My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 443

What happened ... What happened?

Hand ... How is the watch suddenly broken?

This ... The quality of the watch is also too bad?

Time, the chicken skin of Longxing players is all, riding a ratio of ratios flying to the side, until you withdraw from the distance that he felt safely, only suddenly showed a bit of smile.

Lower Maway!

This is the Ma Wei!

Longxing looked at the front of the teammates: "Now ... You should know why I am so far away from him? The strength of the guy ... Fundamental and we are in two yuan!"



When the first player was eliminated, all the trainers who participated in the challenge were stunned.

Everyone is fostered in this sudden change!

This ... this is eliminated?

This game starts a few minutes!

Especially on the deck of the cruise ship, the trainers who can't go out are even more shocked. They look at the number of the display on their watch from 173 to 172, and the pupil can't help but enlarge.

So ... is now the challenge start?

However, greater mistakes have appeared!

"Chrysanthemum leaves, use vine whip!" When everyone is a hair, suddenly there is a teenager of Jojo's twelve-year-old, suddenly throwing his own elves, in the moment of the ju, the body, body The two vine whip belt with a broken wind, and there was no reaction in everyone, hit a watch on a tendened wrist around him!

The girl was once again fostered in this change, and the card that had not been collected in his hand was dropped on the ground.

The teenager did not give her a reaction to her, quickly picked up her card on the ground, then suddenly throwing the elixi: "Hu Lidi, use the moment!"


"Gotda duck, use surf!"


At the moment of the waves, the teenager keeps the japanese leaves, and the other can grabbed Hu Land, step on the body of Gotda, and rushed to the island in the past ...

Bedroom ... slot!

what's the situation! ?

On this moment, the deck has not left the trainer. At this moment, it suddenly reacted, and it took a distance from the form of the team and others, and then put his little fake out ...

The owner of the Pusher's Lord and the Little Pine House and Xiao Gang Xiaoxia and others looked at this sudden appearance in the cabin. They are not very calm!

The Lord of the Honey Pavilion turned around, and then walked to the computer stayed for a few seconds, and the eyes were carefully stared at the screen: "The first eliminated player is 69, the watch records he is in the air, the watch suddenly Broken, and during this time ... A Pikachi appeared ... is that there is no sign, suddenly appears! "

A Siyi is a sight of the ghost, some uncertain opening: "Shouldn't ... Su Xiaowu's Picchu? Pichu is not electrical? How can it be superior skill?"

When there was a fine chicken skin, he was shocked by his face. He suddenly opened: "If I didn't remember the wrong words ... The Pikachu is indeed Su Xiaowu, when the quartz meeting, that only Do you remember the scene of Pikachu and Dicko's flashing bird? "

"I remember that time, the Pikawu was like now disappeared from the place where it was, not only the skills of the flashing bird, but also perfect against it!"

The Ashi Hall looked at the distance between 69 players and islands, gave questions: "Can ... but so far distance, it ... how to do?"

The Lord of the Honey House took a deep breath and then looked at the big screen: "First ... don't say this, you look at the big screen."

Everyone is looking up and look at the big screen.

There, the trainers who have not left on the deck have been squeezed into a group with a small team. The eyes are deeply vigilant to other participants in the eyes, and there are even a few places, but they have started a small scale. Battle!

This this……

I am playing on the deck?

This strange scene makes several trainees of trains.

They didn't expect it all, even if they were so thoughtful, they still had a kiss! Who can think of the game, most of the trainers have not yet go out of the deck, start fighting on the deck of the cruise ship!

Xiao Xia is also a look that is concerned about: "Xiao Zhi him ... should it be no problem?"

Xiao just touched the chin, I thought: "You should have no problem, after all, Su Xiaowu's strength, you are also clear, as long as it is stable, get the badge for them almost nothing."

The small ink is folded with a thousand paper cranes, and sighed slightly.

young people.

You should worry about this, you really should worry about ... Near Zhu is as black!

Xiaoxia turned his head, looked at Xiaol, showing a smile: "Xiaoyu sister, what do you think? Suddenly appeared in front of the 69th player is Su Xiaowu? If so, he should be very happy. ? "

Xiaolu thought about it, smashing his head: "He should ... this will be ... Is it in the pain?"


Xiaoxia and Xiao Gang are all stunned, do not know the meaning of this.

Xiao Ye did not explain. He couldn't help but start self-cultivation of Su Xiaowu's face.

Use him ...

It should be that this loss is the Elf Class? Is it money?

Do not!

This loss is his life!




Su Xiaowu's steady contact suddenly appeared from the voids in front of the Pichu, and then touched its forehead, smiled and opened: "Dry beautiful, Pikachi! Card?"

Pika Hill is slightly sted, then don't live, an embarrassment: "Forgot to recover ..."

Su Xiaowu is dull, I only feel that I haven't worry it up and I have only played only the philoschil in my mind.

Forgot to recover ...

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