My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1233 of the One Piece.

"Your guy, do you know what people are?" "Asma watched him, it was roaring, this called Asma is very angry, he is a three generation, now you have to pick up a girl At the evening, this kid did not give his face at all on the evening.

This is an unbearable thing for Asma.

"I know, I don't know what it is." Blood song. Look at the blood songs, Asa feels that the other party must not know his identity, if you know, in the wooden village, how do you dare to do this?

"I told you, my name is Asma. I flying Asma." Asmate will "" two words, read very loudly.

Blood songs are lazy look at Asa, he really doesn't want to talk to this guy, but look at Kakasi, "take me to the office."

Blood songs come here to apply for the application.

At the same time, the blood songs want to see the banned reel.

Kardi is nodded, it is going to go to the office before the blood song.

At this time, many of the students of the Ninja School gathered, now the gods of the Kunqian Bridge have just ended, and Asma is waiting for the temporary teacher of the Ninja School.

The students gathered, and they were discussing.

"Is this not the opportunity to give me a good performance? In the face of so many students, I will fight the blood songs. These students will definitely pay for their own songs and worship themselves. Over the evening, will fall in love with I am. "Thinking here, Asma is laughing at huh.

Seeing the blood songs and Kakasi to go, Asa hurriedly asked, "Hey, where is this ???"

"Apply to bear the assessment." Kakasi answered the blood song. Wen said, Asma is haha ​​laughing, "to bear the assessment? Don't you know that I am a proxy teacher? So come with me, defeat me, you are tolerance!

"Can you be shameless?" Blood songs turned around and looked at Asa. Asma is a neutral, one person to apply for the assessment, and fight against him,

This Asma is in the eyes of blood songs, it is very shameless.

Kakasi Eye is also cold. "Asma, are you too much."

"This." At this time, Asma also probably knowing that he probably said something wrong, coughing, is the continuation, "I am fighting for me, if you can satisfy, you can be endure!"

"Okay, I accept it." Kakasi has not said anything, blood songs are immediate. Kakasi also looked at blood songs, whispered, "Asma, heart steward, you must be careful"

"Reassuring" blood songs put their hands.

"God, he agreed to Asma?"

"Asma is three-generation destination son, our agent, can we be so easy to deal with,?"

"This kid, it seems that I have to be sent to the Ninja Hospital."

After listening to the blood songs, the students he heard it, and it was surprised to connect. The eyes are watching the blood songs.

After all, the blood song is nothing famous in the wooden village!

How could it be Asma's opponent?

"Have you spend it ??? I am working together." Asa laughed. But I feel wrong in my heart! But I think that the other party is just the younger brother, although the wave of water is the fourth generation, but what is it? There are three generations, and Asa believes that the wave wind door will not have any way.

"Little red, you see ..."

"Don't call Xiaohong, my name is the evening." The evening is a faint road. Wen said, Asa is cold, but it is still a face, "the evening red, you are optimistic, I will wait for you to know my strength."

At the end, there is not much to say anything. Atmosphere, Asma has gone to the blood songs.

"I have a hand to make you good." Asma said proudly, "Reassured, I will definitely leave."

"How much time do you say that this kid is completely defeated?"

"I saw that he was solved by Asma for three seconds."

"Hu said! I look two seconds."

"I feel that it should be a second, spike"!

"..." between the time, the students around them are talking about it.

Blood songs are asma, and the corner of the blood songs of blood songs is a smile! Asa, this guy, it is definitely unbearable!

"Pay attention, I have to shoot." Asa arrogantly, then lifted one hand, I don't know when I have grabbed the sword, and the hands in my hands suddenly shot. And go.

"Asta teacher only has a sword in his hand, but there are three ah."

"Yeah, Asma teachers actually played with swords,"

The hand of the hand has been torn open, and the speed is fast, it is really beyond the expectations of most people.

In the eyes of everyone, blood songs should be bleeding, and must be sent to the hospital.

After the hands of the sword in Asa, I don't look at the results, it is the show of the show and look at the evening, "I have solved him."

"Who do you solve?"

Chapter 725, Huadia, Chapter 6, mad, playing

Chapter 725, Huadia, Chapter 6, mad, playing

Naruto Chapter 6

11718 The bunch of flowers is in front of the evening.

"My father is three generations. He invited you to go home before, I think you will not go?"

This guy, this tone, does this change the threat? Blood songs standing on the side, frowned slightly wrinkled.

"I ..." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

Blood songs, of course, know that the boy, who is. Fei Asma.

"Name: Fei Asma."

"Strength, 55 stars"!

"Level: Ibrance"!

"Introduction to the character: Ninja school graduation age: 9 years old

Introduction age: 12. year old

Task experience: D-class 111 times, C-class 193 times, b-class 217 times, A 178 times, S-class 20 times.

Chakra properties: wind, fire.

"Flower, I don't want it." I thought about it, I said this.

"Oh, don't." Asma saw the blood songs, it was the road, "Xiaozi, help me holding this bunch of flowers, don't want it, you will take it."

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