My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 458

People's homes are recognized by your strength, I want to play with you, your rejection ...

Why is it so simply?

Xiaobao has a mouthful, just prepared to open, but he heard the opposite Su Xiaowu grin to show the smile: "Forget it, you change it, anyway, I don't care, no matter what kind of venue, I will win."


The small colors snorted, then nodded against the referee, the latter pulled down the handle, and suddenly became turned out, the water attribute was closed, and the landing platform was dropped, it was originally flat The like is actually become like a desert-like site.

Su Xiaowu looked at the small 'desert' in the venue, and the brows couldn't help but wrinkled.

This ... is it going?

The snorkeling of the seating area is picked up, suddenly I didn't know where to take two protective clothes, I handed one of them to Xiaoku: "Wear it ... After all, we are a girl, the next game It is very likely to have sandstorms ... "

Little ink, then put on the decisive: "Thank you."

"Game start!"

With the referee, Xiaobei is smiling, suddenly the opening: "Bite the Shark, Sand Hell!"

With the fall of the small voice, the two rairs on the smashing shark suddenly had a white light suddenly produced, and the time, a wave allows Su Xiaowu to have some faceful energy fluctuations, and the flying boiling Come.

"Boom ... Bang!"

At the moment of this energy fluctuated, it was full of sandstorms. Suddenly there was boiling, almost an instant, like a stunned waves, and hit the position of Pikunchu. go with!

Su Xiaowu is tall, and there is a doubtful expression in his eyes. This trick ... How do you feel so familiar? Where did you have seen it?

Small strip with a smile: "Okay, how do you deal with?"

"This trick, I will name it ... Savory burial!"

Already owed 115, the Buddha is invited ...

In addition, everyone has a boring comment ... I am a member of the book ... You don't know how to copy it ...

Chapter 283 Hell Trouble · Two Tong Dynasties!

Sandstorm ... big burial?

At this time, the entire venue is a bit boiling, directly there is a big waves on the huge dragon, it is almost blind, it is almost covering the sky, it is over the entire game!

Su Xiaowu couldn't help but took a mouthful of mouth and took a deep breath.

Are you attached to my love?

I tell you that you are just a crane cat! Let me believe that Laozi will be a lam in the crane!

If you say what sandstorm is buried, you have the ability to play the sandstorm directly, I'm taking you!

Ink sitting in a seating area, looked at this covering day, almost turning an instant is like a 'desert'-like link, is also quite speechless.

She knows that this kid's traveler ... The last one will become like this!

The tract trainers are full of power, this kid is full of fighting ... I don't know ... If there is another newcomer trainer to challenge this scene ... what I will think.

Ji Yan returned, looked at her calm expression, and her mood was folded with thousands of paper cranes, so she asked under the consciousness: "Are you not surprised?"

Little ink is back, some doubts: "What is surprised?"

Ji Yu wants to think, slightly speechless: "It is ... this traveler challenge far exceeds the category of the normal challenge? They are so hit, don't you think about it?"

What can I think?

If you have seen this kid, it is a game of Roofa, playing a super cracking seat ... What is it, I know where I will go now.

So Xiao Yu sighed, calmly: "I am used to."

Ji Yan heard, silence and half, long time, and finally asked: "How do you think Su Xiaowu will fight this trick? A smart shakh shark, but it is also a ground attribute, which largely restrained the only Pikachi's electrical properties, what is going on ... What are you unfavorable to him? "

Sure enough, it is too young.

What is the ,,,,,,

The small ink does not think about the opening: "Don't need to fight this trick, the front is next, anyway, what is the 'shatharvest burial', can't get people."

Ji Yan was still a little surprised. As a result, when she turned his gaze to the game, she suddenly found that Pikachi faced such an offensive, there was no fluctuations on the face, and even the dodge movement was not prepared, but instead It was once again raised my right hand that originally erected three fingers.

Just, the three fingers, slowly bending, only two fingers are left!

"Stupid ... Stupid, escape!"

Ji Ken can't help but exclaim, this trick's power of 'sandstorms' power, I have seen it with my own eyes. When I was fighting a certain king, the Little Poor Pavilion was used in one fell swoop. A game victory, so when I see pickup, I can't help but slam!

However, when her voice did not fall, she found ... The sands of the sandstorms were actually penetrating the body shape of Pikachi, and there was no effect!

That is ... I can't attacked the skills?

The Quartz Conference is displayed!

I suddenly rose a shock in my heart, I remembered that the Pikachi once showed this skill many times!

However, how did you do it?

", !"

Pikachi's right eye is switched to the Queen, the mouth hooks a smile, on the two fingers of the right hand, the strong energy fluctuations and the thunder attribute arc, and the influence of lightning.



With the influx of a lot of energy fluctuations, the time, the power of the lightning on the right hand in Pichachu is actually sprayed from it, it is like a very substantive lightning short blade, which is emitted in this short blade. Yes, everyone in the field felt the fluctuation of some heartbeat.

"Good terrible skills!"

Ji Yan is sitting in the seating area and looked at this scene, and the face is dignified, and it is a bit awkward.

This time, although I just started to start, but I gave her shock, almost what she had the highest quality of the highest quality!

Moreover, she can't help but skeptically, even if she is managed, the strongest spray dragon in the fire dragon, I am afraid that there is no absolute confidence to win this Pikachu in front of it!

At the moment of the Little Purono Hall, the moment of seeing Pikuchi's finger, and it was shocked in the heart and couldn't help but absorbed.

(Sure enough, this guy uses the skill that cannot be attacked ...)

(But this trick is really like the brother said ...)

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