My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1271 of the One Piece.

It's so powerful not to level! The sun is going to the west.

The ninety five warriors at this moment have been injured in half. The remaining samurai have already been frightened, and the hands holding the knife have been trembled.

"Do you adopt swords?" "Looking at those who have been frightened, and even the knives are unstable, and the wooden leaves are angry.

Woody white teeth is dedicated to the sword. So he did not have any achievements in terms of endurance.

But he is very sincere to the sword

In the view of woody white teeth, these people are not worthy of calling a warrior.


The white teeth in the woody white teeth behind the sword tubes once again turned into a sharp white mang!




Bai Mang penetrated the neck of those samurai, a blink of an eye, the rest of the warrior is all on the ground, there is the big man, and the bamboo pole.

The bamboo pole is in the moment. "what"! It's scared that it is called it, and then incontinence.

The big man is a trembling standing there, slowly walking to the face of woody white teeth, "Please ask this adult, what person is you?" "

"Are you blind ???" Woody white teeth look at this big man. Although I am dead, is it even if I can't read my sword? ? ?

"Wooden White Tooth ???" The big man said these four words, and the wooden leaves nodded!

Suddenly fainting.

And the bamboo male male is scared directly! Wooden white teeth These four words are too big for him.

Blood songs, the woody white teeth look at each other at this moment, it is not a point, and the two people have felt very natural for killing this kind of thing. This world is not your murder, that is, people kill you!

"My Sword, how ??" Wooden white teeth looks to blood songs. The blood song is also nodded, "very good."

Wooden white teeth swordsmanship, the white teeth behind the sword tubes don't need wooden white teeth at all, it will fly out to kill!

This is not tolerance!

But the martial art!

You can carry out the Samsuzi to this point, I am afraid it is a wooden white teeth.

"Let's go." Blood songs!

"Wait a minute." Woody white teeth is directly called blood songs!

Immediately, the leaves were gone to the body fat, and the more than one hundred too knives have incorporated a reel, and there is too much to have a lot of blood songs. "I have seen it, you are strong, but you are not good at survival in the wild, these toolesome, it is better to find a tolerance store to sell."

I heard the words, the blood song nodded, he did not take much money on the door.

After packing, blood songs, leaf white teeth continue to go on.

"Do you have a goal ??" Wooden white teeth asked by blood songs. He wants to know where the blood song wants to go.

"No." Blood song laughed.

The sky is also dim, and it is dusk at the time of the two people. At this moment! The woods are very large. When the evening, the days suddenly broke down, and the heavy rain of the drain.

Wooden white teeth is very important for finding tree caves, it is blood songs. He is domineering than leafy white teeth. It is conceivable that the ability to survive in a white teeth in the wild is how good.

That tree cave is very large, and two people are completely incomplete.

"Hey, discovering the tail, whether it is captured." At this moment, the system sound suddenly came, and the blood songs were also one.

Does this place have a tail? ? ?

Chapter 767 Huiji, the forty-eighth chapter of the six tail column, high!

Chapter 767 Huadia, the forty-eighth chapter, six tails, column, feather

Naruto forty-eighth chapter, six tails, Feng high

"What is the tail beast ???" The blood songs are not allowed to ask the system. This piece of wood, the location of the fire country, the country of the country! If you really have anything to be beast.

So blood songs, I thought of two-headed beasts!

Santun and Six Tail.

"Here is the six-tail rhinoceros." The system is very sharp to answer blood songs!

Blood songs heard, do not nod, the six-tailed horn of people is the fog of the country of the water! The fog from the country of the water, the characteristics of the feature wear a sky blue robes, hand-blowing soap bubbles, there is a beautiful young man in Liu Hai, a pair of uncomfortable things, do not believe in the teacher ((The reason is that his master is taken out in order to put it in the body, and the foam thinks that the master will kill him. As a result, the tail beast is killed. It is actually closed, indifferent and less words.

Among the tree caves, the blood songs looked at the woody white teeth, "Let's catch the beast."

Wooden white teeth that are resting, I heard the blood song, I thought it was wrong.

"What do you say? The beast ???" Wooden white teeth is not worth it.

The tail beast is very bad, and it is the bottom card of each village, and every village must seal the power.

Go to catch the beast? That must be an enemy with the village.

"Yes, my beast." Looking at the appearance of the woody white teeth, blood songs are not smiling. The woody white teeth actually exposed this look, it is really called how many people want to think!

"Which ninja village are you going to attack?" Woody white teeth laughed, and his face was serious.

"The tail beast is in the woods. Human column is a rebellion." Blood songs.

Which idiot village column has become a rebellion? ? ? Words, the woody white teeth is sighing, and the Ninja Village does not know that people are the final cards in the village? ? ?

An a person can master the power of the beast. That is definitely a strong movie! Every movie-level ninja is the influence of a village, that is huge.

Why is some people say that the leaves are the first ninja village? That is because the wooden leaf shadow is the most in Ninja!

"You don't believe in me ???" "Blood songs are laughing," People column power is so unfortunate? You think about it, I am also a rebellion. "

The flying man is really a brain rust. Wood leaves don't understand, how savings is it flying at the boy, how old is it? Blood songs are definitely a talent.

If you can treat blood songs, you have no hopes in the ribbon.

In the middle of the night, the rain is finally stopped, and the grass is still a wet. Blood songs, woody white teeth are all walking out of the tree cave and goes towards the column of the six-tail.

The speed of the two people is very fast!

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