Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 884

As they left, the princess became obviously nervous, and Su Zhan looked at her with a smile, fiddling with the iron ring with his palm.Suddenly, Su Zhan's hand picked up the hair around the princess's neck and exposed her neck. He heard a click, and the iron ring was directly put on her neck, and then he grabbed her arms back to the back, directly Copy on.

The feeling of being restrained made the princess feel humiliated at once, a very strong humiliation!

Besides humiliation, there is panic.

The panic of losing freedom, the panic of not knowing what Su Zhan is going to do!

Suddenly, the princess's body became stiff and shook violently.Su Zhan's hand was squeezed directly, she couldn't help groaning in pain, but she closed her mouth stubbornly.

"This feels very good. It's almost like an unmanned girl. I didn't expect the princess to take care of it so well!" Su Zhan said with a smile and said: "Actually, I am very curious about why you resist, so many countries I agree, even if it’s ashamed, it’s a shame for everyone, and the U.S. ceded more. Why do you refuse to agree so strongly? It’s easy for the politicians of your government to refuse to agree. After all, once you agree, the power is reduced. For politicians, power is more important than fate! And to make it harder to say, they need the support of the people, they need power at their hands. After all, if I really want to invade Britain, they might still be confused with this level of identity. Not bad! After all, the territory has increased a lot this time, and some local officials must be needed to maintain operations! But what about you? Logically speaking, you have no rights. Everyone knows that your royal family is just a status symbol. Even if you don’t come out, I can’t blame you. If I occupy the United Kingdom, I will definitely treat you well. Anyway, you don’t have all your strength and there is no threat, and you can use you to appease the people. It can be said that unless everyone is dead, nothing else You will not be affected under any circumstances. So why did you jump out? Why are you, not your husband, the king of the royal family?"

The princess was silent, wondering if she had nothing to say, or she was afraid that she couldn't bear the feeling when she spoke.

Su Zhan smiled, and suddenly tore her clothes. In an instant, her body was completely exposed, and she couldn't resist it.The princess's expression became ashamed and angry, and her face flushed."you……"

"Yo, yes, it looks like no one has touched it before. Don't you and your husband have a good harmony?" Su Zhan chuckled, acting unceremoniously.

"Not convinced? Humiliated? Want to go? Endure it! The more I humiliate you, the more opportunities your country has, right?"

The princess was silent, but looked at Su Zhan angrily.

Su Zhansi didn't mind her gaze, but smiled and said: "Yes, that's it, the more you like this, the more you feel like humiliating the princess."

Su Zhan laughed loudly, and suddenly dragged the princess to his lap, let her face close to her, and lay on the sofa.

"Legs up and up, yes, that's it!"

Because she couldn't support her with her hands, the princess was now lying on Su Zhan's lap with her entire upper body, but her lower body was kneeling.This posture made the princess want to die with shame, especially when his hands were constantly moving, it was even more shameful!

The car has been driving fast, turning around the street in circles. Many people know that this is the princess's car, but they don't know what happened inside.

Su Zhan was not the least polite to the princess, and the princess even felt that the humiliation she suffered now was impossible for her in her life!As Su Zhan said, he really seems to feel that humiliating the princess is more fulfilling than humiliating the agents. Various methods are shown one by one, but he does not mean to eat her, just...just humiliation!

However, this made the princess even more angry.

What does this show? It shows that Su Zhan really feels unworthy!

It can be a humiliation like a toy, but he refuses to eat her. Is this too dirty for her?

For a moment, she really wanted to shout to Su Zhan, you were wrong!

You would rather let me use your mouth than eat me, you are so wrong!

"It's so fast, more than two hours have passed without knowing it. Well, I am very satisfied with you, you make me feel very fulfilled, especially your mouth! This should be the first time, I hope you The husband won’t mind!"

"Don't mention my husband!" The princess who had been quiet suddenly yelled angrily. She was obviously exhausted and couldn't move her hands, but hit Su Zhan with her head.

Su Zhan pulled her hair fiercely, forced her to look up at her, staring into her eyes, and Su Zhan said word by word: "You say this not because you feel guilty, but because... you hate him!"

Chapter 1047 Prince Charming?The prince riding a horse!

Somewhere in the UK.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful and the scenery is pleasant.

In a valley, in the center of the valley, bursts of powerful aura fluctuated like turbulent waves, hovering in the center of the valley, as if it was isolated from the outside world.At the center of the giant wave, a man in a tight-fitting uniform of the Union Jack is staring at the surrounding giant wave intently, with his hands dancing to manipulate this breath, as if something is being constructed.

With such obvious dressing, his identity is naturally ready to emerge.

Captain England, Brian!

He wears a mask on his face, only revealing the part below his nose. It is not clear what he looks like, but the strong muscles under the uniform are clearly visible, full of explosive feeling, as if a powerful force is brewing that may burst at any time .Outside the valley, the deployment is tight.

The army, soldiers, superheroes, and the United Kingdom have almost all the power that can be used here, and even the target location of nuclear weapons is locked here. If impossible, nuclear weapons will be the last weapon!

The wind is bleak, everyone is nervously waiting for something!



"I do not understand what you're saying!"

The angry eyes were closed in an instant, and the princess looked at Su Zhan inexplicably."You said I hate the king and my husband. Isn't that absurd? Everyone knows that I have a good relationship with my husband!"

"From the perspective of others, your relationship is very good!" Su Zhan said lightly, and ran his fingers across the princess's cheek. The princess trembled slightly, and her brows wrinkled for a moment."Each one another, respect each other like guests! It's a pity, if a couple really respect each other as guests, most of the two people's feelings are not deep, just because the others are willing to respect each other but don't love each other! Otherwise, you are beautiful and your husband is fine. , TM respects each other like a guest? No matter how good the temper is, it is impossible for one to give up in the process of getting along, especially the husband that he loves so much! How can the familiar feeling after getting along, the feeling of seeing each other as himself, how can it be similar Rubin? Who would be so polite to himself?"

"Emotions come from somewhere. If you respect each other and no one will offend, where is the deep affection? Don't deny it! Just like now, although I humiliated you, I am sure that it is different in your heart! People who can impress and place in your heart not long after you just met, do you think this can be done by being respectful as guests?"

The princess opened her mouth. She wanted to refute just now, but now she is no longer able to refute, because what Su Zhan said... is right!

"Let’s talk about it, what is your purpose! I don’t think that a dignified princess, a princess who loves the king like glue, really sacrificed so much for the country. And you can see that although you are embarrassed and angry, you are that kind It’s just because you haven’t been treated this way, but you don’t have any guilt! This is unreasonable, so if you say...maybe you still have a chance, if you don’t say it, I just don’t know what to do and humiliate you Then continue to do what I want to do."

"I met my husband three years ago..." Finally, the princess said slowly."He is very handsome and handsome, and he is still a king. Every girl has such a vision, and I am no exception. But with the contact, I slowly discovered that what I saw was only an illusion, and what was under the illusion The truth makes me sick and makes me wish I could never see him! But, he is a king, even though he has no real power, he is still a king. He proposed to me and promised me that we had a grand wedding in others It seems to be very affectionate, but..."

The princess's volume increased a lot."But, I hate him more and more. Noble princess? Haha, I would rather be not. Every day is bright and beautiful, but at night I have to keep the empty room alone until I grow old and die! I am a normal woman, such a life... …For me, it’s not happiness, but torture! Especially when your husband is still under someone else's body...this torture has made me feel hatred!

"and many more……"

Seeing the hatred and hideous look of the princess, Su Zhan said dumbly: "You mean, since you realized that now, you haven't had any relationship?"

"Yes! We don't even sleep together. We are roommates rather than husbands and wives. We just live in the big bedroom of the palace together!"

"This is interesting!" Su Zhan stroked the princess's chin."Is he withered?"


The princess gritted her teeth.

"He is still 0!"

"Damn! This is big news!"

At first the princess said that the king was still under someone else's body, and Su Zhan thought the king was fooling around with other women.But if he is withered, it is still 0!What does Nima show?It shows that he is a base!

Friends who are not jokes!

Nima really has good friends, a quilt!

This Nima is definitely big news!

Su Zhan looked at the princess, thinking she was really pitiful.

I thought I found the prince charming, but the prince was true, but he was the prince riding on a horse.She was forced to marry him, pretending to look like a loving couple every day, and tolerating all this silently, even to his death!

No wonder, no wonder she came forward, the king did not stop.

Because the king didn't care if his princess was humiliated!

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