My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 561

Time is a little late, and everyone is also able to feel that the original violent venue is also beginning to calm, obviously, this is an attack ... to end the sign.


With the last huge palm whistling, the sound of the world is finally completely dissipated, the whole world, as if they become quiet at this time. Many.

The pattern of Luolio has disappeared completely, and the real thousand hands under the body is dissipated, and next second, it is a head to the ground.

Su Xiaowu saw the shape, endured the body's discomfort, and immediately rushed forward.

On the other hand, the smoke is scattered, the body of the fast dragon is also a little bit of appearance, and finally become clear.


When the body became clear, everyone slammed a breath.

The fast dragon stationed in the deep pit of the venue, the body has already shown dark red, because his body surface, it has been bloody, seeing the head of the skin, they can imagine, in previous At this time, this fast dragon has experienced how much pain can resist such an attack.

"Fast Dragon ... Will it be dead?"

During the broadcast room, Wuxi's heartbeat looks at this scene, and the heart must be hung in the eyes. The fast dragon will not lose this?

Will not lose this?

In the venue, Su Xiaowu received the moment of Lukalio, which was to take out the energy squares of several A-level A, in the latter, gently open: "Hard work."

Lukali Obmitter stayed on the opposite fast dragon, and the look is a little desolate: "Sorry, Xiao Wu Ge, did not win the fast dragon."

Su Xiaowu is looking at it, soon, it will be collected back: "Don't worry, the fast dragon ... Even if you don't die, it is too miserable, the top is a sword."

Ok, Ok.

Su Xiaowu looked at the fast dragon, slowly walked back to the rest area, and she understood that the reason why I just crusited and the fast dragon ... I didn't counterattack, and they were actually instilled into the fast dragon. In vivo, to achieve no failure.


It's really fighting.

Su Xiaowu looked opposite the opposite side and the beginning of the big gas, and the hand was quietly held in the hands of the wizard.

A sword, if the big needle is just a sword, you should still have to live.

Moreover, with the state of the fast dragon, a sword go down, the game should be ended.


the other side.

The face of the Dai is also extremely ugly, and the eyes are changeable, saying that it is not shocked, it is fake! Now his mental strength and the power of Changzhou have consumed it, he is very clear! And the whole game with Lukalio, although he won the road Cali, it can be high and low.

And ... in the state of the fast dragon, there may be no way to pick up the last sword of the big needle!

what can we do about it?

It seems to fall into the desperation.

"Lukali lost combat ability, so this Council, the fast dragon wins!"

The referee stunned, finally the previous step, announced the result.

However, when this result announced, the audience still fails to come back from the previous shock, and now they are sighing for the failure of Luolio.

Obviously win!

It's a trick!

Su Xiaowu's response to these audiences, there is no smile, and the elves in the hands are ready to throw out.

However, in the moment he is about to lose, the air is ... Suddenly there is a touch of fog, almost a moment is filled with the entire competition.

A elegant voice suddenly passed out.

"Sorry, embarrassing ... is the road Cali Ou, but the record and human head are under."



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Chapter 355 You are staring by the beast.

Water fog is filled.


At this moment, the wet feeling in the air is quickly spread throughout the stadium. The rapid coagulation has become huge fog. In this fog, there is a cool meaning of a silk, and suddenly it is emitted.

The fog of the entire competition instantly made all the spectators.

The Dawu is also curious to look at this scene, next second, he is a black face to pour the mouth.

This kind of squatting ... don't guess, I also know that Su Xiaowu's boy is coming out.


Some worried looks at the game in the game, the status of the latter is really bad.


He didn't think that Su Xiaowu, the king of Su Xiaowu, the level of Cali Europe, which exceeded his band! Even if it is the power of Changlong and the full openness of the dragon, it is only barely resistant to the kind of 'true thousand hands'.

The newcomer trainer now ... is a horrible.

Due to deep sucking, the eyes were not very clear in the venue, and the eyes were in a moment, and the mouth suddenly looked out a smile.

This is the luck of the alliance.

Can have such excellent trainers so early, those Rockets Galaxy, the estimated summary headache.

the other side.

Looking at the spurious movement of the Shujun in the venue, Su Xiaowu is dark, then adjusts his mentality, turn over the eyes, and asked in his heart: "What is solved?"

Shujun nodded: "Of course, I am going to be horses, is there anything I can't solve?"

Oh, huh.

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