My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudokin 197

What is it!

Laozi is the first four days!

Why is it to be persecuted by the woman every day!

The crutches in the hands of the king of the king of the king, the ghosts, the ghosts were drilled into the shadow after the laughter: this little ghost, there is a good show, Xiaodu, what do you do? ?

Zhiba picked his eyebrows, and the elves were collected, and suddenly there was interest.

The things happened quickly, the solution is fast, it may be just a farce in the eyes of all the audience. In their hearts, there may be someone in the opening ceremony, and then two trainers will take time, one protects the holy fire, one Herring the enemy, they will appreciate the two trains.

However, the parallel is looked up, and the inner walks.

Some of the trainers that are slightly strong, after seeing this scene, the eyes become more dignified.

The first thing is, the speed of the blackroa ... is much faster than the imagination!

Second, the trajectory curve of the blackroa destroyed the dead light and the precision is far from other blackroa!

Finally, that power ...


(It is not a small Towel!)

Xiaomao stood in the crowd, and there was no usual proud of his face. He also wants to shoot, but in the moment of seeing Xiaobu Ge, I don't know why, he feels that things have been solved.

At this moment, Su Xiaowu's strength was instantly buried a seed in most of the training.



Before the TV.

Northern and Wenxia and Xiao Zhi's mother also have a lot of Muwu and many uncle Auntie in real in the institute. Looking at the performance of TV Xiao Zhi and Su Xiaowu, there is a proud expression on his face.

"That ... Just now, the protection of the enemy is our son?" Wen Xia was shocked, and it was unbelred to look at this scene, and the surprise on his face was self-evident.

Su Nei grazing twisting, and the eyes suddenly be red: "It is a son, it is a son! There is a little wisdom!"

Xiao Zhi's mother is calm, smashed with his head: "Aka?"

Chapter 147 of the ace! Doure VS Su Xiaowu! (Add more)

Underground base on a wasteland.

The martial arts appeared on the screen in front of the martial arts and Xiaolang in the past, did not know why, suddenly felt some myocardial infarction.

The two people ... coupon.

Sakura sinking, a face, no more love, even if he didn't want to admit that this time, he owed Su Xiaowu that little ghost.

Why is it owed?

Just because Su Xiaowu is a moment to solve things, it is not given to the two people to say that he is a rocket line!

At the opening ceremony of the Quartz Conference, the newspaper is said to "We are the Rockets, come to grab your holy fire, you will make up, we are the rockets in the Milky Way, white cave white tomorrow is waiting for us 'In this case!

Sakukou reached out, think this picture is too beautiful, he is not too much to imagine!

And not to mention the holy fire, only a flameless bird, a little incarnation, he simply doesn't care, even if it is really grab, it is also a success rate after assembling all the rockets!

Otherwise, I really think that the president of Da Ma's alliance is really just a good old man?

There is also a bit worker at this time.

The girl of Musashi ... is the daughter of his Master, Xialairo is one of the world's top currency groups, and the only one who is currently discovered by the guy will only speak the elf of human language ...

And the qualifications of these three people are absolute!

In addition to grasping the small elves.

This, you can see from the most beginning training. The results of Musash are always the best name, Xiao Qi Lang is a moving human figure, how these two people have changed, the painting wind changed?

This two people have a cat, it looks nothing, but it is not suitable in which position is in the Rockets. After all, their identity is too special, a non-good arrangement, it is very likely to bring the Rocket team to a 10,000-footed point .

Oh, a man.

Sakura reached out and touched the hair of cat branches around him, with his arrogance, the human condition of Su Xiaowu will naturally, but what is it too ...



The opening ceremony of the quartz assembly is safe.

Many viewers have a sudden small mistake of this suddenly happened, but they have met this trainer who is called Su Xiaowu and Xiao Zhi. It is also for their brave applause.

The newcomer trainer players played in the competition also entered the lottery venue.

Outside the venue, I have already filled the audience who fails to buy the opening ceremony, all the emotions, etc., etc., all written on the face.

Su Xiaowu and ink two people strolled on the street.

Xiao Yeard, low, low: "In fact, you don't have to be a bird. You owe the 3 million guaranteed peace of the Lang Tuition, it is already clear when it is passed. Just ... Your practice is not Wise, do you understand what I mean? "

After the hands of Su Xiaowu, after the brain, Pikachi sucks a bottle of beverages in his shoulders, "The dead demon, just kill him."

Ink: "..."

Why do you still have a little in Lang women's clothing!

Su Xiaowu touched the head of the skin, I thought: "Then let them owe me a human condition, nothing."

The small ink looked at him, suddenly swayed: "Have you ever thought that the level of two people can appear on the opening of the Quartz Conference, maybe? If there is no union? The unprofitable alliance is to take this opportunity to beat the giants ... "

Su Xiaowu nodded: "I thought about it."

Xiao Yao sighed: "I have thought about it, do you still do a bird? Do you count this? If the alliance is pursued, even the Amu and Kao King don't necessarily hold you!"

Su Xiaowu secretly said something bad.

He only wanted to save Musashi and Xiao Lang, completely ignored the attitude of the alliance!

The alliance will definitely take the opportunity to live, beat the giants, which is inevitable!


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