My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudokin 199

It is also two chapters of 7200 words, but also owes 11.5.

In addition, tonight 9 o'clock on time broadcast sing + codeword, cough cough, if you come to watch, more than 30 people, and keep 1 hour is not less than 30 people, free to add more chapters, said Do it! Everyone can sway search ID: 86490173. No matter what you come, what is going to do, welcome. Of course, it is also arranged in B standby live, and is applying for qualifications. If you arrange it, you will notify you.

Chapter 148 starts on the battle of Wang! (Two in one)

" ... !"

I heard the voice and looked at the people who had appeared in front of him, Su Xiaowu quickly stood up and shouted.

Xiao Ye is also surprised. It is just to stand up, but it is dried down by Kaja, and it is in the seat: "Don't be cautious, I just have a look, and I have just doing it on the opening ceremony!"


I heard the evaluation of Cherish, the small ink low down, she just is also discussing this topic with Su Xiaowu, the result ... This is a few minutes, this is the master of Master?

Really ... some people have a good job.

Su Xiaowu did not have too much entanglement on this topic. Instead, it was seriously seen to take the department: "That ... have you said it really? The player called Doucher ..."

Coat is smiling, the face is not red, and the meaning of the eyes is awkward. "Yes, and he is indeed a disciple of the Tianwang, the strength is naturally not to say more."


Su Xiaowu is deeply sightened, and the eyes are hot, and Core is the first one of the first King of Kings, and there is also a variety of investments. He dreams that this seems both iceberg and gentle. People's apprentices, silence, and tone: "I will win."

Coat is a smile, soon, it is standing up and shot. I am afraid of his shoulders: "Come on, I am optimistic about you, about tactical choice, you can think more, although it is the scene of the grass, don't be limited to using the grass The magical baby, and also consider the choice of the magical baby of the grass system, then take himself into the other's thinking ... "

"To make the last magical baby choice."

After saying these, Koma seems to be a long and slow walk.

Little ink looks at the back of her leave, I can't help but want to spit again: Attribute, it is really not important, even if it is Du Mie, Du Youwei's apprentice, it is equivalent to playing a talent. Is it?

Waiting for the Wait, Su Xiaowu responded.


This person sounds like it is very familiar.

To ... right!

Champion of the Silver Conference!

It is also known as the soy sauce champion as the netizen, as the champion-level trainer is not very enough than other trainers. I used my armor rhinoceros to defeat the Black Luka of Yue Yue, and Iron Iron Horse was overcast. In the animation of Bao Dream, just appear in this plot, compared to other champions, it is much low.

Well ... No matter what to say, the champion is also a champion.

The gold content of the Silver Conference is not poor than the quartz meeting, and even the strength of the player is also more improved!

However, the words he just said just now, he is deeply in touch.

The venue of the grass, the choice of the elf, first in such an environment, the magical baby who chooses a grass system is inevitable, then if the other party thinks, it will also get on the fire system. The magical baby, then the magical baby of the restraint fire is the water system, and the water system is electrical ...

Xiao Yu looked at him to tangled his eyes, and finally sighed: "That ... I personally suggest you really don't have to tangle too many properties, is Black Roba not known as full property, directly, Then I saw that you were somewhat terrible, directly, the last Pika huple axis, preventing the opposite side of the water. "

What is the magical baby of the other party? Directly open, directly push it!

The opponent is stronger, the big needle bee in the martyrdom?

You can make a record with the big needle bee to make the Saku Museum, the Lord is a look, in the end, what is afraid!

Su Xiaowu raised his head, nodded, and then quickly finished the meal. The little elf used in the rank of the rating afternoon. "I know, I want to use what magical baby."



the other side.

In the room.

Du Yue, the face is somewhat complicated, he didn't think about it, 255, the probability, actually, it is not as good as it is not as good as the lottery.

Douxis sat on the couch, two hands together, the thumb is somewhat uneasy, he looked up at Master, the silent of the window, "Master ... The game, I have no confidence." Although I also confident on myself, according to many people said, the battle about Changzhou Forest, about that Pikachi ... Although I don't know if I have passed, I haven't confident winning. "

Favrating back, looking at your apprentice, there is a sunshine on his face: "There is pressure is right, but don't give yourself too much pressure, you can play it."

Douxin nodded: "Master, the afternoon of the game ... What is the elf I do?"

I'm thinking about: "This is determined by the grass system, it must be the magical baby of a grass system, but the other party is definitely the fire property is used to restrain, but at the same time, think of restraint The water system of the fire, and the thinking of each other, if the other party is the water system ... "

Douxin heard the words, reaching out, holding down the Babi thought for a long time: "Master, really started using the ace elf? This is the qualifier ..."

I have sighs, even if I don't want to admit, I have to admit that the apprentice of Koai is indeed a little enchanting. This kind of thing is needed in this kind of normal situation, but it is the first game. The enchanting.

In this case, it is also hidden ...

Don't play behind.

So, the Daw is also deep sucking: "Don't keep the strength, take out three strongest ace yolk, just right attributes, you can let the trainers here see the elves in other regions! "

Doure is silent: "understand."



After registering from the player, the Su Xiaowu thief buddha face will be small ink, and the eyes are serious.

Small ink looked up at him, and his face had a slight red lotion: "What's wrong?"

Su Xiaowu first looked around, then put it close to the face, hold the wall behind the small ink, gently opening: "Help me find a casino, this game of the quartz meeting, must have, this afternoon, buy me win."

The ink recovered the light look, and took the arm of Su Xiaowu, and thoughtfully thoughtfully: "Don't be too urgent, this is just starting the game, some casino rules in the quartz meeting are not the same, and it is not recommended to bet now, and Whoever wins most of the game, basically don't make money. "

"If you want to make money, you basically buy a string of three, or you can clear the pressure than a few win! That is, you must first press you, then make sure you have used a few elves win. "

Su Xiaowu heard all over, he widened his eyes, some didn't believe: "Isn't it lost? It's a few win a few win, you can press the ghost!"

The little ink is calm, so there are at least 10 trainers in this 256 players are a player bought by a casino, used in the dark box. "

When Su Xiaowu, the brow wrinkled, and the tone was a bit: "This is the quartz meeting, the world's top events, actually have a player to be bought? This is simply an insult training."

Little ink is smirked: "Then you don't bet."

Su Xiaowu: "..."

Yes, people have been bought to be bought, and they are all assigned.

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