Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Descends Chapter 896


The queen looked down subconsciously and saw that there was an extra rope on the originally bald collar. Looking along the rope, the queen was stunned, then subconsciously got up and kneeled."Master, why are you here?"

The person here is Su Zhan.

Only Su Zhan can make a rope appear on the collar!

Su Zhan didn't speak, but just walked to her seat and sat down. The queen also cleverly turned around on the ground, bowing her head at Su Zhan's feet.

Looking at the queen condescendingly, Su Zhan had to admit that she would never feel that way if she was replaced by Wu Leike. The more noble her status, the more humiliated she would feel.

In fact, it really has nothing to do with respect or not, it's just a man's sense of conquest!

For example, if she is a more slutty woman, no matter how slutty she is in bed, she won't feel any special.

But if it is a particularly innocent woman, even those who hold hands and kiss will feel that it is a kind of sin. If trained, it will have a sense of accomplishment and conquest.

Su Zhan did not speak, and the queen did not dare to speak, did not dare to move, just bowed her head and knelt there.

Suddenly, Su Zhan raised his foot and put it on the queen's back. The queen trembled and did not move.

"Hate me?" Su Zhan asked.

"No hate!"

"Why? The respected queen is now kneeling at my feet and being a dog, don't you feel humiliated?"

"Looking at my husband being pressed by other men, I want to express our affection with a strong smile to the outside world. That is humiliation! Although I used to be a princess, I am just a puppet. Although I am now the master Of a dog, but I am myself!"

"I don't want my identity, not myself!"

"It seems that your hatred for him has changed your three views!" Su Zhan said.

The queen raised her head slightly and said firmly: "No, for me, a dog as a master is happier than a princess as a king."

"It's really distorted. Sure enough, rich people are abnormal. I am afraid that normal people will not make such a choice! Well, I can give you a chance. As long as you still do what I ask for, you can be a true and true person. Queen!" Su Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and then said.

"Let me choose?"


The queen fell silent, and Su Zhan also put his feet down.

It can be seen that the queen is seriously considering, because this is the last chance, whether to be a queen or a dog, once this choice is made, there is no possibility of change!

After a long time, the queen's eyes became firm.

Suddenly she looked up at Su Zhan, then lowered her head again, but this time her head was lower, until she reached the feet of Su Zhan, she kissed heavily.

"This time, it's my own choice!"

The queen raised her head firmly and said.

At that moment, she suddenly felt as if something had been added to her body, causing a certain kind of soul connection between her and Su Zhan!

Looking at the queen, Su Zhan smiled dumbly: "You just inadvertently completed a ritual, a worship ritual dedicated to me. This ritual will only be effective if you are sincere, or those who have faith in me will be effective! Look! Come, this choice is a decision you made after serious consideration, then...from now on, your body and mind will belong to me forever!"

"the host!"

The queen called in a deep voice.

"Let's take a bath together!" Su Zhan got up, took the rope and walked out. The queen didn't get up, but crawled like this, but his face was filled with joy and contentment.

How abnormal are the rich!

The cause of revenge, the accumulation of hatred gradually distorted her three views. If there was no Su Zhan, perhaps this distortion would have been suppressed, but with Su Zhan, with Su Zhan’s initial humiliation, her distortion seemed to be found In the same direction, it broke out completely, which created her now and created her current decision!


Early in the morning, the sun shone in through the curtains.

The queen slowly woke up and stretched out lazily. This is the most practical and satisfying sleep she has had for so many years.

Opened his eyes, there was a bright red blood stain on the bed sheet, but there was no one around him.

The queen was stunned and a little lost, followed by a sense of satisfaction and happiness.

She finally became a woman and experienced the taste of a woman!

Touching the collar on her neck subconsciously, the queen couldn't help being in a daze, and the footage from last night responded in her mind.

She still remembers being led by her master to crawl to take a bath.

She still remembered washing her whole body with her mouth.

She still remembered that feeling not only humiliated her, but also gave her an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

She still remembers that she was ready to be ravaged and played by her master, but the master was gentle and romantic, making her feel like she was on the wedding night!

"Master, don't need to be like this, I just..."

"I know, you think you are my dog, and I like it very much and I am satisfied. Since you are my dog, I naturally do whatever I want, so I will leave you a truly unforgettable romantic first time It’s not bad, at least, you won’t have any more regrets, even if you envy others in the future and regret your choice, at least remember... you are the same as them, the first time you have romance!"

Thinking back to the conversation last night, the queen's expression came to a clear sense of confusion.

"Once this time, it's worth it!"

Leaving England, Su Zhan returned to the Peak Palace in Sakura Province!

The number of people in the palace on the top of the mountain is much less than before. It seems that because of the increase in the territory, many people who had nothing to do have finally found something to do.

A matter of such a large territory naturally has to be managed by someone who can rest assured.

The lack of ability is not important, anyway, there is a ready-made template, and the strong strength of the war alliance country as a support will not cause any problems at all.But it must be loyal, loyal to the country of the war alliance, and loyal to the Soviet war.

The candidates were all chosen by Mariko.

I have to say that Mariko is indeed a good helper, and things are arranged in an orderly manner without any problems.Although there are fewer people, it is considered something to do after all. Even if you stay, Su Zhan may not always come back. It is better to deal with the territory. At least with this level of identity, Su Zhan is asking about the territory. See you again!

Su Zhan didn't have any opinion on this. It's okay to keep them in the cage of the'Mountaintop Palace' every day and feel a little guilty. Now that they can handle affairs, they don't have to worry about some mess, why not do it.

Moreover, Su Zhan thought for a while, if he conquered the entire world, there would be women everywhere he went, tusk...this is also quite interesting.

After returning to the palace on the top of the mountain, Su Zhan fuse the sword in the stone every day, accompany the remaining women, and occasionally pay attention to the progress of the territory.

Speaking of it, although the territories are somewhat scattered, but added together, although it is not the first big country, it has also instantly become a giant from a small country.

Now the impression of the war alliance country in people's eyes has also changed greatly. It turned out to be similar to Wakanda at best. Although it is strong, it has no influence in the world, but now it is different.

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