My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 434

"It's more intuitive, I have no way to find it."

A Pen and Audiobooks were stopped, and they were sluggable. The two were almost the same time, and they were unbelievable: "Tao ... is collapsed? What is the situation?"

Xiao Yan silently sighed: "Don't mention it, I now understand your thoughts, I know that if you have such a result, it is not as good as the old man to go to the museum, not all the flowers, whistle."

When the Pine Ye House owner in Yuanzhao City entered a video conference, he heard this sentence. He was surprised to pick you eyebrows: "What happened?"

Face complex .jpg.

Xiao Yan is the hook of the hook: "When everyone is coming, let's talk."

Jossing is a few minutes, and all the trainees of the city alliance are concentrated here, except Liu Bo.

As always, everyone will communicate with each other, respectively report a challenge of nearly a few days.

When I was in Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan talented the complex opening: "Mann Golden Pavilion, currently repaired, re-opened, before three days, the site destruction is 87% ..."

At this time, the trainer trainer is in a hurry.

The Honey Hall is shocked. She quickly put her milk tea, the result is : "No ... I will not really do it? Before you give me calls ..."

"What did I say?" Xiao Yan looked at her, while crazy blinked eyes: "What did I say? I don't remember."

Other libraries look at their two people's appearance, they can't help but sore.

In the end, the Ashi, the Zanzi Dao Hall, with a dumbbell, generally opening: "Okay, Xiaoshen, there is a pen, Auda, you don't want to say, the apprentice of Koa, now What kind of stage is in the end? "

"We are trained in so many foreign halls, even if it is used up, is it not necessary to stop a newcomer trainer?"

"What happens to be like this, how do you see us?"

Xiaoxuan's main gaze stayed in Aquia, and wished to think about it: "IMHO, it can't stop, anyway, I am now being collapsed."

A: "I am the same."

A speed: "The same thing."

Xiaobei silently, sighed: "So, what happened, all three people said clearly, why must you always hang everyone?"

A speed: "My Loche is hit, there is no power."

A: "I am almost three."

Xiao Wei: "The kid won the test of the magic temple."

A honey hibiscai, I just wanted to habitually ridicule A Pen and Auda, but when she saw the eyes of Xiao Yan, but she couldn't help but brush. Deepest surprise, the words of the mouth were swallowed, but the road: "Volvil Temple? The high-tech?" Of the latest training trainer? "

Xiao Yan couldn't help but cough, and the tone is quite embarrassing: "Well, yes, this time the tournament, I use the training trainers of the league's latest training trainer ... The result is the first time ... ... I will lose. "

The Long Ye Pavilion is interested in Xiaoshen, and the face smiles: "Volve the Lord Temple ... We don't have the test? I want to know the test development of the Volt Moul, and there is also a credit. You don't have to put it on your heart. "

"The ratio of the volley of the temple is not only to rely on strength, but also the heart of the test trainer, can clearly understand his positioning, then choose the number of yourself to challenge, take the score ..."

Xiaoyu has a mouthful, looking at the payment of the payment, the Lord of the Pine Ye, the calm opening: "When I remember the test, the Lo Ye House is the first time to pick 36 eiversia?"

The Pine Ye House is mainly in, nodding the next consciousness: "Yes."

Xiao Yan homes looked at others, faint opening: "In addition to the predecessors of Liu Bo, the Saibu, the Lord of the Aport chose 43 elf, and the owner chose 29 Elf, Honey Pavilion. The Lord chose 31 elves, and the Little Purono Hall chose 47 elves ... "

"Of course, this choice of the quantity of the elf is not the final strength of everyone, but this is also a score for you. After all, I really hit the S-class fracture seat. I have a lot of quite Some people may give up, I didn't say anything. "

"But you know that little child ... how much is it?"

In the many curious eyes, Xiao Yan is deeply sucking: "100, then after the kid, it is very good, saying that the No. 1 is victory for him. Lucky sign, challenge ... 100. "

! ! ! ! ! ! !

The trainee of the public hall in the scene was shocked, and didn't say that I thought it should be a Pen and Auda, even if I usually quite aunt 's Lord, the Lords and Pine Hall, the Lous House, which is a bit. Pale, obviously shocked by such a situation.

"One ... one hundred?" The words of the Little Poor House are unbelievable look: "That crack room? He actually picks so much? He is crazy? Result?"

In the eyes of many marvelous eyes, Xiao Yan homes, the observations: "The result is that the fissile holder has been killed by the boy, and the sky is a hammer, followed by a skill in Luolio. The direct consciousness of playing is scattered, and finally it took the head by Shuijun. "

"Oh, forgot to say, the setting of the crack space, you also know that at 99 essays are all eliminated, it will be MEGA evolution."

"So the little child is playing ... is a super cracking seat."

The Buddha is invoked, but also owes 119 ...

Chapter 269, Chengdu Alliance, Training, Training! Three-in-one gale! (Two in one)

Xiao Yan's main voice, slightly in the chat group, as if he can hear echoes.

However, it is such a moving voice, but all the trains of the other end of the screen is a half-day, I don't know what to say.

Single pick 100 ...

Playing is a super crack room.

Xiao Yan's owner's main end of the coffee, there is no psychological burden, after experiencing an alternative to the kid, she is very clear that the strength of the boy has exceeded everyone's imagination, and it is clear that other apoli and Outside an audio, all travel trains are also looking at the performance of her trainee trainer.

Immediately, Xiao Yan is said that it is so miserable, and the mentality has collapsed. One is boring, but it is better to let everyone be bored ... An anyway, she is true: "There is another thing. "

and also?

In the eyes of the trainee of the public hall, Xiao Yan's voice was long: "You still remember the probe of that small elves?"

"The values ​​of everyone, everyone should be clear."

Ama hibishes laughed, and the heart was slightly tone: "That minilf value detector, remember, this bureau, you should be stable."

"The big milk tank of Xiao Yan is not general, continuous rolling attack ... In this kind of detection, it is still very advantageous." Pine Ye Hall is also deep breathing, and it is clear about super fission. The reality of the seat is collapsed.


Still too young.

I don't think so.

Xiao Yan homes smiled slightly, and there was a smile and unknown. "How do you think that my lauch is collapsed? The kid's road Carlico is hitting the numerical detector score directly to the highest. vertex!"

"If the score value cannot be rising, I really can't imagine how horror!"

As the discourse fell, the video of the other end of the public trainee trained home changed.

Everyone suddenly was silent.

Only A Pen and A speed two people exchanged each other, all revealed that there is such a expression.

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