Passed? This is just a small punishment and a big admonition. If he shows a certain inferiority again, I promise...I will tear his body apart!" Su Zhan looked at Luke Cage with a sneer. Said.

At that moment, Luke Cage couldn't help but shudder, feeling that kind of fear.

Don't look at his ability to be invulnerable, but he believes that Su Zhan has the ability to do what he says!

Simply put, no one knows how strong Su Zhan's strength has been!

Luke Cage had put away his angry expression.

Su Zhan snorted and turned to look at Nick Fury."Let’s get straight to the point and don’t make any detours. I really feel that there is no need to waste time with you. The real purpose of this shit agreement is well known to everyone."

Nick Fury was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "The existence of superheroes, their abilities and destruction have caused panic among the people, just like a nuclear bomb, as long as improper control is easy to cause irreparable accidents. And, you This should be good for you. From Japan to South Korea to the Philippines, who knows which country will be next? If you sign this agreement, it will be righteous! The great righteousness of the United Nations!"

"The subtext means that if I disagree, I will have no righteousness. I am going against the righteousness. Then you will join forces to attack me, right?" Su Zhan sneered, watching Nick Fury acquiesce in no Saying: "I'm curious, why are you guys?"

"By strength? Just now the two half people of the Avengers, I don't have to shoot! By strategy? Without strength to support, any strategy is useless. So, I really want to see, your heads are flooded. How on earth do you guys deal with me! Let me remind you one last sentence, I will not agree to this agreement, and the people under my hand will not sign it. If you want to do anything, it’s best to weigh the consequences, my temper... Not so good!"

Nick Fury frowned. Su Zhan didn't agree to this because he expected it, but no matter how strong he was, would he really plan to be an enemy of the world?"You have to think clearly, once you start..."

Nick Fury wanted to persuade again, but suddenly saw Su Zhan raise his hand. In an instant, he and Luke Cage had appeared on the crowded street!

The two looked at each other, and finally turned away.

For Su Zhan, Nick Fury is complicated, especially when the copycats secretly invaded him, Su Zhan saved him, but now he can only act according to plan.After they went back, the U.S. government took the lead in proposing the Superhero Registration Act, followed by the United Nations conference, and a big book on the Superhero Registration Act!More than one hundred countries, large and small, have agreed to this agreement and signed it.

As for the Su Zhan who has the most superpowers under his command, Mariko Mariko, the spokesperson of the war alliance country, has made it clear that the war alliance country does not agree with this agreement and refuses to sign it.

Suddenly, the country of the war alliance seemed to have become the target of public criticism, and with the help behind it, the people and the country had gradually begun to condemn it.

The real purpose of the conspirators is amazed.

The people's idea is simple, they hope that the countries of the war alliance can sign this agreement to conduct a series of supervision of superheroes with the United Nations to reduce unnecessary damage.In other words, just like the police, this is a permitted country or even the earth action, not a personal action!

The content of the agreement is very clear. Whenever a superhero is required to take action, the United Nations will determine whether it needs to be implemented, formulate a plan, etc., so that the superhero will become an international police officer of the United Nations, instead of making a decision by itself like a volunteer. Act without authorization, causing unnecessary damage!

Of course, when someone supports it, others oppose it.

Especially Su Zhan is not an ordinary superhero. There are still a lot of fans, so for a while, this incident can be described as a buzz, everyone knows, everyone has different opinions, of course, the most important thing is to watch the Zhanmeng China, what kind of attitude is it in the end!

The United Nations is increasing the number of countries that have signed the agreement, trying to suppress the Soviet Union’s agreement.

I don't know how it was done, but it moved the Wakanda Kingdom, which is almost isolated from the world and does not establish diplomatic relations with the outside world!

King Techaka is planning to attend a meeting of the United Nations!

The Kingdom of Wakanda has always been mysterious, and it seems that there is little news that is known to the outside world. Now that the Kingdom of Wakanda is going to participate in the United Nations conference, it may even agree to this agreement, which naturally attracts countless attentions. Every country is reporting this time. News, and sent reporters to prepare to participate in this conference!

The Nation of the War Alliance also broadcast this news. In the territory of the Nation of the War Alliance, no one felt that there was any problem with the king's refusal to sign this agreement. It can be said that this is the gathering place for the most devout believers of the Soviet war.The reason why we broadcast news is an attitude. We are not worried or care about it!

Even Terry is planning to personally attend this UN meeting.

Speaking of it, the timid anchor of Resident Evil Raccoon City has already become a celebrity in the Marvel world. Few people don't know the chief reporter of the country of war alliance!

Although Terry was just a reporter, it represented a country of war alliance after all. In addition, I am afraid that the meeting would not be so peaceful and smooth, so Skye and Blink would accompany him.One of the two represents the alien race, and the other represents the mutants, which can be regarded as a microcosm of the strength of the war alliance country!

On the day of the UN meeting, the neighborhood was very lively. Reporters from various countries had already arrived at the scene early, showing the favorable terrain. Although they have not yet started, they have already broadcast their reports.


A crystal portal opened, flashing, and Skye, Terry and her assistant suddenly appeared.

Such a gorgeous way of appearing on the stage quickly attracted everyone's attention. Regarding their identities... it was naturally ready to come out.

Chapter 1033 Are You Stupid?

After Terry and others appeared, they started to prepare for the broadcast step by step. As for the surrounding attention, they had long guessed that this would be the case. Some people have even begun to introduce the identity of Terry and others in their broadcasts. All the relevant news about the war alliance countries are definitely big news, and part of it can be seen. In fact, the United Nations's move this time is actually the main target of the war alliance countries.

But for them, they also sent someone to broadcast, and even the chief reporter Terry came forward in person, and Skye accompanied Flash, which surprised everyone.

Which of these three people can represent Su Zhan to some extent!

Even this is the princess of the war alliance country.Of course, the number of this princess is indeed a little bit higher!

All in all, in short, despite this small shock, everyone turned their attention back to this meeting.As time approaches, the meeting is about to begin, more and more national representatives appear, flashing lights are everywhere, and the reporters who can come have naturally done their homework, and there will be no ignorance of their identity.In the end, the people of the Wakanda Kingdom, the most important thing, finally appeared.

Because the kingdom of Wakanda is close to Africa and has a dark complexion, King Techaka looks like a kind old black man. He is surrounded by a young man who is the son of the king, Techala!

The meeting naturally gave reporters time for interviews, but that was after the meeting.

As time approaches, everyone has entered the venue, and the meeting... begins!

Terry's position is very good. It was specially arranged. Skye and Shining stood by Terry's side, and he could take action in time if anything happened.

The meeting proceeded in an orderly manner, and it did not take long for Tchaka to speak.

As a king, Techaka didn't have the hypocritical official voice, and he said it very truthfully.Everyone's eyes focused on him, listening to him saying that the Wakanda Kingdom was ready to establish diplomacy and to get in touch with the outside world, and then he talked about the highlight of the Superhero Act.

Everyone wanted to hear his opinion. Tchaka paused for a moment, seeming to be sorting out what to say. At this moment, a violent shaking came from the conference room, everyone was a little surprised and surprised, Skye Suddenly frowned and shouted: "This is about to explode, everyone hurry up and leave here!"

Skye's voice was abrupt and loud, and everyone heard it.

When Skye's voice fell, the flashing had released the portal, Skye dragged Terry and her assistant into the portal directly.

At the same time, the explosion swept!

Boom, boom...

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