My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 411

Su Xiaowu is lazy to pay attention to the words of the water, put a hand: "It said that we will eat hot pot tonight."

Two-Hartton, the boss of his eyes: "You don't want to say, Xiao Xia si is clearly not respecting me, what do she mean? I can't afford to see the seventeen slate behind me ..."

The voice did not fall, and the small ink is slapped on the two head.

The second happened, :: "What do I do?"

Xiaoyu carefully open: "Although I don't know what you are saying, you are not right."

Several little elves next to them are hard to laugh.

Su Xiaowu touched the Pakistan, picking the eyebrows: "Ok, I know, probably there is a number of troops."

Pikuo is a sucking the milk in the box, and the stable will be thrown into the trash can, and the Su Xiaowu blows a whistle: "Beautiful."



the other side.

Interchange group in the city of the city.

A pen is tangled, watching the other trains in the screen, there is a frustrate meaning among the eyes: "Everyone, I lost it ... I am almost a string of the bunch ..."

A speed heard, looked up and looked at the ceiling, and I didn't want to say a word.

Are you lost?

Is there anything miserable?

I took Luoqiao, although you are a master master, I also invented the skills of 'Cut', but compared to my Loche, have you played?

So Akai said that the first one who accompanied him is here, don't hurry, one by one of the times, don't mess.

I have to die together, I can't be a person who is like this!

A cherry hair, there is a cherry wristband on the wrist, and the girl in shorts is surprised. "Hey? A pen, you actually lose this ..."

The voice just fell, she seems to be aware of her words, so I quickly changed: "Can you talk about the specific details? If you calculate it, then the kid should have arrived in Manko."

At the time of Aunt, I only felt more shared: "Still ... don't say it, you ... I will experience it, I don't want to do it."

After saying these, the Pen is hanging up, holding the insect net in his hand, a face 'is going to go, then walking towards the nature outside the road.

... is so bad, so I am so happy.


Communicate group, the remaining several foreign homes have been sinking, they are all discovered.

In this way, the appearance of Audio is also the case. If you fight the battle details, you will have a decisive to exit the video. Now the Achievement is the same. When you mention the battle details, you will not give others any chance, it is to exit the video.

In the end what happened?

The kid really has such a enchanting?

"So, what is the difference between the boy? What is the difference between than the quartz meeting?"

Then, everyone's eyes are staring at A speed, quite a kind of "If you don't say, don't blame us for a few people who are welcome.

Audiography was a little uncomfortable by these people's eyes, and he touched his own nose, some unsteadic open: "I don't know if I am strange, I don't know ..."

I only know that those shadows can also be colored, lure! And every road Carlico holds the boss's long-standing meatballs! And there is the water ...

Why are those skills that look like a ghost?

Obviously a water system, what is dark skills?

"What?" Xiao Yan went on his eyes, and his eyes were bright. "I am general, not afraid of these ..."

A speed looked up and saw a bit of a little, then the video was hanged out.


Can you join us in this evening!

Chapter 256 of the fairy ... light! Special Mann Road Museum!

Looking at the Lord of the Aport of the Speed ​​Hanging Video, the rest of the owners have some faces.

Liu Bo is squinting, closed.

Su Xiaowu, this name, he heard many times, the performance at the Quartz General Assembly also saw it, and it is indeed a quite a good trainer.

However, if there is only such an extent ... Well, when you encourage him, it is not possible to put a water.

However, he is not very satisfied with the attitude of several road homes in the scene.

Especially for the current young people, I can't afford a little 'combat' this 'negative attitude' makes him dissatisfaction.

It is rare to pick up the time to participate in the so-called Chengdu Alliance Training Training Conference, the result? They are all outstanding trains of the league, but it is a disciple of a 'overjoyed King'. It doesn't feel confident in one by one.

Young people ...

Liu Bo sighed, left a sentence first, then hanging up the video.

"That ... The predecessors of Liu Bo seems to be a bit angry." Xiao Yan is in front of the body, some is a little uneasy. After all, Liu Bo's extremely stringent trainers are not they can ratio, and every time they face Liu Bo, they all think that they are like a terrible person who is also terrible than their Master.

"Is it our attitude ... Let Liu Bo's predecessors are very dissatisfied ..." Amis Honey in the Yellow City is a bureau to promote uneasiness, Liu Bo's striking tutor, quirky, temper, but I heard that the strength is better than the king, They are not weak.

Xiaobei smiled, interrupted this topic, turned to see Xiao Wei: "Well, Liu Bo will not care about these small things, but you will be good, do you want? response?"

The other two male museums present were opposed to each other, and they were hilarious.

I feel ... The Taoist Tournament of the City Alliance is awkward.

It is obviously the battle of the newcomer, how can I change into a sniper?

One of them is prepared to suddenly kill the death called Su Xiaowu?

Xiao Wei smiled, reach out in front of the body: "Haha, rest assured, this time I think it is good, don't make a trip to fight, I am going to carry out three games in other ways! There is no problem!" "




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