My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the chapter of the Pirace, Chapter 1308

Chapter 810 Huadia Ninja Chapter 91 Chapter Yuxi Boli and Uzhi Pub

Chapter 810 Huadia Ninja Chapter 91 Chapter Yuxi Boli and Uzhi Pub

Naruto Ninja Chapter 91 Yuxi Boli and Uzhi Pub

Wan snake greed. I have read the blood songs on the thunder. Ten Snake feels that he wants to eat blood songs, and it is impossible to let him have the same existence like this snake.

Snake is really a dragon.

But the energy required is too big.

Blood songs standing on the Thunder, but also guess what is going to do. It is the ten tail of his body Chakra! Among the original, the pocket has studied the snake close to the dragon.

But it is not possible to be completed.

Perhaps, Wan snake has got the strength of the ten tail, you can take the dragon! But what is the relationship with blood songs? Now the blood song is to see the power of the beast, what is it.

Wan snake is greedy. Among the colorfulness, it is finally moving, and the ground is in the same five-fold fifth, and the snake is like a rear of the beast,

"Wan snake, don't hit, you are not his opponent, you can't eat him." The big snake pulse hurried. Once the snake, , , fight together, stepping into the mountain pepper in the ultra-shadow, still defeated.

Now the blood songs, its strength and the half-hidden hidden in the original mountain. How can this 10,000 snake win? ? ?

"Big snake pill, you shut up your mouth, what do you say? This kid is more than?" "Wan Snake is dissatisfied.

Wan snake is about to collide with the beast, but the snake between a blink of an eye is empty.

The rear beast did not know where to go.

The big snake pill did not expect the speed of the thunder to be so fast. When it is really a ray! ! !

"Wan snake, don't hit, he is really strong." The big snake pill on the 10,000 snake said again!

"Big Snake Pill, you shut up the old man." The snake snorted. The big snake pill is helpless, what can he do now? I had to shut up.

Then, the snake is stretched. Have a tongue. The snake belief can distinguish the fluctuations in the air to find the enemy's location.

"Don't find it, I took the initiative!" The figure of the beast came out of the stone. It turns out that the beast is more than the thunderous shield and the lightning speed of the lightning, and there is a capacity hidden within other objects.

"Your damn spirit." Ten Snake roared, it is a strong person in the snake, and the spirit of the beasts, now I am actually played by a Tonglian beast who is not passed away! Shame, this is definitely a shame!

I think of this, Wan Snake is once again, like the flying arrow, and the thousand snake has also opened the blood of the blood, biting the beast.

Wan snake wants to eat blood songs, but now it is angry, I want to bite the beast first.

"Your snake is too poisonous." Thunder is disdainful. At the same time, the bloody port is opened, and the power of a silk thunder is aggregated in the beast.

This is not a tail beast!

But the thunder is added to the army!

When the role is rushing. When the thorns were in front of the beast, the thunder and raffen of the beast also finally launched. .


Thunder's shells are over on the body of the 10,000 snakes, and the whole huge body of the snake is flying out.

The Wankun is also spit out of a bite of blood.

"Wan snake, you gave me"! Thunder beast faint.

"Thunder beast ??? Are you a legendary beast that has been extinct?" "I thought about it, the Snake was stunned.

"It turns out that you have such a little experience." Thunder snorted.

Wan snake is very sad, the whole snake is staying.

"Big Snake Pill, you are a bastard," Wan Snake did not dare to get angry to the thunder, but accused toward the big snake pill on his head.

And the big snake pill is a cold! He didn't dare to be angry with mens, if he would ignore him after the snake, then he may be dangerous.

Because the snake is also one of the big snakes.

Blood songs and others continue to go towards the leaves, and all the way, the 10,000 snakes don't dare to let go, in front of the thunder, it has become a snake.

Blood songs are still a day, you can reach the wooden leaves.

And this day night!

Yisizhiso in the village of Woody Village has been intended to slaughter his family for the villagers and animals! His family will fall sooner or later, and they die in the hands of this mixed, Sui Zhi Song wants to die in his hand.

And this is also considered to be the will of Yuxi Water.

Yis Zhi Pubo came to Yishabo family. When I was going in, I suddenly had a spiral fluctuation in front of him.

"Who?" "Yuxi Subbow frightened deeply frightened, is not idiot, he can see this is a time-time sputum, can use this ability, absolutely not a simple role!

I finally appeared in front of Yuxi.

"My name, Yuxi Bao." The mask of the spiral, said the mysterious mask male said.

Yisi Bouvel?

I heard this voice, the eyebrows of Uttimo have frowned. Yishabo family, almost no one does not know what the four words of Yuxi blossoms!

Yishibo spheres, he led the Yuxi Bo family to the most glorious history, and Yishibo spheres have the most powerful force since the Yishabo family.

But in the end, the end of the road, the end of the Great is gave to the thousand-handles!

A generation of Xiong, a generation of heroes!

Draw a period for a legendary era.

"You are really Yuxi Bao ???" The brow has been frowned, and the !


This is the new force obtained, and it is absolutely able to withstand the strength of the sky. Black rigs burned on the body of the mask male.

But the next moment, the mask male is directly from the black flame, and it seems that the mother's body does not exist.

"You ..." Yu Zhi's brow wrinkled deeply.

"Forgot me? I remember that I have been talking about writing my eyes with you." Mask man. I heard the words, Yu Zhishi is a lot, recently has a person talking to him, but because the man only left Uzhi Hostel back, Yuxi Hose didn't know why.

Now Yishi Hose finally understands anyone.

He knows so much about writing the secrets of the eyes, even the things of the nebulars. There is no other person in addition to Unexpected Boss.

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