My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 544

At this time, Pikachi is also helpless.

(Xiao Wu Ge, I don't know why, I can't take the second sword.)

(How to say, not there is no way to cut out ... I don't want to cut out the second sword.)

(That is, this is not wanting, causing me nowhere to pull the sword ...)

Su Xiaowu, there is no heart in his heart.

Has your own Pikuqiu finally evolved the accented cassette ... The original words of the meritorious thing is that the people you have seen, I have to hit a snack chicken for the second time?

So ... don't quilly kichun ... blame himself!

However, in such a situation, the shock in the heart has no way, and the full body must have brought too much shock, plus this sword, and he has already opened more than 60%. The force, the consequence is still the current state of the fossil wing!

So the other party will come back to the second sword ...

The Dai is just a moment, and it is to return the fossil wing dragon.

In this case, the audience is not objected.

Because of the state of the fossil dragon, it is indeed a little bad, although it is barely, it is basically no way to use any moving, and then play, it is only the injury.

After saying these, crossing to see Su Xiaowu, smiling, I saw him smile, there is a mood and fun: "Good attack, just ... this sword, how much?"

Su Xiaowu heart is slightly in the heart.

That's right, completely, it is necessary, just this hit, plus the moves used before, have pumped him a quarter of the spirit ...

Don't look at this quarter, but it is quite hit for the exclusive players!

However, how can your state make the other party to see?

So, Su Xiaowu's calm opening: "I can still hide ten swords, I can hit you! Let me not believe that I will make you two hands?"

Face black line.



First, there will be 3000 words in the next 3:00! This is promise!

Chapter 344 Due to Dalo's (Add more)

The eyes of the full field are the Su Xiaowu, who is looking to the command area. I saw that the latter's face did not say, and there was a strong sense of strength for her strength.

At this time, they are all curious. How do this young people play such a strong strength and have so many strange moves?

"This is called Su Xiaowu, strength ... too strong, it has exceeded the ordinary King level."

On the audience, there was a giant's eyebrows, looked at the performance of Su Xiaowu, and the admiration in the heart did not even whisper, and even he had an intention to draw.

It is just a moment, he is an eye-catching, looking at the broadcast within front of the window sill, and then gave up the idea.

Hey, talent is hard to find.

The old housekeeper (Xiao Lang family) saw the look on the giants, naturally guess his thoughts, in this, the old manager is only slight smile, he does not know, he only knows, The family's payment is ... in the future, it is very likely that amazing return!

and so……

You are not in these people.

Better than the vision, or my old housekeeper first!

The old housekeeper recovered, how to see the smile of his mouth, how to make people feel somewhat.



Let me two hands?

When I was a black, I saw him looked at Su Xiaowu, and then held the fifth elf elfball, suddenly throwing out: "Go, my fifth elf!"

The voice falls, and there is an orange body sprayed in the venue.

At this moment, this moment, Su Xiaowu's god suddenly became serious, this only the emergence of fire dragons, let him feel the danger of saying that there is a risk.


"The fifth min elf of the black robe players is a sprinkler, not the elf of the dragon! It seems that he has its own style, not a complete model champion ..."

The voice of the Tuna Leading Test Pass slowly sounded, said his own opinion: "We all worshiped the championship, many trainers are the example of the crown, even imitated him, but in my opinion, go out Your own route is what the trainer should do ... "

In his side, Da Ma Wei is slightly snorted from the nose, then the opening: "You are afraid that the homework is not good, the champion is not a dragon, but the flight is the king, his treasure can Dreams have flight attributes. Of course, there is a fire dragon. "

In fact, the president is very simple, that is, you know that the black robes in front of you are the fact that the championship is, then don't let go here.

Go away!

Don't tell me!

Your dinner of this danger!

Tuna zero · Take the roll of the lips, then there is no expression, "" "" ""

"Isn't it now a gap in this quantity? It is extremely unfavorable for the black robes."

The voice is just that the Tuna Zero · Test paper is to find that even Ji Picchu shows an amazing combat power, but all the trains of all the trains in the field are still worthy of absolute confidence!

Where is this confidence come from?

The surrounding space on the competition is not angry. It is not angry. It is just in the heart, and it has a strong record in the heart, and it is said that this is ... Down.


Before the TV.

Seeing a few victories, Piqiu and Su Xiaowu, at this time, Jiangsu and Wenxia were excited to hold a fist.

Flowers are also facing smiles, I can't help but admire: "Xiaowu this child ... is really powerful."

At the same time, it is also to help the nephew: "The next Xiaowu should be stable, and the top four should be no problem."

At this time, Dr. Bigmu can't help but closely frown, but it can't help but have some sighs.

Xiaowu this child ...

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