My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 522

The Directive of the Dai, has always been simple, three evil dragons, the three heads are the middle of the middle, there is a green in the mouth quietly emerged, almost in the next moment is suddenly spit out!

And its dragon fluctuations are actually different from ordinary trainers, almost a moment, the whole venue is a green and quiet, with the stars, and it is like a prisoner, will be the whole The game is blocked, and then starts a little contract, this is quite spectacular!

Su Xiaowu is constant, although it is very shocking to spit the dragon, but he is very clear, this dragon is the main role in the moment ... It is actually paralyzed, so that the opponent is in an abnormal state.

But ... Fun, are you forgotten?

That is the blood!

(Two ha, rushing out!)

(And then use an acute frozen light!)

The two-ha nose is calm and looked at the green shield that constantly contracted dragon, then there is a smile, and the moment of shaking the wings, it is roaring, suddenly rushed out!

"Your dragon is too moving ... it's far away!"

The instant of the two, the body is moving, and the body is in an instant. When it is a bit surprised, the two of the two is condensed, the silver light, let He is a little bit of consciousness.

Ice system ... skills.

Specially restored dragon system and flight system ...

Also, why is this guy who pass through his own toast, but there is no negative effect?

The brows of the Dai are deeply frowned, what is the ice skills ... I really hate it.

Subsequently, the deepest sucking, I didn't want to be suddenly opened: "Three walovers, let it see our speed! Ovener! Then use ..."

However, his voice has not fallen, and the amazing cold in the second ha mouth is filled with a moment. With a wave of extremely powerful energy, it is time, and even the entire game has a slight indication.

It seems to be aware of the eyes, in half, the smile of the second, the spin is suddenly burst of light, and then the three evil dragons have launched a violent offensive!

"Frozen light!"

At the same time, there is a piece of slate in the eighteen slate behind it, and the rays suddenly become very bright, the acute frozen light in that mouth is also sprayed out.

In the face of the sudden outbreak of the two, the three evil dragons are also a bit wolf, and they are rushing to avoid.

However, the jelly rays of the Erhawei seem to be like a long eyes, and going to he whistling him!




"so amazing!"

On the stage, Xiao Zhi looked at this scene, was praised by the fierceness of these two people, and he asked under his consciousness: "Xiao Mao, who do you say two people will win?"

Xiaomao thought a little, seriously opening: "According to the reason, it should be a cross ... cough cough."

To put it here, he looked at the four-week crowd, the small opening: "According to the truth, it should be a winning, but the strength of Xiaowuo has also reached a realm of us today."

"In their hierarchy, whoever wins and who is negative, not unrest."

The voice is just falling, and the middle of the venue will rise again!



La la la, there is another one before 3 o'clock ~

Chapter 328 In order to add the official, rush! (Add more)

True to be me ... is it a dragon champion!

I am a dragon. Do you know, Dragon is the legendary sacred creature! Although it is difficult to take, as long as it is cultivated, their power will be unparalleled in the world. They are strong, and they are smart to attack them!

"You really think ... I will be seek to my weakness ?!"

Eye, look at the opposite Su Xiaowu, the calm opening: "Three wicked dragons, the biggest power, use the flame vortex!"

Time, a hot flame, from the three walovers, I didn't see any action, I saw that the hot flame of the hot flame was a flame, and finally, in order to make a flame flood. Circles above it.

"However, you are not yet fighting my master.)

(What is good.)

Su Xiaowu is in the belly, looks up, and the hot flame is filled in his eyes, and then it is also slightly smile. It is to see the flame whisper and the acute frozen light.



The violent energy is ripple, and suddenly swept in the air, it is unexpected, the three of the three wins of the Dragon Dao Dao is actually intercepting the acute frozen light!

(You are a non-fire property, I want to stop my acute frozen light?)

(I really give you some color you dare to open the square!)

The two huna disads, the energy in the body whistling again, and the acute frozen rays in the mouth suddenly disseminated the increasing cold cold, and it was frozen in an instant!

There is a froible snowflake in the air, and the temperature is suddenly lowered in the middle of the venue.

And the two-hah of frozen light, after freezing the flame, the rest is not reduced, and it is hitting in a moment that has not returned the gods!


There is a slight sound in the middle of the venue. The impact of the , the eyes of the two happiness have become very proud, only see it, it is hovering in half of the air, the face is disdain: "I saw it, this is this Uncle's strength! "

Take the disease, want it!

(Since you want to think with it, it is more iron ...)

(The hit!)

Su Xiaomei is calm and immediately issued an instruction in his heart.

The two hazy once again screamed, and the figure was a zipy, and the piece behind it had emitted the slate that emitted the ice, the slate of the ice was slow, and the other slate the ray ! A huge compression version suddenly whispers in their body!

In order to add the official, in order to eat the energy square ...


It is to help Xiaobuo get victory, rush!

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