Marvel: The King is Coming

Marvel: The King Is Coming Chapter 899

Suddenly, Mary Jane's voice rose slightly, and she said excitedly: "She is a very famous singer and her own band. Recently, she is very popular!"

Seeing Mary Jane so excited, Su Zhan glanced at Laila subconsciously.

She has black hair and a leather coat with open arms. She is tall and slim, but she doesn't make people think of her as an airport.The temperament is a bit cold, and it really looks like a big star!

"She's not American, right?" Su Zhan asked.

Mary Jane said: "She is an Englishman, she was a little famous when she was in the UK, and then she came directly to the United States to be even more red and purple!"

"It's kind of interesting!" Su Zhan smiled. There is nothing celebrity. If he thinks, what kind of celebrity is there?It's not worth letting him say something interesting!What really made him find it interesting was that this Laila turned out to be a mutant!

Although I don't know what her abilities are, she is unique in running out as a singer!

Su Zhan remembered that this girl named Laila didn't plan to contact for the time being.

It took a lot of time for this meal to eat, drink, and chat. When the two came out, it was already past nine o'clock, but there was not the slightest silence, but more lively than during the day!

Mary Jane's face was slightly ruddy. Although it was only red wine, she drank a lot without knowing it.

"Let's go, I'll take you home!"

Riding the bike and blowing the night wind, Mary Jane gradually leaned her head on Su Zhan's back. The strong and broad back gave Mary Jane a feeling of reluctance.


When Su Zhan's voice sounded, Mary Jane remembered that she hadn't told him where she lived. Looking up, she had come downstairs to her apartment.

Chapter 1064

"Thank you, I am very happy today!" Su Zhan said towards Mary Jane.

Mary Jane whispered: "It should be me thank you! Me, I am also very happy."

"So, it seems that we should say goodbye at this time. According to the normal dating process, don't you think we have any shortcomings?" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"Are we dating?" Mary Jane wanted to ask, but was embarrassed to ask.As for the shortcomings, of course farewell to kiss!Thinking of this, Mary Jane got closer, tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek, then hurriedly backed away.

Touching his cheek, Su Zhan smiled and said, "Well, although this is wonderful, I am not talking about this..."

"Ah? What is that?" Mary Jane asked in amazement.

Su Zhan smiled: "Forget it, nothing, good night!"

"Night...good night." Mary Jane hadn't thought of what it should be, and Su Zhan was already smiling and turning into the car.Seeing Su Zhan leaving, she felt a little bit unwilling to give up, especially thinking of the happy time of this day, which made her subconsciously say: "Would you like to go upstairs for a cup of coffee?"

Su Zhan stopped, turned around, and said with a smile: "That's right, this is what's missing!"

Mary Jane's face flushed immediately. She didn't know what was wrong and she said so, and invited him upstairs to drink coffee. It's so late again, he...he would not What can you misunderstand?Mary Jane is very entangled, why didn't she say it out of control?

"What? Do you want to change your mind?"

"No, no."

"Then go upstairs!"

Su Zhan walked over with a smile and took Mary Jane’s little hand and walked in. She got on the elevator and pressed the floor number. Then Mary Jane reacted and watched Su Zhan never let go of herself, Mary Jane. Somewhat cramped, he subconsciously asked: "How do you know where my home is?"

Su Zhan smiled and said, "If you want to know, you will know."


The elevator door opened, the two walked out, and Su Zhan took her directly to her door.Mary Jane took out the key to open the door and whispered: "My house is very simple, may not be used to it."

"The environment is not important, the important thing is the people!" The door was already opened while speaking.

The room is really small, a bit like a single room in a hotel. The bedroom and the living room are connected together, and it looks like it is only 34 square meters.

The bed, the dressing table, the bathroom in the corner, and the suggested wardrobe next to the window. All kinds of clothes are placed there. It looks full and crowded.Although it is crowded, it is not too messy.Mary Jane was a little embarrassed to walk over and put her clothes away, and explained: "This is the best house I can afford. Housing prices in Hollywood are much more expensive than other places."

"I think it's pretty good, there are small benefits, at least not too deserted, living alone will not be afraid!" Su Zhan said with a smile.

"You, sit down first, and I will make coffee for you."

Seeing Su Zhan didn't seem to mind, and didn't mean to look down on herself, Mary Jane breathed a sigh of relief and said cheerfully.

Seeing Mary Jane busy making coffee for herself, Su Zhan walked to the window.Because the space is relatively small, the bed sits next to the window, and Su Zhan looks outside.

To be precise, look at a room in the opposite apartment!

Don't get me wrong, Su Zhan wasn't peeking at any beauty taking a bath or changing clothes. The room he was looking at was dim, the curtains were pulled, and the lights were not turned on, and it seemed that nobody was there.But... Su Zhan could clearly see that there was a person lying on the bed in the room, fully armed, with a lot of weapons on hand, and he seemed to be resting.

Winter Soldier!

This man is the Winter Soldier that the whole world is looking for!

Su Zhan came here because of picking up girls, and then he was found in many rooms when he looked outside. Of course it was not so coincidental!The reason why he came to Hollywood was because the Winter Soldier was so courageous. When the whole world was looking for him, he came to hide in the United States under the lights, and it was still such a prosperous place in Hollywood.

However, this Winter Soldier would hide opposite Mary Jane's house, which is quite coincidental, so that it is convenient for Su Zhan to kill two birds with one stone.

You will save trouble when you pick up girls and complete your goals at the same time!

"what are you doing?"

Mary Jane came over with coffee and asked curiously.

Su Zhan turned his head and took a sip of the coffee, and then said something that made Mary Jane almost keep the coffee in her hand!

"Can I live here tonight?"


Mary Jane’s heartbeat speeds up instantly, this... is it too direct?

"No way?" Su Zhan asked.

"No, it's not impossible, it's's just that I don't have a spare room here, this...isn't it going to be too fast?" Mary Jane drank coffee and concealed her panic, whispered.

"I only need half of the area. You don't agree that I will not cross the boundary." Su Zhan said in a gesture.

Mary Jane didn't speak, and she didn't know whether to agree or refuse, but when she didn't speak, Su Zhan assumed her acquiescence.

After smiling and saying thank you, Su Zhancai explained: "Do you remember the thing about the Winter Soldier I said before?"


"The room opposite, yes, that's the... he's in it!"

Su Zhan motioned to Mary Jane to come over, then grabbed her finger and said in the direction of the room.

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