My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1268 of the One Piece.

Blood songs are quietly standing there, for the choice of the three generations, the blood songs are no exception. In the moment, Uchiko couldn't help but hold his fists in the crowd. He could also wanted to guard the wooden leaves, but he hesitated at this moment!

What I want to guard is such a false wooden leaves? ? ?

At this moment, the three generations waved, and the Ninja after the time, rushed to the blood song. They are the Ninja of the dark, listen to the instructions from the three generations.

Three generations will fly to kill who, they will kill, because they are Tools.

Blood songs are open in this moment!

"Wooden, Tree Recruitment"

! ""

With the voice of blood songs, the group is hidden, "Woodwood, the tree is coming? You are a thousand-handed room??"


At this moment, a big tree seems to have suddenly come out from the ground, it is the woods here. At the moment, the woods are completely covered by trees! That fly to the dark ninja of blood songs, most of them are directly killed by the trees that are flooded by the ground!

On the side of the group, his body is also trapped in the handover of the tree and the tree, and the blood song is obvious, "Woodwill ??????????"

"It's impossible." The three generations were also trapped in the trees. At this moment, they will not be struggled for a while. His eyes are shocked to look at the blood song. One of the legendary, the legend of the wood, the blood, the monk of the monk!

Why is the blood song? ? ?

The blood song is standing before the trees, looking at the three generations, and then looked at the group.

"Now, I will read your crime."

I heard this sentence, the three generations of eyes snorted, he didn't believe that blood songs know his sin. The color of the group hiding is not pale.

Blood songs know that he transplanted thousands of cellular cells. I don't have to be blood song and know other things.

Chapter 763, the most young rebellion in the history of the fire, the forty-fourth chapter

Chapter 763, the most young rebellion in the history of the fire, the forty-fourth chapter

Naruto 44th chapter

"Now, what kind of sins are you talking about." Blood songs looked at the three generations of three generations, faint, "from the beginning of the nearby," Will you die? "

Why does the wave wind do be dead? Of course because of the nine tail. The villager of the woods was shout at this time, and the heart was full of hatred for the nine-tailed demon fox.

At the same time, the villagers thought of the nine-tailed demon fox named whirlpool, but also a bite to teeth. The wave style is highly popular in the wooden leaves, although it is a nig, but the character is mild, like the sun.

"There is a kind of seal surgery, the corpse is blocked." Blood songs stand there, look at the top of the group, the ignorance of ignorance, the villagers, Lang Lang, "There are two people who have a corpse, one is the three generations However, the wave wind door. When the wave style sacrificed himself, the corpse was blocked, and the nine tail was sealed. So, why is it to seal the nine tail? If you want a wave of water, not the three generations? "

I heard this sentence, the villagers face each other.

"The three generations have been old, why do the three generations don't go to the nine-tail?"

"Yeah, I also feel strange!"

"The gorgeous people are still young! He should not die."

"I'm so old, I will definitely sacrifice yourself, let the young waterpons adults continue to take the brilliant walk."

The villagers are even more handed at this time. I heard the voice of the villagers, the three generations trapped by the big tree were also a cold sweat that came out of a silk, and it has been fired, destroying the trees. But how much is the trees falling in the tree? ? ? I want to rely on the fire to destroy this sudden wood, and it is impossible for a few years!

The three generations looked at blood songs at this moment, and immediately drunk, "that is because the water door is better than me, otherwise I can watch the water door to send death."

"So dark? Most of that night is the ninja, but the secret of the root is very few." Blood song snorted! Kakasi, and others are also a look of three generations.

As a teacher as a wave of water, a disciple as a wave of water, knowing that the wave gates becomes four generations, but the dark waves of the wooden leaves can only control a small part! Most of the rights are all in the three generations.

I have been observed that I also, Kasi, and the eyes of the villagers. At this moment, the three-generation eyes are not allowed to "enough, blood songs, don't talk nonsense, don't say."

This, then the three generations feel that his popularity in the leaves, I am afraid it is a big decline.

At the moment, the group is in this moment, it is interesting to look at this scene. When he saw the blood song as a enemy, but at this moment, Tibetan agreed with the practice of blood songs. If the three generations are exhausted, then he will have the opportunity to become a lot of shadows.

Thinking of this, the mouth of the group, has already hooked a smile.

"There is you, laugh, a fart", look at the hidden smile, the blood songs, the blood songs and the blood. The colored face suddenly was stiff.

"Tibet, I ask you how to die in the wooden leaves?" Blood Hao.

Wen said, Kasi, Xikaihong is a shock! What does the blood song this mean? Is it true that the seven colors of the leaves is really related to the group? ? ?

The three generations have finally handed over the spirit and beasts, followed by the spirit of the beasts for the golden rod, and the three generations of the sticks finally resolved around the trees around him.

Blood songs are standing there, looking at this scene.

At the same time, the blood songs thought of a technique! Immediately, "Three Generations, Tibet, You two join hands, saying that it is really not so easy to deal with."

"I still have you have a self-knowledge." Tang Tang is cold and smiling. The three generations of flying is also proud to nod. Although they sometimes have no political, they are also brothers, they join hands, and they are not invincible.

"I have to go, I will return a little interest before I will go. I will come to you for a few years." Blood songs open. When I heard this sentence, the three-generation eyebrows were deeply frowned. And the Tuanzang is not laughing.

"Do you joke with me?"

"Wooden, wood people." The blood song has started printing. The sickness of the thousand-handles, manufacturing giant wood, strong combat power, can pick up the beast jade with one hand.

"Not good, this tolerance is"! The three generations are not ordinary people, and immediately recognize this tentative, and suddenly faces.

At this moment, huge wood people finally appeared! Wooden, wood people are equivalent to some extent! The huge woodman has been flying in the three generations at this moment, and the group hiding and others bombarded.

Many ninja died under the wood people, while the blood songs used the "One Piece" line fruit to manipulate the wood, and he himself has already went toward the door of the wooden leaves.

He finally left the leaves.

"It's evil, actually being fled ??" Tangzang bite his teeth. I didn't expect that there were so many people in the wooden leaves. They were still being guilty. When I was angry, I was awkward, and the wood suddenly went.

"Ah", the teeth of the group are all flying a few.

The wind wave finally passed, and the wood people disappeared!

The blood song has long been left in this moment.

"I can evil." The three generations of flying and secretly clenched the fists. I think this is simply a shame of the leaves. Do you have a kid to play with a boy? ? ?

Three days later, the three generations were announced, the blood songs were s

Level of rebellion, is also the youngest rebellion in history! This thing shocked throughout the fire.

Not only the country of fire, the other four major countries are also circulating the rumors of blood songs.

In the wooden leaves, more villagers talk about the death of the waves, the death of the seven colors of wood, and finally the group hide, the two generations of the three generations are now not dare to come out during the day. The ninjas of the wooden leaves are dead, the leaves are covered with a cloudy cloud.

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