My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 262

The referee will go in that the protective cover consisting of energy squares, there is also cold sweat, and the heart must jump out. Fortunately, he just ran quickly, in the instant of Lei Yun in the sky, it was quickly withdrawn from the competition area, otherwise he has been struggled!

"The lightning bird lost combat ability, so the winner is Pikachi!"

The black cloud will be dissipated, the sun will rise, and the land is ground.

be quiet!


When the referee announced the winner of this round, the scene was strange, it appeared to be extremely unhappy.

Everyone only feels that there is such an instant in the order of the maintenance of the world's peace, and it suddenly collapsed.

God beast.

God beast!

Actually defeated by one ordinary to Pichchu, which could not be ordinary!

They can't accept it.

I can't accept it.

" ..."

Just in this stun situation, suddenly there was a speaker to take my own hands and began to applaud: "Beautiful! Piku! It's too exciting!"

This scorpion is too abrupt, so that everyone's eyes have turned over.

Even Su Xiaowu couldn't help but turn over and looked at it, found this person, actually a little wisdom!

" ..."

" ..."

That is, this moment, with the first applause, his two trainers began to applaud.

"Wonderful! Beautiful!"

"Hey ~~~ Su Xiaowu player, I am optimistic! Come on!"

"Come on, Su Xiaowu!"

Because the leader of the Chicker, the audience of the venue is constantly being initially applauded, and begging him to cheer! After all, in the cognition of the audience, you can win the beast with an ordinary elf, they have never thought!

And now there is a trainee to do it!

Su Xiaowu's cheers and applause of the audience were also slightly smashed. He touched his nose and suddenly an embarrassment of feelings.

What do you win?

So, as long as the system gives rewards, who is tube, straight brightening blood.

Dack multi-face complicatedly looked at Su Xiaowu, deeply took a breath, and the shock in his heart didn't have to say more. He hooked back to the elf, and he was irritated.

Although he didn't expect a lightning bird to pose all the elves behind Su Xiaowu, but he did not expect that the lightning bird is actually not enemy Kiku! And it's the state of Pikachi ... At least there is still a bottom card!


Dacko slowly called the tones, even if he was irritated, he also knew that the game was still going to continue, the strength of the lightning bird may not look forward to the ordinary trainer, but for him, It is not strong.

Because he still has a stronger elf!

Dack also glanced over the opposite Su Xiaowu, slowly picking down the elves hanging below the neck and then kissed it.

Thank you, you can meet such a strong opponent.

Thank you for letting me know that there are mountains outside the world, someone else.

Thank you for your dazzling skills.

But ... this is over!

You are very strong, but ... I also have a reason not to lose!

Dacko opened his eyes, suddenly throwing out the elves in his hand: "Go, my ace! Daclay!"

With his voice of his voice.

There is no sign-like, among the venues, the dark magic baby appears in the venue, floating in half, giving people an extremely cold feeling.

Shadow treasure dreams. The small head has a white fog-like hair ornament, which shizes only a pair of bright blue eyes. Its neck is surrounded by a red serrated structure like a collar. There is a long black buckle on both sides. Shape looks a bit like a hopper with a broken cloak.

Su Xiaowu is slightly hesitial.

Finally, it is going to fight.

This Daclai!

The Piqiu in the venue once again breathed a few mouthfuls, recovered some physical strength, standing straight, scarlet eyes, three hooks jade again turned again!

Even if it is not yet hit, Pikahiu is a feeling of this imagudelling (deliberately checking the information) The cold feelings come up.

The appearance of this Eudemon beast, let Pikun have also determined one thing.

Shuijun ... is not its opponent!

What to do ... I am not very good.

Su Xiaowu is also squinting, began to meditate. He remembers that when the Austrian conference, the Chicker can use 4 elf to push up a Daclai, in the game, Dalclai Garai Oisi is an overwhelming advantage Winning the Zhister, but Su Xiaowu always feels more than some of the beasts of Daclai, or the special articles (comics) than the theater version ...

Dicko's Daclai ... did not give people to the feeling of heaven.


Ok, when you are fart.

However, when the competition has not started, the organizer suddenly announced a moment, because the prior picchu's tricks, the skills of Kirin, the scene of the venue because there is no way to make another game.

So in the waiting period of several minutes, Su Xiaowu is shocked to look at the deep pit, and there is a bang sound, but the moment, the ground has risen on the ground.

Grass venues!

Su Xiaowu also took a deep breath and felt great pressure, the eyes of his eyes, his eyes and Dick multi-players were instantly collided together.

The two people have a strong war!


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