My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1242 of the One Piece.

"Just now, you have successfully attracted the sight of Unexpo Fuqiu, so that I have a good opportunity to start." Blood songs grabbed Carti! Nowadays, the blood songs do not want to expose their specific strength.

"It turned out to be like this." Carti is nodded, except for this explanation, no other explanation. After all, how is the blood songs, you can't defeat!

At this moment, it is also attracting other Ninja in the Yishabo family.

"Catch these two bodies." Yuxi Bofu is hoarse in the ground, "they, I suspect that they are the spy Ninpse of other ninja villages,"

"Yes." The Ninja of the Yishabo notled nodded, it was to go to the blood song, Kakasi.

Kakasi looked at the three ninja that suddenly appeared, three are neutral!

"This is not wonderful, you have to be caught." Kakasi Road. Who knows that they come to Yishibo? When you die, the outside world may not know.

Chapter 734, Huie Ninja, Chapter 15, Who are you?

Chapter 734, Huie Ninja, Chapter 15, Who are you?

Naruto Chapter 15 Who are you?

"Fuxi, don't do this." Yuxi Wom Meiqin couldn't help but scream, although she didn't have strength, but also felt the killing of Unexpello Fuqiu.

I didn't say anything, but I climbed it from the ground, I saw the blood songs on the ground, and I looked at Carti!

"You have two spies, I have the people of the Wooden Guard, there is the right, put you, tortured you." Yu Zhipo Fuqi convulsions.

After the end of the war, the Yuxi Woshi was thinking about people. I gradually revealed that some of the people who were dissatisfied with thousands of unfilled leaves began to compete for the important positions of the wooden leaves, trying to disintegrate a large situation, even the throne of the shadow. Thousands of hands and other ethnic groups are more embarrassed to the rebellious behavior of Unexpell Boss; the trust of Unexpello, and it is increasing. In order to avoid the depression of the thousand-handles, you can't drive to Yishibo. He has established a wooden police force, and the main positions are held by the Yuxi Wave; this is both expressing the trust in Unecao, and can also observe the one fell swimming in Unexpedition. Since then, the Nice Wave in the face of the wooden leaves, the rights reach the peak.

Blood songs looked at Su Zhipo Fuqiu, not exclaimed.

"A stinky boy, you are sighing." Yu Zhipo Fuqiu anger roaring.

"I advise you not to provoke me." Blood songs faint.

"Don't provoke you?" Wen Yan, Yu Zhipo Fuqiu is more laughing, endure that there is a dramatic pain in that place, "I told you, I have basically sure you are spy."

"If the waterpons are found out, you will be suffering from Yushu family." Kasi stationed next to blood songs, he said faintly.

Kakari did not believe that blood songs can kill Yizhipo Fuqiao, and they played Yizhipo Fuqiu, which is completely coincidental.

At this time, Kasi can think of using the name of the wave wind door to suppress the Unexpea.

"Wave Water Gate"! Think of these four words, Yuxi Po Fuqi more bite to teeth! In his heart, there is a King Tutal. In his opinion, he can push the Suchomo family in the new peak.

Because the three generations have been old, people are old, and they don't have so decisive! In the view of Unexpo Fuqiu, this is a good opportunity for the Yuxi Bo.

However, the leaves now have a proxy, and the fourth generation of wave wind doors. His young, his talents, deeply hit the ambition of Yuxi Bofu

"As long as you die, I believe that he will not say more." Yu Zhipo Fuqiu pardified, said, "Damn no evidence."

Yuxi Bofeng has patted his hand, and the three ninjas of Yishabo family took the blood songs and others! And Chico Meiqin is more tight.

"This woman, there will always be back. Trich myself." Yu Zhipo Fuqi bite his teeth, "can evil."

Blood songs, Kakasi was closed in the guardian of the Yishabo family! That is a cage, the unique cage of Unechebra.

Meiqin has already walked in the cage, and there are two people who are in two in the cage.

Yuxi Wom Meiqin went to the face of blood songs. She always treated blood songs, and looked at the blood songs. "Sorry, I didn't think that Fuqiu would actually start with you."

"It doesn't matter." The blood songs in the cage are laughing, suddenly thinking about a paragraph, don't say it, "Yu Zhipo Fuqiu arrived me, it is his tragedy."

"Well," Yu Zhi Bo Mi picked up.

"You don't like him ??" Wen Yan, and the blood songs have seen Unexpell Meiqin. And Yis Zhi Bo Miqin nodded again.

"Mixed"! At this moment, Yischbo Fuqiu, just came in, heard this sentence, suddenly anger, "Meiqin, how can you do this to me?"

"Who let you hurt my family?" "Said, Meiqin distracted to reach out and caress the face of blood songs.

"Family! I am your family." Yu Zhipo Fuqiu fist is grip! Yischo Meiqin is an old granddaughter of Unexpo, so Yu Zhipo Fuqiu, she is naturally for her own ambition.

What is the woman in Unexpo Fuqiu? It is not important as Wang Tuages.

But seeing your wife and another man is so good, Yu Zhipo Fuqiu is angry, "Blood Song, I tell you, you can't live tonight"!

"I lived tonight, it is you." Blood song, "read more than 700 consecutive people, will have more than 600 killing methods, proficient in more than 200 murders, knowing hundreds of poison, manufacturing Various non-maps, clever use of fish lines, recorders, daggers, poisonous needles, etc., remember, don't provoke me! Otherwise, you don't know. "

"You actually threaten me ??" Wen Yan, Su Zhipo Fuqi is extremely laughed, jokes, who is he is afraid of his Zhiwu family? What is the strength of the blood song, that is, in the eyes of Yuxi Bok, the blood song is going to kill him?

It is a super impossible event.

"Hehehe, then you will wait for the pain of tonight." After the Zhizhibo Fuqi snorted, he turned and left.

"What should I do? What should I do this?" Yushu Meiqin is anxious, that is, the cardi's face does not help but panic, and no longer be flat. Kakasi still doesn't want to die now!

Blood songs, of course, didn't take time to pay attention to Kakasi, but reach out, not stroking the delicate face of Yuxi Po Meccu.

"You are worried about me ???" asked blood songs.

"I ... I don't know." And the blood songs are so close, when you smell the blood song, Yischi Meiqin lost his gods, after returning to the god, could not help but panic on the pretty face.

"I ... I am not a bad woman ??" Yu Zhiwu Meiqin thought what, the beautiful, a drop of tears flowed down.

"You are not a bad woman." Blood songs.

Blood songs have pulled Yishe Fuqiu into the blacklist at this moment. What Yischo family is long? Now Yishibo family, compared to once, it is completely unable to finish!

Once Yuxi Boupel is leading the Yishabo family, how much is it? What is the current Yuxi Bo?

A group of mixed? A group of ?

Blood songs should kill Yushu Fuqi is very easy, blood songs are prepared to learn about shadow, and a shadow stay in the cage, and it is true to kill Yizhiba Fuqiu with stealth system.

"I ... I am going to talk to Fuqiu now, I hope to let him let him go." Said, Yis Zhipo metanic wiped a tears, just got out.

Kakasi looked at Yischi Meiqin, then looked at the blood song, I also thought about it, but I couldn't help but secretly, this kind of thing is impossible? ? ?

Chapter 735, Huie Ninja, Chapter 16, I am acting at the ghost.

Chapter 735, Huie Ninja, Chapter 16, I am acting at the ghost.

Naruto Chapter 16 is active

The night is gradually black.

Blood songs have been closed, Carti doesn't know what to do in the end!

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