My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1282 of the One Piece.

The sixty chapter of the Naruto, the test of the organization

Bird in the cage, this is the curse of the day!

The day is divided into a family, and there is a family. The person who has become a homework is in the forehead of the parents for three years old. To relieve this mantra, you can only be released when you die. More importantly, this curse can seal the ability of the white eye.

This is the pain of the birthday.

Blood songs believe that the daily difference is absolutely to relieve this pain. And the blood songs believe that the day is also wanting to create a new day in the day.

The daily difference is finally done to the blood song. He wants to know if the blood songs really have such an ability. To know, the curse of the birds, this is the reason why the family cannot rise.

"How, you don't believe me?" Blood Songs. The woody white teeth also slowly walked to the front day, serious, "the bad breath, believe in him. You have to know that my life is the blood song."

what? The rebirth and blood songs of woody white teeth are related? The day is once again a chasting! He already knows the strength of blood songs, actually can kill, such a person, but becomes the sage of the wooden leaves. When the day, I feel that the three generations will fly. Is it an idiot? Why do blood songs be such a strong enchanting becomes the enemy of the wooden leaves?

You must know that now, although there is no ability to be enemies with the 50thral village, but the blood songs are young.

The daily difference is believed that even if the ancestors of their family are in the blood song, they will never be more powerful than the blood songs.

The daily day is looked at blood songs, and finally nodded. "If one day you can relieve the birds, I am willing to follow you."

"it is good"! Blood song nodded, then let the day go back to the day. Now the day is not dangerous to the daily difference.

Blood songs decided to purchase some of the drug water that can relieve the birds in the cage!

After the day, the blood song is looking at the white road, "You can open your eyes, stupid girl."

After the eyes opened your eyes, it was the relatives of the blood songs. The blood songs are not hugged. After the white reaction came over, the small face was red. Adults hug me!

I am so happy!

Bai Xin is not a joy.

The blood song is also laughing. Blood songs and others continue to go on, suddenly blood songs, woody white teeth feel that a trace is wrong. But where is wrong, blood songs, and woody white teeth can't say.

Blood songs have seen the hegemony of the domineering and can't feel the existence of others. But the intuition in my heart tells blood songs, and it seems that there is something to happen.

"Can you be a blood song ??? The youngest S-Grade refined in the history of the wooden leaves?" A sudden appearance of the big tree from the side. It seems that the body is inlaid in the big tree.

Seeing this figure, the eyes of blood songs are also condensed.

Name: White. "

"Strength, 92 Star"!

"Grade: shadow."

Blood songs did not expect that there would be a lot of time here, but this has no blood songs, and the strong people in the "Naruto", the blood song knows a lot!

White is originally human, the surface is created by Yuxi Bo spheres. It is actually unrelated to this, which is an ancient times immersed in the filling of human beings. The white body was finally subjected to a small mouse that tests the eternal kaleidoscope, and all the borders were also died in the fourth endurance war.

It is also very sigh of blood songs for the sluggish body, blood songs.

Blood songs are confident that his shadow is definitely better than that of the vice.

Wooden white teeth, the highbrows of the feather are frowned, and they all felt the momentum of the shadow of the white shadow. But this also called them a brow.

Because two people don't know each other at all. , According to the shadow of the tolerance, they should be a famous person. But now there is a white. It is not named at all.

White is finally thorough from the big tree at this moment, and then laugh at hip hop, it is Tao, "I am to invite you."

"Invite us to join Xia?" Blood Song. When I heard the blood song, I was an unexpected look at the blood song. "You actually know what you know."

Blood song nodded.

"This is better. Now I have to tell you, are you eligible to join Xiao? The test started."

The white body is drilled into the ground and disappeared.

"This guy is not simple"! Wooden white tooth face is serious. This kind of tissue is very jealous of this. This tentative thing is to be in assassination, absolutely terrible.

"What is this ??" Yu is high, and it is doubtful. Wooden white teeth, white is also curious about blood songs, hope that blood songs can tell them.

"I don't know what to say, I can only tell a terrible organization." Blood songs thought about it, "I can only say every member of the book, all have the strength of it."

"This is impossible," Yu high stunned, and woody white teeth is also surprised. Rushing village, only one movie level, the wooden village is the three generations, three tolerance! And other ninja villages are also true, very few!

I have to know that the endurance is big, but it is difficult to get born! Every shadow is lofty. Blood songs but said that a member of the organization is actually shadow, this is difficult to accept this.

"Their boss, strength is super shadow!" Blood songs continue. This is not shocked, but it is completely stunned. Superbath, that is the level of Yuxiobang, the thousands of handles.

This strength is absolutely invincible.

Of course, blood songs also understand the strength of the swirls, the current stage, really invincible. Of course, it is not included in the moon.

He has a round look. "Blood song continues." Wooden white teeth, the high side of the feathers, they don't know what to say. Behind the back of the child? Such a person, his ambition will definitely be small!

Now, I have been looking for my door, which is a good thing for blood songs.

Just when the blood song turned back, I found it gone.

"The death, this is the test." Blood songs snorted, and immediately saw the high vigorously. The scenes in the whole wood have been seen by blood songs.

After a while, the blood song is to know where it is in the end, while the blood songs use the color domineering to see the white side standing with another figure.

"Name: Black."

"Strength, 95 stars!"

"Level: Shadow"!

Black this person, blood songs are known. It can be said that the black is really a real hijie. His insidious insurance is absolutely more than the big snake pill, and the big snake pill is one, it will know that he is a terrible hidden home.

And the black is not the same. He makes people look at all. But this guy's sinister is the most terrible! Six spots, the Xiongxiong is full of completely black. The blackness is the will of the legend of the goddess, in order to resurrect the mother's big tube, inciting Unexpected Wood and the killer's decisive battle, assist the spot to open the round to the eye, and modify the six cactors. The information left by the South Gongshui will lead the Method of Save the Unexpea. Spot is to think that it is your own will. Darkness is in the fourth endurance battle to use the pharmacist, Yuxi wave belt, Yu Zhibo spots, successfully completed the mission of resurrection, the night, but finally, together with Hui Yiji, was seal by the seventh class of the log leaves.

"Black, it seems that this is our first time"

Chapter 780 Huadia Ninja Chapter 61, the secret of the dark, is exposed (

Chapter 780, the sixty-one chapter of the Huadia, the secret of the black and detached secret is exposed

Naruto Chapter 61 of the Ninja, the secret of the dark, is exposed

15850 in the center of the woods, almost stood there, low head. In front of white, it is black, and he is interested in taking the white.

"The seedlings of the water in the month, yes." Black desperate white, it is also the point of mind, it seems to be calculated. See if you can calculate it into his arrangement.

"Don't forget our formal task." White unliked white is desperate to faint.

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