My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 342

It is not the one who picks up the kind of car battle, but it is three!

This strength is indeed a bit unexpected.

However, although this, Su Xiaowu does not feel that his Pichaku is really a three elf, more, possibly because of the type of 'Xianli' in the rotation of the retrieval. What is caused by the percentage of the ordinary elf, coupled with the skills of the other side, if you really fight again, if you want to play again, you may not be the result.

Moreover, he looks very clear, in the end, Koma is clearly taken out a wizard, do not know why it takes back, which makes Su Xiaowu feel that there is no way.

But ... said it back.

Winning is a win!

No need to be self-purple!

The strength of ourselves and Pikachu is unfoubted!

In the face of Xiaoyu, Xiaolu's eyes stopped a moment, quietly sucking, then re-putting his eyes in the battle, Pikaqiu has died because of the losing too much force to the ground, Hippo Wang, Ironfa, and Lips Sister Only the elves are there, lose combat ability, and the status of Koa looks very good. There is a small wound in the whole body, and the clothes are somewhat broken, and the hair is a little messy.

I saw that the department sighed, and slowly supported her body. Holding another arm in one hand, swaying, first walking to the iron mapping and lips, will recover it into the elf, then pick up the ground I have done a good ice, this is silent again, slowly take out the elves to the distance, the hippic hippi is open, and the Elf ball is emitting a burst of red light, and it will be returned.

But in this case, the ice of the ice is actually intact, which is a little surprised by everyone who is present, including the Ko.

According to reason, this level of attacks, Ironbeakes and Lips are not able to pick up, lose combat ability, and the ice should be dissipated.

However, when this idea was just taking angle, the people in her hands suddenly turned into a beach water, slowly dripping from the fingertips.

Tuina: "..."


"Xiao Wu, we ..." Xiaoli looked at Keina not far away, some serious open: "This time, we should ..."

"Not urgent."

However, the voice is still not falling, Su Xiaowu's voice is quietly ejected: "Wait a minute, first look at Koa, I always feel that things seem to be somewhat unsatisfactory."

Just talking about the two, the two originally used by the ice hand, and the hand is quiet, because the disappearance of the ice, the handcuffs naturally do not exist.

The little ink is slightly lost, soon, it is not so much. I saw her slightly sinking. "I don't care what you want, I can do it, but once Koa Pikugchu made any move, then I will start the secret! "


Su Xiaowu is strange, and some curiosity asked: "Hand? When are you arranged? I didn't find it!"

Little ink is proud to look at him, then I have returned: "Don't you do it? Don't think I didn't find it!"

Su Xiaowu touched the nose, did not explain, did not refute, did not defend, his indefinite did it!


the other side.

Other battlefields.

Because Su Xiaowu and Xiaoyu have encountered Kaina, it should be that Na Zi and Xiaolai, who have encountered Kai Tu, actually and Xiaomao and the oranges!

The strength of Jiuzi's mother-in-law is far more powerful than the original comics!

Ma Zhi's encountered Zhizhi, Xiao Huang and Xia Bo, who met Zhi Hui, Xiao Huang and Xia Bo as the original one.

Everyone on the island has been induced by the dramatic fluctuations from the stalactic stone, and the sound of fried, when the dramatic sound stops, everyone's heart has a doubtable look.

Then there is someone else to win!

who is it!



The Bo took the body, slowly went to Pikacu, and it was extremely complex to see because of the excessive use of strength, hesitated for a long time, only to open: "I know that you are not dead, don't hide, you Out, there is also that ... Lukaro. "

"It is me lost, this battle, you won!"

I heard the sound, Su Xiaowu, he just wanted to stand out, and the little ink on the side took his arm: "Don't move, she is scam!"

Su Xiaowu was slightly smashed, and his eyes stayed in Koa, only whispered: "No, she really discovered us, and I have known that we hide here!"

When the small ink is a face, but when she looks at Keina, she finds that the lack of attention is calm, and the ancient well is not wave, just look at her and Su Xiaowu.


Xiao Wu said is true!

She is really discovering!

Is it so strong for four days?

In the inner heart, some are slogan: "..."

The author's words: 4,500 words this chapter, more words are considered, do not count, but also, don't say that I'll.

In addition, the reward is still continuing, everyone's shelf blade, monthly ticket, recommended ticket, all voted to persecute me, rough calculation, now add ten more.

Chapter 222, the special article ends and the gift! (triple)

The little ink carefully watched the eye of Su Xiaowu, the right eye appeared normally, but the left eye has become a circle of corrugated corrugations, strange to the extreme.

Most importantly, in the corrugated pupil, give her a huge pressure, even as the companion, she can feel the feeling of the oppression.

"Even if she discovers us ..." Xiaol wrinkled with the eyebrows, the exclusion of this feeling effort, curious opening: "How to say, I always feel that you are now in this state, very evil."

Su Xiaowu picks the eyebrows, did not refute, then stand up and slowly lifted the footsteps, came out from the back of the rock.

Xiao Yao sighed, and he came out, and it was hidden in the second day behind the rock.

Your owner is going out, you still hide here!

Tackar stood in front of Pica, and then slowly reached out and put it up.

Xiaoyu just wants to do this, Su Xiaowu reached out in front of her: "It doesn't matter, Cherish is no longer planned to play again."

Xiaolu thought about it, stopped the mind of wanting to shoot.

Koa took Pikawu, and his eyes were complicated. He looked at it. My task is over, and there is no significance of playing again. "

"And ... I have seen it, I have never seen you."

There is no expression in Koh, staring at his turn back to the eye, and slowly speak: "Although I don't know what your eyes are going, I can feel that now, my strength makes me some can't see it. Like, even so, then, then the trainer, I really saw it for the first time. "

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