My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sudoko 592

Du Foli made him a look: "Exercise ... useful?"

Dakuo carefully considers it, gives an answer: "If you don't reach the strength of the Silver Conference or Quartz General Assembly ... Don't consider challenge Changfan Road."

Du Shed smashed her face, carefully thought, complex complex: "I ... it seems to be a 16th now?"

Dak took a look at him: "So you didn't play."

"..." Du Yue deeply took a deep breath, it seems that it suddenly thought about what it was, this only opened: "Right, I don't seem to take over Honglian Road."

"Yes." Dak multi-point: "Appointment is estimated that it will come out in these days. The Charibotus is due to some other things, it may not be able to serve as the owner of the road hall, so I was Appointed. "

Douxin took a mouthful: "Don't get it like this kid, Hui whistle that you can get it."




The storm formed by the true thousands of attacks is finally stopped. When the dust is not dissipated, the body shape of the thirteen elf is, and the body is smashed out, and the body is heavy. Above the wall, severe pain, let them almost send a scream ...

one strike.

Just a blow.

Thirteen elf ... The whole army is covered! At the same time, lose combat skills!

Looking at this situation, the face of the thirteen trainers instantly, the body is stiff to stop, they understand that the people in front of them, the so-called tricks, it is absolutely not to laugh, but really cut Have such strength, you can release such a horizontal way!

The audience looked at this scene, smoke scattered, Lukali's passionately stood above the giant, and thousands of huge palms slowed back, and in the palm, from time to time Will, seems to also exude a fluctuation.

Ok ... so strong!

When the referee suddenly squinted, he did not expect his own new owners 'strength to be strong to this point, he had a concern, but until the truthful scene experience this trick is' fairy law. · Reality Thousands of hands · topped Buddha ', only to understand the terrible place!

Even already surpass the quality gap!

"Wonderful frog seeds, Jenny Turtles, small fire dragons, chrysanthemum leaves ... wait for 13 small eranges to lose combat ability, so winners are the landlords of Changxian Road, Su Xiaowu!"

The referee will raise the flag and announce the results.



Until at this time, the thunderous applause of the audience was in the entire road hall, and the cheers were in this moment.



"It is worthy of the new Yitan Road Hall Lord!"

"Amazing ..."

Cheers, screams and drowned the entire road hall.

Under this cheers, more challengers looked at this scene, quietly left the seat, but these people just went out, he saw that Xiaoyu led a group of staff, and took out the paper to sign them. .

Automatically give up the agreement to challenge the Orthodox Road, and will not refund the cost agreement for the application challenge!


Competition site.

Thirteen challengers ran to their own elf, quietly recovered their own elf, then the wind is left, they will continue to go to the elves ... Treatment of the Elf!

Under such an attack, it is not dead ... it is already a big!

The referee sighed and slowly walked to Su Xiaowu, the complexity of the complexity: "The owner ... isn't it too much?"

Su Xiaowu picked his eyebrows: "What afractions, the alliance will not blame me, I am now the landlord, all in accordance with the rules of challenge, there will be no consequences."

The referee refers to the location of Cali Europe, the whole site is gravel ... " Can't use some powerful but killing powerful moves? It is the kind of skill that can be in the red knife, and then not left the skill of too big wound. "

Su Xiaowu looked at the competition venue, and then he wanted to cry without tears.

This is a special ... How much does it cost?

Next, continue to draw.

Su Xiaowu deeply took a deep breath, at the same time of the lottery, the turntable, the turntable stopped, the pointer points to it ... dust, limited life!



La la la, there is a more 3000 words before 3 pm ~

Chapter 378 Cliffs Sword Warning! (Add more)

In the venue, after the end of the first game, the abandoned challenger up to more than 340 people!

Almost half of the challengers are actually gotting directly!

The huge 'Thousands of Buddha' s slowly dissipated, and Luolio also took a deep breath and slowly walked back to the command area, and then sit on the legs of Su Xiaowu, it was the beginning to continue to collect natural energy.

Su Xiaowu is touched that the dust and limited exploitation of the turntable of the turntable pointer is speechless.

This is lucky ... this probability ...

Is the newcomer trainer died?

It is necessary to know that the dust, the limits of the limits, but it is necessary to have a grade. In the fire, the 25 wooden fraens to the Yuxi Boss is almost one. The huge square rigid formed by the formation of the restricted boundaries, and all the needles can be all ... ... ... ... ...

If this group of newcomers have come to anthropo ... But if there is a small elf to live, Su Xiaowu, he dares to screw his head!

Flasho is jealous after seeing this lottery in the elf.

This container has been talking about it. It does not want to help Su Xiaowu game, but since it will fly, I want to find the way to go, let the world look, it is not a fly. The beast!

Su Xiaowu complex is complex in the heart: "Don't ... Let's use dust? I am afraid that these newcomers will be desperately desperate."

Flagroat Time Rise: "How can I?"

"How can you pay for the trainee trainer?" Don't speak? "

"Say your little lottery, what skills are used to smash, it is difficult, don't you want to repent now?"

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