My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Pirace, Chapter 102

But because Duofangming, the black beard is a pirate! And for non-press! Zemifi wants to catch them!

But Duofangming, black beard is a fight with Zefa!

The next naval warship was passed by the Naval Warrier. But did not expect those naval, but because Duofangming is a Tianlong people, helping Duofangming brother!

Under the black beard, Dofrang Ming, a group of navy's attacks, loved students have been killed by Ai Yin and Binz, and his right arm is also serious!

The Sigog fist is gripped, once again, I thought about it, and finally said, "Teacher, believe in the Navy!"

"Believe with the Navy?" Zemifa could not help but smile cold!


Still eligible, let him believe?

Blood songs stand there, carefully think!

The original "One Piece" Zefax has been cut five years old by 70 years old by scientists into the "crusher" "crusher" equipped with sea floor stone. Soon after the establishment of the "One Piece" hunting thief, Ai Yin and Bingz have also added thereto (many members of "NEO Navy" from the "One Piece").

At the age of 73, I learned that the pirates that broke the arm became the Queon Seven Wuhai, and began to have strong question and uninteresses in the navy, and resolutely withdraw from the navy, to annihilate the midfill as the purpose of "NEO" navy".

Now Zefa leaves the Navy, it is completely unwise!

The blood song is walking step by step, and the eyes closely attacked Zemifa.

"Blood songs, Scims, Darna, now tell me now, your intention!"

Chapter 141 hidden strength

"What is your decision?"

"Willing to follow me?"

Zefei looked at blood songs, Scoge, Tina said.

These three people appeared in Zemifa, which is a rare Qingquan in the turbid naval. In all blends, it is difficult to exist.

Sigra, Dna will not convinced.

Call them betrayed the Navy! This is really hard to do.

Blood songs also shake their heads "I refuse."

What jokes!

Blood songs before and now, never had the idea of ​​surrender others.

Under one person, the people are above, it is also a fart!

"Unfortunately." Look at the blood song actually refused himself, Zemifa could not help but sigh.

At first, the reason why Zemifi attacked them because they wear the naval uniform!

The Zefan can say that it is very hate to the navy.

But now, Zemifa is also awake.

Look at the blood songs, they refused, Zema could not help but sigh, and then Zemifi decided to turn around.

"Wait a minute." What did the blood songs think about it, call Zemifa.

Zemifa stopped and looked at the avalanche, why didn't know why blood songs hit themselves.

Blood songs are going on!

"Now you can't leave the navy." Blood songs. I heard the words, Zemifu's brow wrinkled "Xiaozi, what do you mean? Do you want to leave me? Still, I have to go, do you want to kill me?"

"You stay in the Navy, you can absorb some like-minded people, set up your own navy, now you leave the Navy, exclusive widows, you think, what can you do?" Blood songs have a sharp, look Zemifi is also a shock!

Indeed, this kid is right. Zefa thought it was thoughtful, but he agreed to this kid, and he was too faceless!

"Beat me!" Zefa reached out his finger with blood songs, and said.

Zemifi also wants to see blood songs, what is the potential!

What kind of point is now arrived!

If it is blood song, lose it! Zemifi turned to turn around!

Although it is impossible to absorb people in the Navy! But Zemifa thought, you can also absorb some human sources outside, but it takes time to be a little!

Looking at Zemifa, the blood song is nodded!

Then Zemifa daddy, suddenly the militant domineering covered the whole body, and then shocked up! The whole person hits on the body of blood songs!

"Well!" Under the dramatic impact, the blood songs were hit!

Fall into the dense grass in the garden.

The whole person, the entire man, also shocked.

What happened in the grass!

People outside, can't see it at all!

Zemifi's opinion is domineering, and it is also showed. Others want to use the color domineering to explore, and it is also an impossible.

Among the grass, Zemifa double-eyed kittened blood songs, nodded, "I just striied it, you didn't show armed colors. But I have collided with me, but you have no things! Your own ** is enough. "

I heard the words, the blood songs were acknowledged.

About **, blood songs will start from walking, they have been exercising!

"Blood songs, you are deep enough. What is your way? Let me take a look at it."

The opening of Zemifa is said.

The 142th chapter of the Yangtze River

Outside the grass, Sman, Dina, Xiaobin standing outside.

Within the grass, what happened, they didn't know!

Within the grass!

"You only have one hand." Blood songs looked at Zefa who had lost the right arm, and the brow wrinkled, and then put the black broken sword in his hand on the ground, step by step to Zefa's before.

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