My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 481

"Such a combination, in my opinion, it is a good thing."

"What about it?" Su Xiaowu's eye wrinkled, and suddenly heard his Master Capital in the casino in his mind.

She said that there will be a giant or consortium to find yourself.

Let yourself feel hard, you can slaughter.

The smile on the house is unchanged, and people can't see the true idea: "This time the silver conference, our consortium also invests some training people, but whether it is a master, or a lady, or I am more optimistic about you. "

Su Xiaowu took the juice, just prepared to open, Xiao Yu suddenly passed the words, the doubt: "The strength of your consortium ... Don't say like Kings or 25 of the old name, but the king of the king is still there Oh, and the trainee of the road is not in a minority. "

"Why ... you are so persistent to Su Xiaowu?"

The housekeeper looked at the small ink, and the strength of this little girl was also shocked.

Many things don't know, I'm scared.

This little girl is not as simple as the surface! Her strength, I haven't said that I haven't said that now it is also the level of Kings!

"Then I will say it." The family thought in the heart, and then opened: "For those very potential trainers, it has always been the object of major consortals or the giants, this, I believe you are clear. "

"Second, the reason why you find Xiaowu, because we think that your potential is far more than this, or even possibly, you can easily transcend such a champion."

"Even ... one day will surpass Dr. Lord and Liu Bo."

Su Xiaowu and Xiaoyou time pupils.

These giants ... know a lot!

Dr. Dawu will put it first, after all, it is a world-recognized first doctor. I have won the championship of several super events, and the strength is absolutely one number of two.

But Liu Bo's strength ...

They are actually clear?

Seeing Su Xiaowu and Xiaoyu's expression, but also a little proud of the heart of the house, but the wealthy group, but the number of people in the world is much more controlled by these intelligence, far more than they have to understand.

However, but also some doubts at the same time. These two little guys ... actually know the strength of Dr. Big Wood and Liu Bo?

Su Xiaowu silence half a hurricane, suddenly looked up, there is a white teeth under the smile: "Butler, although I know what you mean, but I want to make a matter, you know that my back is station ... Who?"

The household nodded: "Doctor, Amu, Dai, Guandong all the road hall training home ... In other words, you represent the official, nor is it wrong."

Su Xiaowu picks the eyebrows: "In this case, why do the butler find me? You should also know the meaning of the two words represented by the official '."

The housekeeper continues to smile: "No one will go with money, even if you have a character of your Master and the rich, you will not go."

"More more, we are just legal and reasonable money under rules."

"Okay, I promised." Su Xiaowu is just thinking about a moment: "Next, the quarter game, if you bet me, all bet 3 hit 3."

The housekeeper has a tone, handing out a bank card: "So, I wish our cooperation and fast, the password is the initial set, 123456."

"After the qualifier, the cost is recalculated. Now we are not officially stood behind you. If there is anything, you can contact me, I believe that our consortium will take you as the most important representative."

Su Xiaowu took the moment of card, and the heart was shocked, but he didn't move the colored card, but the mind was not here.

The housekeeper turned his head, and he wanted to Xiaol, not open, he heard the refusal words.

"Xiaowu and you can work together, I will not add you."

"You don't want to be misunderstood, I don't add you, but, I will not join anything."

The housekeeper has a little curious to see this girl, and then turned to the eye and looked at Suku, showing a kind of expression when it is up.

This ... Is it a send one to send one?

Doesn't it say that these two are couples?

Earn, earn!


Outside the village.

The extended super luxury car stops here, but the housekeeper personally sends two people to get the car: "So, Su Xiaowu, Xiao Mo, I will avoid it first, I wish Xiao Wu to achieve the best results at the Silver Conference. Things contact me at any time. "

Su Xiaowu thought, nodded.

As a result, the steps were just going out, and the housekeeper hesitated, and the opening: "Xiaowu ... In addition, there is something to ask you."

Su Xiaowu turned back: "You said."

The housekeeper thinks about: "Now we are also a partnership, my family is a child's character ... You also know, I don't want you to take the initiative, I am saying that if you encounter him, please take it. For example, every time, the cost will follow the previous amount, can you? "

Su Xiaowu thought, decided to sell personal conditions: "Okay."

The housekeeper was relieved and sent to the two.



ATM front.

Su Xiaowu looked at 20 million, the surprise in the heart was lying in the card ... not not to do it.

At the beginning, in order to give Pikachun installed, it evolved into the end, how much suffering, how difficult it is, this bitterness is only known to himself.

But this suddenly came to 20 million ... so that he really felt something like a dream.

When I returned to the room, Su Xiaowu was began to discover their current system.

Name: Su Xiaowu.

Wealth: 23657692 gold coins.

Personality: 215 (+) Her.

At present, there are pupils: white eyes, write-wheel eye (need to switch).

Have a magical baby: S + level: Waterjun (one of the three holy beasts, currently leave the team), SS-level: Pikachu (opened back to eye); S-class: large needle bee (already opened, have a ghost Swords, S-Class: Erhajo (I have opened the red eye, unstable, get the inheritance of the creation of the gods, the blood, the blood pressure can suppress the beast), the S-class: Lukaro (has opened frog eyes, there is a cacto mode, Experience the truth of thousands of hands); A + level: Flying (already happy), the nobles do not match the level: fossil wing dragon.

Special skill: return to day, soft boxing, gossip, sixty-four needles (owner: big needle bee); Eternal kaleidoscope writes the wheel eye, Tianzhao, Shen Wei, must be Sasone; fairy-fashioning, silk, fairy Law, , wheel tomb, prison ... and more.

Have a treasure chest: Jinbao suit * 3 (absolutely not open stinky tofu), silver treasure chest * 1.

Has items: Energy block A * 14, energy square block B * 29, energy square block C grade * 54, energy block D level * 40, four-leaf straw * 6000.

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