My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 244

However, her voice did not fall, suddenly there is a man standing in a place not far away, just look at her quietly.



The department turned over, did not wait for the response in the phone, it was hanging, and then put the phone back in the pocket, and there was a clear tone: "I didn't expect it to be you, it seems you Also falling ... "

The man is smiling, quietly looks at the department: "Young people do things, let the young people go to solve it? We have two more chats here."

The department picks the eyebrows. At the same time, it is also aware of the call to the phone that has just been aware of the consciousness: "Since I haven't seen you for a long time, you have a lot of words to talk to me, it is better to live. But I am more curious ... Dai Yu, the side of the mother-in-law and the side of Zhimi, who are you sending? "

[Cough and cough, don't worry, I have to ensure that the quartz meeting will be finished, I will not write the similar Chinese tolerance test to half, then the wooden crash plan will not continue, or the demon tail The S-class exam is taken to half, and the seven will attack the story that will end by the exam ... It's uncomfortable.

[I estimate that if I don't write and the battle of the beast male, you can kill me, so no matter what, I must write the battle of the beast male, rest assured!

The author's words: La la, it's still more, it is still owed 31.5! Continue to seek blades, reward, monthly tickets, and recommendations! Recommended ticket must be cast, thank you!

In addition, the proposal: "We are in the opposite role, it's all written in the face."

Introduction: Directly in countless worlds, find the last [mission], do you want to live again? Experience a completely different life?

I will be invincible, I want to think. Also known "Successful Learning Role"

Chapter 172 Safe? The original pars of the beast? (Two in one)

the other side.

Su Xiaowu took a sigh of breath, calmly walked out of the channel, and he was easy to discover in the lobby in the lobby. "Because of his appearance.

Su Xiaowu is slightly closed, and when you open your eyes again, I have established my heart in Pikawu.

(Pikachi ... I found a few?)

Pikachu squinted on his shoulders, stunned, and the heart replied: 9, do not enter the goods, you can yin them.

Su Xiaowu picked his eyebrows, and once in an instant, he knew what the so-called yin is what it means.

Along the way, Su Xiaowu has a "leisurely laughing and laughing, the flowers blooms, and the temper is not surprised." When you use the white eye, you will use the white eye to track him.

These people seem to be professional, at least in tracking skills and fit, it is entirely necessary.

However, there is no ovulation, referred to as the ovity.

Under the white eyes, all traces ... are all illusions.

At this time, Su Xiaowu really couldn't help but publish the inner sigh. In this case, he is not only tense, but there is a kind ...?

It is a good time than life, the biggest happiness is not the end of the end, but appreciates all the way beautiful scenery. The secret of life is to find a way that best suits you, not due to rough, difficult and retreat ...

Ok, this bowl of chicken soup is inappropriate here.

When I arrived in the park, I didn't think about what he thought, because of the relationship between the quartz meeting, there was no one in the park.


He stood a foottet, slightly turned back, smiled and opened, and there was no shock in the clouds of light and light tones: "Follow me all the way, brothers?"

The breeze blows, the leaves of the leaves.

Su Xiaowu stretched out the left hand ** hair, looked at the unhappy scene, and there was a smile.



Tracking Su Xiaowu's people hiding in the grass, behind the trunk, a total of 13 people, the head of the head looked at him with a smile, there was no nervous emotion, I don't know why, my heartbeat suddenly quickly shouted.

The task he got is to grab all the magical baby of this training. Then take the study.

After all, this is completely excellent in this world's original skills, completely breaking the small elves of the property, and the research value ... too big! And if the situation is allowed, the death of this trainer can be!

As long as the elves get your hand!

However, in this moment, he suddenly felt that the kind of breath came from this teenager ...

Let him feel too dangerous!

"Don't come out ... Don't blame me ..."

" ..."

" ..."

"Hey ... ah ..."

The man headed only and heard this sentence. Suddenly there was a subtle voice sounded. At this moment, the cold hair in all his body was blown up, almost a manner, he didn't think it was the original. Di!

At the moment you jumped from the place, his Yu Guang suddenly found two hidden companions have fallen on the ground, completely fainted.

The shadow of the third companion under the feet suddenly emerged, the shackles of the shackles, the red pupils were almost instantaneous, and they didn't see it. .

Other members have also quickly jumped away from the origin.

This is not tight, a jump ... just put yourself on the road!

Suddenly there is a black flame in the air, the man headed by the header only heard a 'Tianzhao', then ... When he turned his head, he found that the eight companions around him suddenly had a black flare, one In the moment, it fell from the air and made a dull voice.

too fast……

This sudden change allowed him to have a cold half.

Almost a three members including him, and quickly touched the elfball in his hand, but they have not come out and throw out, and suddenly there is a gentle bird whispered in the air ...


Two sounds.

Three sounds.

In an instant, the sound of hundreds of birds were formed.

One second, in his pupil, the golden pickupqi has a sudden disappearing in the original place. The man suddenly felt a stinging in the body's thigh, and suddenly found that his thigh is suddenly discovered. ... a blood cavulation appears there.

Pikachu is pulled out of his own paw, and disappeared again, such as the legal arm, wear another man's thigh ...


At this point of sneak attack, Su Xiaowu is very satisfied, and 12 people have been solved in an instant, only one that has not been solved.

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