My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1244

But two in the two are facing each other. They can't see the existence of stealth of blood songs. They will see their tribute, and Su Zhipo Fuqiu hits the wall.

"Our family, the nerves may not be very good."

"I think so."

When I heard the two of them, Su Zhipo Fuqiu was frying.

Chapter 736 Huijing Ninja Chapter 17 Instructor

Chapter 736 Huijing Ninja Chapter 17 Instructor

Naruto Chapter 17

The two in the two are now looking at the idiot, and they look at Uxzfuqiu. This doesn't blame them, let anyone seeing a person suddenly hits the wall, there will be this idea.

Not neuropathy, how can you make such a nerve?

Yuxi Bokqi is completely blown, but his gas is not afraid of fear. Who is it to think about him? Can't you see it?

It is to know that although the Yishusai family has not fallen, the Database of the Yishabo family is very powerful! On the history of the endurance, it has never happened so strange incident.

In this case, Unecheb Fuqiu was quickly escaped. He immediately looked at the door. It was the shock of the rapid explosive force. But there was no shock to the door, and Su Zhipo Fuqiu found that someone died in his neck. But there is no one in front of him!

"Ah! ..." The sound is hoarse, the Sui Zhibo Fuqi, who is covered with the neck, does not even make a sound, and the two of the Zhiwei family is even more embarrassed to look at this scene.

In front of them, Unecheb Fuqiu is the neck of themselves. How do they know that Yizhipo Fuqiu is actually trying to drive the invisible hand of his neck.

"I said, you live tonight." The invisible blood song is close to Yuxi Bofu, with only Yis Zhi Boku's voice, shallow.

And I heard this familiar sound of Unexpo Fuqi pupils more than a moment! How could it be him? how come? ? ? At this moment, Yizhipo Fuqiu, the heart is full of shocking, of course, there is a convincing remorse.

How can I get such a com star? ? ?

What should I do in my Wang Tu Hege?

Just when Unexpo Fuqiu is still aliasing his king map hegemony.

""! A good!

Yuxi Bokqi neck breaks, and the vitality is broken.

The neutrality of the two Unecao family is more look, this is also panicked. It was originally thought that Unexpello Fuqiu's long, it should be a business entry, so it is a bit nerve.

But didn't expect Yis Zhipo Fuqi to kill himself? The Ethnic Group of the Yishabo family is either on the battlefield, or it is to enjoy the whole year, how can I be killed by myself?

This may be that the Yishabo family, the most wronged family? ? Two in the middle, but still decided to report this matter.

Blood songs stand there, indifference to the body of Yuxi Bofu, the corner of the mouth outlined a cold smile!

Yuxi Bofu, now you should know who lives tonight? ? ?

If you use blood songs now use the power of Ninja, go to Yuxi Po Fuqiu, then find the death, blood songs just refined to Chakra! How can I bear it? But the true combat power of blood songs is in the "One Piece" "Mountain Cancer" ... that is quenched by the second year of the world, it is comparable to the stamping.

The stealth of blood songs are left here, returning to the police room of the Unexpea family, and exchanged with that shadow. Kasi, but did not find this.

The night is very deep!

Yuxi Bo is not quiet. The people of Urcho family gathered together. The grandfather of Yuxi Boi, and the grandfather of Yuxi Bo Miqin came out of government affairs!

Yuxi Bofu is dead!

Actually, is it so dead?

The news passed to the three generations of me, the four generations of Wave wind gates, these two people are also facing each other! Two one of them are ginger or old spicy, and the other is a rare teacher.

They have already seen the ambition of Unexpo Fuqi, and Su Zhipo Fuqiu thought that he had a very good, but it was a small person! The three generations were flying, and the four generations of Wave wind doors have also thought of many of the death law of Unexpello Fuqiu, but I didn't expect him to die so.

The living is killed by oneself? ? ?

This is really going to laugh.

Blood songs, Kasi is of course, now Yishabo family is the old master, the old and Yuxi Bokuqiu is totally different. The old man once is also the people like Yizhipo, thinking that Guangdu Zhibo family , But what else thinking after the old man? I think about enjoying my old age!

What is the ambiguity? But after the old age, I didn't have a segment! Let's mention the old man of the Yishabo family!

Kakasi, the blood song left the resident of the Yishabo family.

At this time, it is already late in the night.

"It's really strange, you say that Su Zhipo Fuqiu, the palace of Chito Zhibo family, how to say that it is killed? It is killed ??" Kasi's eyes are complicated to blood songs, always think this Things, it seems to have a relationship with blood songs.

This cardi is really not simple!

Blood songs have naturally been perceived in front of Kakasi, "I don't know, I have always been with you."

What is said, this guy has always been with me. Wen said, Kardi is nodded. Blood songs, Kakasi is also the crossroads of the wooded street, followed by separation, Cardi wants to return to the secret report of the secret. The blood song is back home.

"Said, how do you come back so late?" Among the waves, the lights of the living room are still bright. The wave wind gate is dealt with because of the Yischo family. And Ni Ni is always sitting on the sofa.

"I, cultivate myself with Kakasi!" Blood Hall.

"This way." Wen said, Ni Xinnai nodded, and he didn't forget the road, "the strength is very important, but also remember to take care of your body."

"Well." The blood song nodded.

"Yes, my brother, I gave you a teacher." Suddenly thought about what I got, Xiao Ni smiled and smiled.

"Teacher? Who?" When he heard the words, blood songs were puzzled. Who will be his teacher? Blood songs have guess.

But this is really hard to guess.

"She, I have been waiting for you in your room, go." When I saw the blood song, I said softly.

Subsequently, Ni Ni is to go to his room with blood songs. When you walk into the room, the blood songs are not good.

I, grass!

How can it be a master? ? ?

"How? This sister finds a master person personally guides you, your sister is good to you." Seeing the scene of blood songs, Ni Ni is again laughing again.

"Well, you are very good." Blood songs laughed. But in my heart, I was in my body, I found that the book was discovered in me, I found that I saw her body that night, I am not bad? ? ?

Chapter 737 Chapter 16 Trial of the 18th Chapter

Chapter 737 Chapter 16 Trial of the 18th Chapter

Trial of the 18th chapter of Naruto

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