My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 394

This kind of premonition is too strong, so that he instantly put down the 'tray' in his hand, and the strange turned head and looked at the two grievances. I said the guess in my heart: "You ... no real Is there a seal? "

At this time, the two-ha color of the mouth is suddenly dramatic. When you leave, you will follow these two steps, and there is an amazing fear on your face!

I was found!

In that the world, he did not care about the feelings, although it is real, but in that moment, he and Xiaowu's minds, the latter already knows that he is a product under the accident. .

This is an extremely dangerous thing!

Although it is also very recognized by Su Xiaowu, this trainer, like a friend (owner).

But the thing of the seal, he is absolutely afraid!

In the moment, in the moment of the stinky tofu, the second happily felt that this stinky tofu came from the unclear fluctuation, although she didn't eat, but it had such a certainment, ate a bit, can Unnovate the seal set by yourself!

And it can jump from the ordinary elf to the hierarchy of the beast!

At that time, it can not only control some of their own strength, but also take the initiative to release the percentage of the body, let all the wizards below the beast, single order from temperament!

Just like water!

Looking at the embressed two, Su Xiaowu eyebrows must have frozen, and the opening of the next consciousness: "Don't you believe me?"

I have been a long time: "I don't believe it, it is ... I don't want to be involved in trouble."

Is it trouble ...?

Su Xiaowu sighed and sighed, slowly, touched his head.

However, when Su Xiaowu was very concerned, the two suddenly turned into a direction. Before running, a smell of stinking tofu, the wolf swallowed.

Ah, ah, ah, ah!

When Su Xiaowu, I was forced. I took him with his neck, pressed it on the sofa, suddenly roaring: "You actually steal, you actually dare to grab my smell !! ?? You are really dead skin, stealing ? "

"You can really do, actually dare to start stealing my smell tofu!? Do you dare to eat my things? You gave me!"

After finishing these, Su Xiaowu put the big needle bee, Lukari, flying to the sky, then took out the best A-level energy square, all of the A-level energy square! All the scores gave these three eiversia: "You are optimistic about me, two!"

"Big needle bee, flying to the sky, Luolio, these energy squares are you! Now give me a food! All eat! Let the two happened here!"

"You have eaten three slowly, don't worry, baby!"

I saw a face of the second day, I screamed when I realized: "Hey, that is the energy square of Laozi! You release me! Xiaowuo, I ask you to release me, my energy square! !! "

Su Xiaowu is a bokey: "You have learned to grab my things to eat? Wings are hard? I can't manage you?"

"You will give me three eating it here!"

Said, Su Xiaowu is also smiling, it is extremely gentle: "Baby, delicious? Slowly eat, rest assured, do not have dogs and you."

Big needle bee: "..."

Luolio: "..."

Flying : "..."

The three essines were shocked. They looked at the sudden "crazy" in the sudden "mad". After the eyes, they were silently low to start the energy square, and the heads did not lift.

It's crazy.

Xiao Wuge finally was gave to the second.

I am scared to death.

Su Xiaowu roaring while smiling: "It's just ... every day, you are too much like, what shouts, you will live! Do it wrong, you will be punished!"

After saying these, Su Xiaowu took several B-class energy squares, lost around the big needle bee: "Baby is slowly eating, don't worry, there is also B-class."

"I'm giving me a given, I am not given to you! I will never give you, you will give me a good look!"

The bishattan time is greater: "Hey ... Xiaowu, you are crazy, it is my energy square ... ah."

"Although I am not a person, you are true!"

Su Xiaowu smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, eat slowly, no dogs and you grab."

"Crazy, angry, roaring, two! These energy squares are big needle, you have seen no, so many energy squares ... all give them to them, I will not give you a meal. ! Have you seen it? Little division will not give you! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The large needle bee, Lukariio and the flying dragonfly three small elicents low-end silently eat energy square block, and a sentence dares to say.

Su Xiaowu looked at the two happiness that he had to break away from his claws, continued to be laughed: "I didn't say anything I didn't believe me? You actually don't believe me? Hahaha, I told you, I'm old. When others say that Lao Zi is crazy! "

"Laozi can say, who is crazy, Laozi will not be crazy!"

"Laozi trusts you, all the games make you pioneer, give you the best energy square every time, and give you a red eye, do you say this?"? "?"

"Ah? What are you talking?"

"You think you don't talk, I can't see your expression? Anger, trembling, pleading!"

When Pikachu opened his eyes, it was this scene.

Then ... it is silently closed again, the heart is medcof: I didn't see anything, really.

Then, Pikachi ... Just continue to faint.

Su Xiaowu snorted to look at the expression of the two, and the angry expression, suddenly felt very hearty.


Too cool!

Let you not obey, didn't give you a stinky tofu, actually dare to grab?

You give me a remember, my thing is mine, I will give you, you can hold it. I don't give it, you shouldn't blame me, you can't grab! I have to know how to cherish you, but I don't think it should be!

Looking at the expression of the two, Su Xiaowu smiled at this time.

However, at this moment, three eiversi, such as the large needle bee on the side, suddenly stopped the action, and they looked up at the same time, and they were unbelieited to watch the two. The rays, one time ... all is a bit.

However, in the eyes of Su Xiaowu, after the body of the two, suddenly there was deeply formed in the extremely dark space, almost suddenly, it was from the space, and this hand contains it. The energy fluctuations, almost strong, let him feel the feeling!

And this hand, in Su Xiaofu is doubtful and angry, suddenly dragging the two-ha little body, pulling into space!

what's the situation?

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