Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 878

It is said that Su Zhan’s original strength is already very strong. It seems that it has been a long time since no one saw him personally shoot. Now no one knows how strong his strength is, but cosmic power such as Thanos has been He is tamed, and one leaf knows autumn, which shows his strength.If they do it, ordinary people like them don’t even have the ability to resist, so even though they are protesting and marching, they are even a little angry, but no one dares to come forward, let alone say anything, just keep watching from a distance. With Su Zhan.

"Don't worry about them, let's play ours."

Su Zhan said to Hermione disapprovingly, and Hermione nodded and really played with Su Zhan in some of the more famous places nearby.

She has absolute confidence in Su Zhan!

This has led to a very interesting picture.

Su Zhan and Hermione played casually, but there was a large group of people nearby, who didn't know they thought they were chasing stars.

The news of Su Zhan's appearance naturally spread throughout Britain quickly. The British government authorities were busy doing a group. No one knew what Su Zhan was doing. Even if he guessed his purpose, he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Send someone to contact, and then disperse the people, try not to provoke the Soviet war."

Soon, an order was issued.

The President gave orders, but the specific candidates must be arranged by themselves.

After being conveyed layer by layer, this task fell on Wu Leike from MI6.

Wu Leike was born in Hong Kong, and later moved to the UK because of his family, and joined MI6 by chance.

As an agent of MI6, Wu Leike is good at performing secret tasks such as undercover and collecting intelligence. He is also proficient in the use of various weapons and driving vehicles. He is proficient in a variety of fighting skills and rich practical experience. Have a super high-level shooter.

Although she is an excellent agent of MI6, she shouldn't have been involved in this mission.

But first he is Chinese, and secondly she is a beauty!

No one in MI6 is more suitable for this mission than her.

After receiving the task, Wu Leike quickly prepared his best and appeared at Tower Bridge in London.

Tower Bridge is one of the more famous buildings, and it can be regarded as an attraction.

At this time, Su Zhan and Hermione were walking on it, feeling the beauty and grandeur of this ancient Tower Bridge.It was mainly Hermione who was feeling these, although it was indeed good, but Su Zhan's mind was not on this.Just now, he felt a gaze. This gaze was hidden. Even a sensitive person might hardly detect it, but he couldn't hide it from Su Zhan.

"Finally here? I knew they wouldn't really let them wander around... Oh, or a Chinese beauty? Looks like they are going to hide their identity?

Su Zhan smiled secretly in his heart, without having to look at it, he had already noticed a woman in a long skirt and straw hat walking over in the distance.

She seems to be no different from tourists, and she has not looked at Su Zhan, and seems to be enjoying the beauty of this neighborhood!

Her long hair is fluttering and she has a very good figure, especially this long dress with local style, which highlights her figure.

Although they are all playing, the distance between three steps and two steps is gradually getting closer.When she inadvertently turned her head and saw Su Zhan, she was obviously stunned. The surprise and shock in her eyes was very real!

"A bit level!"

Su Zhan smiled in his heart, and then said: "Chinese?"

"Yes, yes, are you the Soviet war? The king of the war alliance country?" Wu Leike asked somewhat surprised.

"I think no one but me should dare to admit this identity." Su Zhan said with a smile."how about you?"

"My name is Wu Leike, I'm here to travel, and I didn't expect to meet you here. You are the pride of our Chinese people? Are you here for the matter of the previous territory?" Wu Leike respected Said.

"Oh? You know this too?"

"Of course, the whole world now knows about this, especially in China! Many of us think you are a hero!" Wu Leike said.

China did not participate in the superhero registration bill this time.

For one thing, Su Zhan is Chinese.Although the Soviet war is not always there, it is not clear, but in fact China still deals with the Warring States Alliance. After all, the territories are too close. Because of the Shanghai area, they get along very well!

Secondly, China is the place with the most superheroes. Even though most of the superheroes seem to be from the United States, China is very low-key. It doesn't play with you at all and plays its own.

Therefore, this incident did not affect China at all.

Chapter 1039: British Patriots

"This is?" Wu Leike looked at Hermione next to her.

After Su Zhan appeared with her, MI6 was investigating Hermione's identity.She has obvious British ancestry, but there is no information about her, and a blank space seems to have popped up suddenly!

"Hermione, my student." Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Student?" Wu Leike was quite surprised, when did Su Zhan put away the students?What to teach?Although she was psychologically surprised, her performance was fairly calm. She didn't ask much, but she had already secretly remembered the name. There must be something extraordinary about her being a student of Su Zhan, and she needs careful attention!

"It's fate to meet fellow villagers in a foreign country, why not be together?" Su Zhan invited with a smile.

Since she concealed her identity to contact herself, she gave this opportunity to her door!

"Okay!" Wu Leike readily agreed.

With Wu Leike's participation, it has become a lot more lively. She seems to be very familiar with the United Kingdom, and many things are said to be clear and detailed.Although Hermione was a little annoyed that she had robbed her of her attention, she had to say that she was more familiar than herself, and even more like a British native than herself!

"If you want to stay, I know that there is a very good hotel. I live there. Although it is not as prosperous as the big hotel, it is very stylish and very local!" Wu Leike said.

"Okay, then I will trouble you!"

Wu Leike took Su Zhan and Hermione to a hotel that was not particularly prosperous but very stylish!

Su Zhan admired the style of this hotel, and nodded from time to time, seemingly satisfied.Although I know that there are at least a dozen monitoring devices here, and there are six agents living in different rooms, and even the boss seems to be all agents, Su Zhan doesn't mind at all. This hotel really makes him very satisfied!

Su Zhan specially opened two rooms, right next to Wu Leike's room.

"Let's rest and eat together at night?"


After separating, each entered the room.

After closing the door, Su Zhan glanced around the room casually, there were several monitoring devices.

Su Zhan ignored him, lay down and looked at the wall in front of him.

Through the wall, Su Zhan saw Hermione, his vision penetrated again and he had already seen Wu Leike.

Wu Leike's room really seems to be a tourist, luggage, souvenirs should be provided, and these details are very good.Wu Leike didn't contact anyone, nor did he change his body as soon as he entered the house, changing his voice from a tourist to an agent, as if everything were business as usual.After returning to the room, he sat and rested for a while, picked out the clothes in the suitcase, and seemed to be preparing for dinner.After choosing the clothes, Wu Leike went into the bathroom.


All this is very real!

"It's no wonder that a Chinese can be a good man in the British MI6!" Su Zhan mumbled secretly, but did not take his eyes back.

Wu Leike had removed her clothes, and the warm water was washing her body, and she could clearly see some scars on her body, which should have been left over from her previous tasks.Although it does not affect the beauty, it has proven her strength.

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