My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1292 of the One Piece.

But if the recycled nuclear is broken? Then the red sand is only a dead road.

why? Why do he know the secret of my recycling? Red sand is there, there is a wave of waves in my heart. Regeneration check is his fatal weakness.

Now this weakness has been heard by blood songs.

"I will admit." Looking at the blood song, the red sand is slowly said, the red sand is still can't die! Because he still wants to know what is true, it is true art.

"Red Sand, this arrogant guy actually enacted?" "Flying sections standing on the side, don't sigh," I was still thinking about the play. "

"So you go up with blood songs." The sorrow of the big snake. The flying segment is looking at the big snake!

Red sand is with his strength, it is between Jiefang! Moreover, the body that just saw the blood song is actually the same as the steel, which makes the blood songs for the blood song?

If you can't get blood, then the secrets of flying segments have not been used for blood songs. There is no secret, and the flying segment is basically endured.

"This kid is not simple." The corner is also emotional. He is incredibly in the eyes of blood songs, and the corners have seen the style of the past kilochages, and Yuxioba.

Such a guy makes him go, will it grow to how to grow? The corner really wants to know.

Red Sands received the third generation of wind shadow, the handsome red-haired man immediately entered the border of the fierce, then left.

Looking at the red sand of the departure, the corner of the blood song smiles. In this endurance, there is no one really damn!

If there is, then it should be a group hide!

This guy has always said that he is for wooden leaves, but he is just for his selfishness. If there is no hidden danger of the group, then Yoshi will not die, and the whirlpool will not go to the road.

There is no collection of ventilation, the seven colors of the leaves are absolutely alive, and if you want to show your conspiracy, you know that this is not the time.

This is, everything is the wrong mistake.

Because, it is absolutely not easy! When you think that the evil big snake pills in the snake is the last boss, the tissue appears. When you think that the organization is the last evil forces, the mask men have appeared. When you think the mask male is Yu Zhibo sphere, the real Yuxi Bouchen appeared.

Ok, you finally believe that Yuxi Bo pointed is the last enemy, and it is not a way to show it.

What do you think is to solve Datong Military Night World, the Datong Money on the Moon is coming, and it is necessary to use the moon to destroy the earth.

In the eyes of blood songs, this endurance is too sloppy.

His current strength is not enough at all! The power you want at this moment is a reincarnation eye, a kaleidoscope writes the wheel, and the round looks three kinds of eyes.

"Big brother, you won." White excited is to ran into blood songs.

Wooden white teeth, the height is also behind the blood song.

"It's really good." A cold voice came, I saw the Tiandao Petion was in the air, and the blood songs were looked at the eyes, and immediately fell to the face of blood songs.

"How can you come over." Blood songs have said to Heath. Although Tiandao Payne is the owner of Xiao, but knowing the status of Heaven Payne, with the blood songs of other enemy in the future, but there is no fear of Tiandao Payne.

Tiandao Payne is the level of overcham. It seems that it is already standing on the vertices of the endurance. But the blood songs know that the strong in the future has many overcham.

Tiandao Payne looked at the calm blood song, that calm is the soul, not deliberately showed. It is very satisfied with this Tiande Payne.

"How is your psychic cultivation?" Tiandao Payne asked. Wen said, the blood song shook his head.

Tiandao Pen En put his hand, said to the blood song, "this kind of psychomics and other psychomics have a big difference! The beast came from a corner of the world, and the thunder's spirit of the beast was the thunderous beast that had been milled from the past. "

"Do you think this kind of thing can be done?" I heard the words of Tiandao Payne, and the blood songs were speechless. Although his base card is very powerful, his card is also helping him in this regard.

"I believe you." Heaven Pene finished, turned around. Xiaonan is also a smile in front of the blood song.

"When I come to my room, I have something to say to you."

"Can you say it here?" Asked blood songs. And Xiao Nan shake his head, "No, there are many people here."

Chapter 792, the seventh 13th chapter of the shadow

Chapter 792, the seventh 13th chapter of the shadow

Naruto Ninja Chapter 73

Every member of the organization, in addition to Payne, Xiaonan is living in the ground, blood songs follow the room in Xiaonan in front of Xiaonan.

White saw this scene, it doesn't feel the eyes, it seems to be cry.

Wooden white teeth, the feather is high, and I am sighing that I have completely keep up. Do you know how many years of age?

Why is it so small? Actually, I like blood songs?

Xiaonan pulled the blood song into the room, Xiao South is closed.

"Do you know? You are very strong, and you are very talented, it may be the most talented in the organization, so ..." After the saying, Xiaoshan is wide and beautiful.

and so? The blood is thinking, "So we have to hurry your baby? It is not allowed to give birth to me."

The original "Naruto" whirlpool son's son whirlpool, he is born is a blind eye! It is a enchanting! Yuxi Board is not bad!

"You ... What are you talking?" I heard the blood song, the cold goddess in Xiaonan, the angel of the villagers in the heart of the rain, the angels in the minds of the villages were also awkward, and they snorted to the blood song.

"Forget it, then when I misunderstood."

"I originally misunderstood"! Xiaonan Road, "I want to say, because you talent very well, so I want to teach my paper to you."

Small-South used tolerance, but not in the quiltope, but only the application form of endurance, not to change the basic nature of Chakra, just use Chakra to make it easy to use the form, the same, The so-called Zuoi's ink, I love Luo's sand, it is just online games, if Xiaonan is called paper, the Kakasi will also dog, and the rain ninja village is like a rain, this is It is incorrect.

"I still don't think it." Blood song shook his head, his tissue at this moment is enough, and now he wants not a bloody boundary.

Xiaonan saw blood songs actually refused himself. The beauty of this called Xiaonan is also cold, and the angry looks at the blood song. For such a beautiful woman in the room, blood songs always feel that the atmosphere is too ubous. Then the blood songs look around.

Xiaonan's room is very clean, and blood songs are concerned about the white neat bed on Xiaonan, there is a tiny bed. Billion, where there is a blue hair.

Xiaonan read the blood songs to look at her bed, Xiao Nang also watched the past, and suddenly a beautiful blush. But it is also more angry.

How can this guy, how can I do this? ? ?

"You ... You are not a good man." Looking at the blood song, Xiao Nan stunned for a long time, it was said this sentence. And the blood songs that heard this sentence are unhappy. "I am not a good man, is you not knowing last night?"

How can I know?

But Xiaonan is not a stupid woman, thinking about it, Xiaonan finally understands what the blood song said. She still saw a male tune for the first time. Drama.

Immediately, Xiaonan is an angry blood song.

Under the eyes of Xiaonan, the blood song is only 36 places to go to the top! Blood songs immediately thought about left.

'"Want to pass the thunder and beast, it takes a bloody blood." After that, Xiao Nan is closed. And blood songs have also left.

The little brow on the door has been frowned.

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