My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the chapter of the Pirace, Chapter 1318

But the stars have no damage to the blood songs.

"Blood songs, let's go shopping together." Just when the blood song came out of the base, Xiaoshan's figure has appeared behind the blood song.

"No, I have other things." Said, the blood song left.

The little brow is a slight frown.

Do you have a woman outside? ? ?

Chapter 821 Huadia, the 102th chapter of the beautiful girl, summer star (

Chapter 821 Huo Ninja Chapter 102, Beautiful Girl, Summer Star

Naruto Chapter 102, Beautiful Girl, Summer Star

887 ... 17

"What happened? Xiaonan ???" After Xiaonan, the weak whirlpool head came out. Xiaonan hurried past and died, "How did you come out? Don't you know that your body is not good."

"Nothing, I can't die for a while." The whirlpool smiled at the moment, and then coughed a few times, said, "What happened to you? See you is very sad."

"He is ignored me." Small South Road. She and the long gates, the relationship between Sheko is the best. Baiko is dead, now she is very good with the long door, always regards the long door as a brother.

"This way." The whirlpool is nodded, and the blood songs in the long door have been in the same relationship with Xiaonan. How can blood songs live up to Xiaonan?

Xiao Nan reluctantly smiled, and his heart was bitter, blood songs were ignored, and they still went out, and only one possibility in Xiaonan, that is, there is a woman outside.

The blood song is in this moment, it is going to the star of the bear's country. He is in the thunder, and the beast has four forms. Phase II.

He certainly doesn't know that Xiaonan has misunderstood everything.

Blood songs are now thinking about Xiang Ren Village. In the impression of blood songs, the Ninja of Star Rencun is quite big, and they have always regarded their village as the sixth endure village outside the five big fortune.

Their star shadow also thinks it is the strongest outside the five shadows.

This is in the eyes of blood songs. It is just a joke. How can the Become of Star Rellar Village? It is the sound village that the big snake pill has just been established also has the strength of the star.

In addition, is the so-called star shadow? The top is to endure strength, but it is not a general strength.

After organizing the information about the star of the village, the blood song is to control the Thunder and Beast Phoenix, and the speed of the thunder and phoenix is ​​very fast. Between the white clouds, there is a blink of an eye. Among the borders of the Kobe.

The goal of blood song is the Village!

The night is coming, the blood songs are collected by the Thunder and Beast, and the blood song is landed from the air. Immediately to the peripheral forest of Star Renair Village, the peripheral forest of Star Rellar Village is a natural barrier, with a gas.

This peripheral forest was seen by the people of the Raisheng Village, and even the people of the bear's country as a barrier given by God. But I don't know how this forest has been in the entire country, and the whole of the pasture is in fact, it is more harmful.

This natural barrier prevents the invasion of the Empire, but the same formation of the bears, Star Relt village closed the country.

That light golden fog is spread throughout the valley, but this is no difficulty for blood songs. Blood songs in the "One Piece" world, has achieved poisonous fruit, so any toxins are for blood songs, there is no harm at all.

When I passed, the blood song was a step in the past toward the interior of the star. The more close to the coastal village, the blood songs are more, and the fluctuations of Ten Take Ciaracra in the body.

The stars come from space, and the body is associated with the body of the tail, and naturally and the blood songs in Chakra have been corresponding.

Therefore, the blood song wants to find the stars easy.

Blood songs entered the star rushing village, walking on the way, because there is a natural gas, and the star is thinking that there will be no intrusion event, so I don't have any ninja patrol. As blood songs continue to deepen, the blood songs will feel the volatility of Chakra in the body.

"found it."

I feel the dramatic fluctuations in strength, the blood songs are flashing, the next moment is to see a deep pit, and in the deep pit, there is a slightly broken wooden house.

In the inconspicuous wooden house, blood songs have felt the volatility of the stars. Blood songs are trying to get stars. Although the star is the most important thing in the village, who dares to capture, who is the enemy of Star Renair Village. But what is it? Little Star Rellar Village, blood songs are not in the eyes.

"There is still someone in it." Standing on the edge of the deep pit, the blood songs felt that there were people's breath, and the blood songs thought that some people should be cultivated in the wooden house.

At this moment, several people cultivated in the deep pit wooden house, of course, have not been realized that danger is coming.

"Summer star, your strength has been to endure." A Star Renair Village's ninja looked at a red-haired pretty girl. "Your age is so young, put it in five rivals, It can also be said that it is a genius. "

"Don't say this." The red-haired girl shakes his head in summer, and it is very embarrassed to look.

"Really, you have reached it." The other ninja is envious of the summer star. They also borrow the power of the stars, but they can't reach the point of summer star.

Obviously, the talents of summer stars are indeed on them.

"In fact, I am not good, just the trial of the stars." Summer Star.

Don't comfort us! Those who face each other. They borrowed the time of the stars than the Summer Star, but the strength of the summer star is later!

Then they once again looked at the stars, they also knew that they didn't have any talents, so they must be cultivated by the stars.

This way they have the opportunity to reach in this life! For shadows, they didn't dare to expect, because this level, in their view, the entire endurance ninja is so much, but there are several shadows, but the flexible.

The house is still quiet again, and all the Tarin is beginning to cultivate.

"Is this a star? Yes, I bite."

At this moment, a light sound is resounded.

I heard this sound, and the summer star and other Star ninies face each other.

Immediately, they rushed out of the wooden house, then the moonlight, they saw a movie wearing a red and cloudless windbreaker, wearing a face of the face.

Blood songs are all ignored at this moment, but a step by step, these Tarn is in the eyes of blood songs, and it is a bunch of rice buckets. It is so old, it is so old, actually ? ? ?

The smallest in this is four or five years old!

Then the blood songs are watching the body of Xia Xing, and the summer star is very beautiful, the body is very developing very grand, and the front convex back

Quite attractive.

When the blood song gaze, when the summer star is watching, the Summer Star's eyes, of course, also looks at the blood song.

Strange, is this person know me? ? ? Summer star pretty brows wrinkled.

Chapter 822, the first hundred and third chapters of the fire,

Chapter 822, the first hundred and third chapters of the fire,

Naruto 103 chapter

"Who is you ??" Summer star looked at blood songs, she found that blood songs looked at her eyes is really you, familiar with us, as if you know. But Xia Xing is very clear that he doesn't know blood songs.

I glanced at the summer star, the blood south is smiled, although the summer star is very powerful, but it is just in the village. The horizontal level, in the blood song eyes, it is completely nothing. Blood songs look at the wooden house, step by step towards the wooden house.

"Standing." Look at this mysterious teenager actually ignores them, the Star Rellar is a group, and the Star Return is immediately angry, and it is an angry.

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