My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudokin 209

It is also a little bit of the state of the armor. If it is currently, it is not perfect to master this trick, and the load of this trick is quite large.

Speed ​​speed!

Su Xiaowu is in the eyes, and the three hooks in the pupil will receive all the eyes in the middle of the venue.

On the other hand, Du Yue has not come and issued an instruction, it is to see the Pikachi's figure has disappeared, and it is chasing the flame horse in high-speed run.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

That's it, the cold hair he has up and down is inverted!

He saw the speed of Pikachi, almost exceeded his flame horse!

The center of the venue, I don't know how Pikach is done. It is actually in the outer circle of the flame horse run again and again.

If the previous flame horse is in the form of a fire circle, it will be in the form of Picca.

And ... next second.

The three fingers of Pikachu suddenly stab.

Time is at this moment ... It seems to be stationary.

It seems that everything in the world has slowed down.

With the fingertips of Pikachi right hand, this world is like exploding at this moment.





The low fried sound is resounded throughout, and there is a substantially spread all around, and under this , a crack, quickly spread on the ground.

The terrible energy shock wave diffuses, the entire venue has a sign of collapse.

At this instant, the body of the flame horse suddenly turned like a streamlined and then retired, appearing on the most edge of the venue.

On his side, there is a amazing horror scar, which is staying with blood.

Douxin pinchs his palm, nail into the skin, biting his lips for a long time.

When the smoke is scattered, he looked at the middle of the venue. The three fingers turned into two fingers, not, but there is no breathing, but it is more prosperous, and there is a strong unwilling.


"Why do you want ...?"

With the eye of Du Yue, it is naturally seen. In the final critical moment, Pichachu deliberately slowed down, giving the opportunity to fighter horses, but also intentionally thorns, three homes Body

I heard the voice, Su Xiaowu in the opposite command area, but he was full of respect: "Because ... I recognize that you are a very strong opponent, at least I have currently encountered the strongest opponent (except Some road homes trainers). "

"And the game between us is not a match to live and die."

"So I am trick, I can use it twice, so I hope you can surrender now, otherwise, next time, you will not stay again."

Doucher pinned his fist, biting his lips, and the complexity of the heart has reached the extreme.


Such gaps make him some weakness.

The other party has put so much water, and then it is just self-discipline.

In the end, Douxin slowly reached out, lifting the sky, in the referee, and all the eyes of all the audience: "I lost, I waive."

The referee heard the words, hesitated for half a second, then raised the flag in his hand: "Due to the Wuster player, the victory of the venue of this scene is from the real new town!"

Until at this time, thunderous applause sounded throughout the venue.

Small ink collapsed the thousand paper cranes in his hand, stood up, smiled: "Congratulations, playing!"

Xiaopeng looked at the quarter from the quarter-five slices of Piku, there was a touch of despair. How did he want to pass, why a mouse, a mouse, will have such a horrible attack ability! But he is also a smile: "Congratulations, Xiao Wu Ge."

[: Complete the main line task, the first game of the quartz meeting, a string of three opponents, reward gold coins * 100000, four-leaf straw * 600.

Su Xiaowu, this is relieved, and I will take a picking from the venue to rush to the Piqiu in my arms, and I have a forehead: "Beautiful!"

Is this game easily?

To be honest, in addition to the must, it is almost the end!

Don't look at a string of fighting, but such a battle is almost exhausted, it is not tight of thinking. At this time, he actually has a feeling of distressing. I only feel that I am in front of it. Unclear, everything is blurred without specific image.

The retina seems to have lost its original role. Everything is covered with a faint red, like falling into the red clouds, can't see others, and I can't see yourself.

Have you been?

That is impossible.

Su Xiaowu knows that he should be caused by the use of the white eyes again, and it will be recovered if you need to take a break.

However, vision has dropped again ... it is certain.

At this time, the cheers of the venue is deafening, and the small ink seeing Su Xiaowu's state is somewhat, and the eye is happy. It will focus on himself, then slowly go out of the game through the channel, and leave the game. A training man who is about to play.




The king is full of tones, with his eyesight, can't see that Pikachu in the final hand.

He is complicated with him, turning his head and looked at the scorpion, black face put a few high-quality energy squares on the table, and then blackded out.

He is a king, gambling lost this kind of thing, nature will not pay for it.

Anyway, look for a chance, and then it will come back.

The goal of the Tianwang, everyone in the scene is naturally clear, but after the King of Tianwang, everyone is also turning back, looking at the calm Kaja, the envy of the heart ... It goes without saying.

In just a few months, I traveled my apprentice to the real truth-style or even higher level. The most critical is that Koa Tiangu did not teach him anything, but it is completely hell who les on them. Torp ...

Just ask if your gas is?

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