My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 440

Xiaoxia hugged Pocketbi nodded: "They are ... should be okay."

Xiao Gang also nodded, then the face suddenly appeared in love: "Everything is fine, but the speed of the heart beats when Xiaosheng is almost more than ..."

Xiaoxia was unfair to drag the little ear to the side, while the opening helpless: "It's too rude, I am sorry to make you laugh."

A honey low, there is a smile that can't stop on the face.

The Pine Ye Hall is the next step: "I haven't seen it for a long time, but you don't know what you said."

When you say this, there is a slight unnatural thing on the face of the Pine Ye.

Xiao Yu picks up the eyebrows, quite a little helpless: "That gold card ... said what is random, I am betting, absolutely can't be smoked by people outside Su Xiaowu?"

When I said this, Xiao Ye also jumped jumping, said that I have seen everything.

The lobby house is inappropriate to scratch your forehead, some are uncomfortable, laughing, somewhat awkward: "Hahaha, that, small ink, you have a lot, really."

The Ashi Hall is also a busy point: "Yes, we will not say that the gold card is just a little meaning. After they arrived on the island, there will be the elite of the alliance to grab their cards!"


The Honey Pavilion's first fist 'Heavy' hit the head of the Aquard hut: "Stupid, you all say it all."


Little ink is sluggish, then some unbelievable: "That ... how do you serious? How can you hold such a wild three-in-one museum? This is not in conformance."

The Aqui Touched touched his forehead, honest answer: "That ... I am not good at lying, the alliance feels that the newcomer trains are too lazy, and with these Year Rockets Galaxy The continuous activity of organizers, if the alliance continues to cultivate new people with the current model, then the growth of them is not very beneficial. "

"So this time will only carry out three-in-one traveler."

Xiaoyu couldn't help but touch your forehead. After sighed, I couldn't help but speak: "Oh ... that, I still can't help but want to remind a sentence ..."

A honey hibishes smiled while pulling her, and then constantly sneaked with her, but also stretched out the thumb of the two hands and bent: "Little ink, I know that you and the relationship of the kid is not general, you Is a couple relationship, but you can rest assured, we will not do too much things to do too much ... "

When you are squatting, the color of the small ink is red, and there is a bit of the tone: "Who ... Who is ... Yes ... it is a couple ... Relationship."

"Oh, it is not a couple's relationship." A honey hibiscus came with his head: "What is your face red?"

Little ink can't help but squat: "You don't care about you soon."

The Lord, the owner of the Honey, raised some proudly small inks, and this smiled and said: "Okay, let's say, you want to remind us ..."

After a while, the red dizziness on the small ink was eliminated, she touched her own cheeks to open the mouth: "I want to remind it that your competition is no problem, but the biggest problem is, alliance Actually exchanged the elves of the badges and the elves of the badges ... this is the biggest problem! "

At this time, the Pengye Pavilion took the leader and picked his eyebrows: "How do you say this?"

Xiao Yao sighed: "You know that I have been traveling with Su Xiaowu for so long, but the deepest is not how horror is his strength, nor is his progressive speed ..."

"But ..."

"As long as you say that there is a reward, he will say a bright blood! No matter what the other party is coming, no matter how many people in the other side, what is the boss behind it!"

"Even afraid of God!"

"He will also see you!"

"So I want to say that give the gold card, I will also expose Su Xiaowu's location to all the challengers. What is it?"

"That is called to send money!"

Lying in the trough!

Lying in the trough!

The owner of the A Money is shocked. She has repeatedly repeated these words in a number of unbelievable. "How do you say?"

Xiaoli once again sighed: "You should know that the value of the elf is the value of this item, now probably 100,000."

"But do you know? What is money to Su Xiaowu?"

"That is not money, that is life!"

The brow of the Pine Ye House is frowned: "Is there any problem?"

The problem is big!

The small ink shakes his head, revealing a snorked expression, only to open a smile, revealing white teeth: "You do the whole challenge, his team 'is" all the squad, including' Tucing 'all alliance members Preparation! "



At a few people talking, there is a tens of figure in the cabin, and there is a category of the small elves to fly out of the seal, and go to the island.

This action makes several union trains that can't help but show the expression of thumbs up, and there is a little quirky, and some sympathy and gloating.

It seems that the alliance has some powerful players, can break through the seal set by the boy.

Does this game really like Little ink?

Small ink is folded by thousands of paper cranes. It's too late to sweep away those other trainers on the deck: "You can see the results."

During the speech, the deck is also a trainer who has a super-ability elf relies on those elf and suddenly leaves the deck.

"Ironbeakes, use acute flies!"

"White sea lion, acute frozen light!"

"Gemstone starfish, use an acute frozen light!"


The first time in these trainers was transiently moved out of the cruise ship, it was released to make their own little fake and made a fairly ice road for them.

Xiaoyou stood at the highest point of the deck, looking at their actions smiling: "It is very interesting, eight fairy passes the sea, all of them."

Amo hibernated her back, she looked at her, and didn't have a good way: "You said, I haven't heard it all like being praised them, but I feel that you are boasting Su Xiaowu."

"Have it?"

Xiao Yu picks up the eyebrows, then nodded: "Well, I am in the boast of Xiao Wu."

There is a black line on the head of the Pine Ye Pavilion, can't help but turn over a white eye, really, the woman in love, the IQ is almost negative.

You can't see that we are in the kid!

The Ashi Pavilion looked at these trainers' actions, but also couldn't help but reveal a disturbed look: "Hahaha, I have a little missing when we didn't have a trainee training, it is also the scene almost selected. "

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