My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 365

Done hell ...

This is the real done hell!



Loche is extremely difficult to resist these energy releases, however, whenever it wants to mention these patterns to expel, there is always a strange fluctuations that you don't know unknown, all the power of it is all dispelled!

Under the complicated expression of the Aport's main face, the Loche is shaking in the half-air, and the breath is also more inclined.

The eyes of the Aport Lord, the colors of the strong, he has never thought of it, even if he has sent the beast like Lockya, it turned out that the whole process was pressed against ... Lockya will get a such level because of the attack of Shujun.

"You can ... I ... I have been able to continue, and the next game doesn't have to continue."

The sound of drifting, quietly rang throughout the game.

All the travelers on the stage only suddenly returned to God after hearing such a voice, I saw that they were unified to stand straight, and they were in the stand on the stage, and they turned around, then turned, the pace is extremely neatly. In the edge of the game.

Xiao Yao took a deep breath, then slowly stood up, put the thousands of paper cranes back into the backpack, and shake his head.

Playing ... too hot.

This kind of movement, I am afraid that several other neighboring cities feel? Do you still want to play so hard?

The referee hesitated, this announced the results of the game: "Due to the subject of Aport, winning the competition is the Su Xiaowu from the real new town."

The result is true and effective.

No moisture!

This is the first time, Su Xiaowu completely defeated a trainee trainer who used the full force to completely defeated its own strength!

A speed recovered Rockya, the facade smiled, slowly went to Su Xiaowu, touched a badge from the pocket, then handed out: "This flying wing badge ... You are completely qualified to get it, I hope that you can achieve more excellent results in the next and behind the silver conference! "

Su Xiaowu is also recovering the water king, took a flying wing badge, touched the touch, and almost the same as the badge there, only the pattern is not the same.

This flying wing badge, it is really a bit too hard.

The cerebon melon is ... ... The mental use is over!

"Thank you, the Lord, the Lord, then ... I will accept it!"

[: Complete the main line task: defeat the Lockya of the Laozhong Museum, let him know that our flying badges in the Puquanna Hall! Mission completion reward: gold coins * 500000, four-leaf grass * 3000!


This game is really unwinding. After the end, Xiao Ye stood around him, and some curiosity asked: "Why do you want to fight so?"

Su Xiaowu wondered: "After all, I am the runner of the quartz meeting, so long, I should let everyone know that I will come back! Why, still say that they look down on me this runner?"

Xiao Ye turned over white eyes and lazy to care.

It's a bitter laughing and saying that I can't help but laugh: "Okay, your company has a gold content, the champion does not dare to say anything, but I am miserable, my underwear is to lose."

For this joke, the small ink just laughed and didn't talk.

It is Su Xiaowu to sink, and the opening: "Do not worry, underwear is there. Marriage law is also a property, property segmentation is still in force, the underwear is personal property, it is not necessary to give it."

The author's words: the difference is 300 words 6000 words, according to the three chapters, less 300 words make up tomorrow, but also owed 22.

Continue the Buddha to ask. (You look at the knife in my hand, don't vote, I will hack me you can see the update!), By the way.

[Take a hemorrhoid, postponed to 6 o'clock update.

The author is going to cut hemorrhoid surgery, postponed to 6 o'clock update, please understand.

Let's get 100 words, not black.

Let's get 100 words, not black.

Let's get 100 words, not black.

Let's get 100 words, not black.

Let's get 100 words, not black.

Let's get 100 words, not black.

Let's get 100 words, not black.

Chapter 233 is famous early. (First more)

After Su Xiaowu left, he returned to the work area. He smiled and picked up the phone. On the other end of the call, a white hair, the face looks quite a serious elderly appeared there: "A speed ... oranges happened ? I have inducted you to fight the Rockya. "

Time, Auda's face became a bit stiff, he hesitated halfway, only showed a bitter laugh again: "You are a predecessor of Liu Bo, it is so far, you can feel the movement you came out."

"There is no matter what happened, that is, some people challenge the Taoist game, and then I used Loche."

The opposite ancient will will pick the eyebrows, and suddenly wonder it: "Hey, you fight with the challenger?"

The voice just fell, and it was a call request for numbers of trainees of trains.

"A speed, what happened over, why I feel the breath of Loche!"

"A speed, is there anything happening?"

"Audio, is there dangerous?"

For a time, the Pen, the Xiaoyu City, Manjin City, the latter of the city of Yuanzhu, and the trains of the trains were opened, and they also had a dignified meaning.

In their opinions, you can make A Shuxia's magical baby like Lockya, and explode the power of the environment that can change the entire cowaeng market, and the situation may be nothing.

A speed is in the face of so many trainees of trains, and the face is rising red. There is a kind of impulse who wants to cry: "That ... that, thank you for your concern, it ... In fact, there is nothing, orange narrow market There is no big accident that happens. "

A pen is smashed, a slap in the face: "A speed, if there is any difficulties on you, there must be timely, now the thoughts of the alliance have been in this matter, the center of gravity is temporarily in the Rockets. And those other forces, once you really have problems, please let us know! Our city alliance ... "

The voice did not fall, and Aka sighing and swaying, and quickly interrupted the discourse.

This group can no longer guess it.

I can't guess what is the situation of being guessed!

So Akai took a sigh of breath: "No, there is no happening, I just fight against the trainers of Taga."

A: "..."

Xiao Wei: "..."

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