My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 370

Tu is still not agreed. In her concept, the exercise apprentices can be the hell level, and it is nothing more than a way. After the potential and strength of the training, the potential and strength of the training, the reach will go to a certain time. MEGA evolution, it is natural to be water to the stream.

But now I am suddenly informing these semi-new people's trainers, their little fake can quickly skyrocketing a big strength ...

This temptation, for them, it is definitely fatal!

Looking at Koa's brow frowned, the Champion was also sighed. "Do you really think that I am with you telling the information? I know what MEGA evolution, now basic foreign hall training They may not be able to control this power, but I am optimistic about Du, his potential is far more than what we have seen now, just like Su Xiaowu ... they all have infinite future possibilities, we have these pioneers , Just give them a direction, how to choose it, or to see themselves. "

"It's too early ... with the personality of Douxin and Su Xiaowu ..." Kuahi shook his head: "Su Xiaowu did not say, with the character of Du Yue, if you encounter with Su Xiaowu at the Silver Conference, it must be exhausted "

"And I want to win Su Xiaowu, unless I open MEGA evolution, it is no play, of course, even I have opened MEGA evolution, and I have not necessarily ..."

The voice did not fall, the Championship suddenly was dark.

Why, do you think that my educated apprentices are not as good as you?

You must think that you will win!

Koa feels this grievance, and the opening: "There is a saying, Su Xiaowu and Audio, you also induced it, and also looked at the video. To say, don't say it is Du Mei, even you and I, now if I can't open MEGA evolution, I dare to say that can be stable? "

There is a moment of lag in the office.

When the Championship was in the face of such words, suddenly, I suddenly thought about it, and Su Xiaowu's progress is not afraid.

In that battle, whether it is controlling the skill, or the grasp of the timing, or the understanding of the elf, there is also his strange skills ... I am afraid that the current trainee training is afraid of making full strength, all Not his opponent.

If it is Du Mings, it is really not necessarily the opponent of this guy!

I thought here, the ferry was a little bad, so she was swaying, suddenly it seems to think about what is like: "Yes, about Changxian Road ... Now, your apprentice has come back, I can really consider it. Let him pick up, after all, I can't have to commit a child. "

The Koa is long, and he also seen him in the topic, but she doesn't seem to investigate: "Yes, MEGA evolution, but you still have to tell you. Douxin, as much as possible, do not expose it, now in this regard, there is no complete conclusion, and it is not suitable for large-scale promotion. "

"As for the constant hall, I will tell him, wait for the silver conference, see what he mean."

The Champions of the Champion is nodded: "The Silver Conference is over, almost the annual Kanto and Chengdu Taoist Training Family Communication Tournament, so be sure to train the family in advance."




A town on the South Peninsula in the city. Mr. Iron, who lives here, can use the ball to make a wizard with a special function. The well of the sturdy beast is the famous attractions nearby.

People in the Town of the Town have a special admiration for dulloths, and regard them as God.

Su Xiaowu and small ink passed through the dense forest, and it was very good at the moment when the city appeared. The pickupun on his shoulders couldn't help but stretched a lazy waist, comfortable stretching his limbs: "Picard!"

Xiao Yao looked at Su Xiaowu, and I couldn't help but ask: "Audu Rush, in the southwest of the orange market ... The conditions opened by the housekeeper, it is really rich, why ..."

Su Xiaowu went back and smiled at her: "You want to ask me why I want to refuse, is it simply, right?"

The small ink hesitated, slightly nodded.

"Because unknown." Su Xiaowu leaned his hands and made a move that hugged the world: "Get up in the morning, embrace the sun, let the body full, bright sunshine, full positive energy, mouth down, will be lost in the mouth, the corner , Steamed, full of positive energy! "

"..." Xiaoli one black line, and his head continues to pull the topic: "Unknown?"

"Yes." Su Xiaowu's serious opening: "Do you know ... The oldest and strongest emotion of human beings is fear, and the oldest and strong fear is unknown."

The small ink is curious: "Unknown? Isn't this a exploration of human civilization?"

Su Xiaowu shook his head, but he did not intend to refute.

Regarding unknown, he has seen a movie that interprets the unknown to make people fear and even desperate movies, named "Fog."

This movie has to be very exciting.

It can be said that the story of "fog" is more dynamically, the religion, alien creatures, human nature, the most important thing is that it is so real, like the future, you will happen to yourself, you There is no way to leave yourself with the movie character, you experience fear, pain and despair with the protagonist, the ending of the movie is human beings eliminates the fog, but the male protagonist thinks that death after the car fuel is used, used four The bullet killed his loved ones, and even her son, finally found that the fog is scattered, they escaped, but die from their fear ...

Therefore, for the Audu Rules, Su Xiaowu is rejected for unknown totems.

Just like deep sea phobia, he hates this unknown.

Xiaoyu is not particularly concerned about this problem, rehanging his hand, and then collects the thousands of paper cranes: "The thing about MEGA evolution ..."

Su Xiaowu wondered: "I know more about it, but now, the MEGA Evolutionary Alliance has not disclosed anything, so this is not fully mastered."

"As for the training of our newcomer training, don't think of super email, the small elf has not evolved."

Newcomer ... training home?

Xiaoli looked at him, suddenly wiped, how did you see which newcomer trainer trains the house to hit the doubt life? But for this kind of saying, she is too lazy to demolish: "That ... Why do you want to collect the money?"

Su Xiaowu is curious, looks at her, a stunned expression: "Hello, someone sent money, why not accept? This is the silver of white flowers!" Send the money! "

When Xiaoton, the stylus, reached out, and there was a kind of expression, named desperate.

So this is the reason why you will save Xiaolang next time?

From three million, upgrade to 5 million ... can be.

"Is it going to challenge the Taoist game now?" Xiaolu took out three bottles of drinks from the bag, and handed a bottle of Pikachu and Su Xiaowu, and then opened a bite: "I remember the owner of the Tibetan Pavilion. Attribute treasure dreamy training, winning him to get insect badges. "

Su Xiaowu touched the chin to think about it: "Insect badges ... I don't know how to fry the green caterpillar, the charcoal roast armor, salt, a poor insect ... What is the taste ..."

Xiaoyu helped his forehead, a helplessness: "Can you be a little, if you pass it into the ear of a pen, it is estimated that you will die very miserable."

Ha ha.

Let him come!

Don't say anything else, now in the city, as long as those four days of kings don't shoot, Laozi is the strongest!

Cough and cough, Liu Bo, grandfather, you will take a step.

Su Xiaowu's serious opening: "Don't bother my respect for food."

After the summer solst, there will be bright light in the evening, if you want to ask why the night is in the woods, then you may tell you, that is someone is looking for a green cateron armor iron shell.

Focusing on your heart to find every corner of the woods, every finding, is surprised, very accomplishment. The green catering iron armor has these worms, which contains rich nutrients, and the medical value is also very high. The green caterpillar is generally a method of frying, but the green caterpillar is also a tips. With this tips, when you eat, you will not be matched, the outer skin is crispy.

Ten Time, Su Xiaowu only felt that the mouth of the mouth had to flow.

The small ink took the forehead and took his ear, and he was helpless: "I have a heart, I promise that if you really dare to do this in the town, you can desperate with you! You forgot that you grab it before you Is there after the onion of the Large onion of the Lord of the Ali Alias? "

"Go, still to challenge the Taoist game, are you not going to collect the badge to participate in the Silver Conference?"

Su Xiaowu is innocent, silently sighing, secretly thinking, there must be a taste to taste it in one day ... The taste: "Yes, let's go to challenge the road."

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