My Pikachu will open Suzuo

My Picchu will open Sasoko 601

Su Xiaowu shook his head.

Honestly, he is really a little confidence.

The power of the peak, beyond his imagination. Although he is now winning at the Silver Conference, he is also clear. If he is a match for the game, it is not in the silver conference, and death is similar to the battle of life and death. Whoever will be difficult to say, The strength is absolutely more than just the performance of the Silver Conference.

... but the real strength is on the ferry!

Plus, it is very likely that the dream is also in the mash!

No matter what, the next month's life and death war is a little dangerous.

"What about Pikaqiu?" Su Xiaowu shook his head, smashed the negative emotions in his mind, try to make yourself look easily: "Where is they run?"

Xiaolu thought about it: "It should be on the end of Changsong Forest, they say that I have to have a picnic today, don't come back to eat."

Su Xiaowu nodded, this began to think about it, how to raise the strength of ourselves and the elf when he is dead.

First ... mental strength must be full!

Otherwise, because of the words of the war, because the spiritual power, it will definitely be very miserable!

Further, the strength of the flying dragonfly can rise again.

Pikachi ...

Evolution of nine hooks and jade.

If you don't open the sky, this super big trick, the battle, you can say that it is almost no play!

Opened the sky, don't say anything else, the ability to transfer yourself and around people to other spaces is absolutely higher than the BUG level!

Lava, ice, overweight, sand, acid, etc., these five spaces are directly connected to the spatial space.

Even if the fighting consciousness of Saku is strong, encounter such a combat method, it is estimated that he is enough to drink a pot.

You know, in this bug skill in the sky, in this operation, even if you kill the monots, you can't crack because you are still in the space. And one of the lava spaces, once unfortunate, if not flying, immediately fall into the magma, must die!

Since Sakura is going to play life, you must prepare yourself!

The only way to flee the sky of the sky can only be transferred by spatial transfer. Throughout the whole, all the shadows, only those who have a dual-door joke write round eyes, can fly, they have the opportunity to transfer space with Shenwei, so getting away.

In the hot shadow world, only Shenweikasi is one person (of course, if the land is not dead, it is the genoven of the earth) to be lucky enough to be lucky. So the sky can be considered in the world's first in the world (unlimited month reading, the operation is launched, the whole world is quiet, you will be alone in all the world (unless there is a hook jade written the eyes of the eye " Immunization). There is a person who is still playing.

Throughout the entire treasure dream world, you can make a space jumping or transmitted.

Therefore, nine hooks are back to the eye ... still there is necessary to redeem.

Plus, redeem the nine hooks and jade rounds, and there are eighty gods air hit, etc., they want to come to a card.

But this trick is also a bit big, that is, the energy that needs to be consumed this trick ...

When I thought here, Su Xiaowu was a bit hurt.

How much energy will be consumed in this trick, or mentally, he is really a little.



SME forest.

Su Xiaowu's a few wits are sitting on the river, they are all silent.

Pikachu looked at the river in the water, and the two small paws held their own chin some sad: "Do you find it? Recently, Xiaowang is in love, it should be very happy, but I always feel The recent atmosphere seems to be a bit wrong. "

At this time, Suddenly I got a few elves unanimous recognition.

"I have always had a bad feeling." Lukario sat around it, the legs were sitting together, the next consciousness is the beginning of gathering natural energy, but the next second it is wrong, the corner of the mouth It is twitching.

I saw that I was cheering, screaming, biting a huge big pliers crab ran over.

"Hey, add menu today, the old brothers will look, I caught a big big pliers crab."

Several elves are some mistakes, the big needle bee frown, the opening of the consciousness: "This ... is not very good?"

Flying the sky is silent.

The final Pikachi is calm and stands up, and she has found a lot of branches from side: "The big pliers crab is so dead ..."



There is another one before 3 o'clock ~

Chapter 385, big onion duck, you die so badly!

Shujun is elegant, it brows microstruck: "We do this ... really not good?"

Flashdo is calm: "When you say this, please put down the pliers legs in your hands."

The sauna elegant quickly eliminates the pliers legs, and the meaning of a face is still doing: "Is there still?"

Two happiness smiled: "Yes, not only big pliers crab, there is a good thing!"

The second havocal sound has just fallen, and several eiversia are turning away. The laugh is smile, then the figure is going out, wait another time ... There is a lot of green onion duck in the mouth.

Several elves are shocked!

How does the constantn forest have a green onion duck!

I'm hurting a few drops of tears, a face sympathy: "This big chopped duck seems to be a foundation with other elves, and then lose, it is hurt, and it will die immediately."

"At the time, I asked if there was any wish. This big onion duck said that I will die far away, it will die without regret."

"I just retired more than one hundred meters, it was swallowed."

Pikachi: "..."

Luolio: "..."

Shujun: "..."

Flag: "..."

Flying : "..."

Big needle bee: "..."

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