My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1321 of the One Piece.

"This ... I don't know." Tiandao Pedne shook his head. Yu Zhihe and others have helpless. Blood songs are a bit aware of the box of the bliss, I want to come in the blood song, and the bag of the bliss will be in the ghost life. Ghost Light City, was set in the cliff wall, and the prison of the detainement of the detained by the detention of the grass hidden village, the leader of the prison is endured: no, it can use a special tissue: fire in the sky, for suppression of the prisoner . The tenthonal limit condenses Chakra, leaving the ghost light city or stays away from inert, and the storm will launch a burner. Any ninja will never leave the ghost life in the absence of the day, and use tolerance.

Then, Tiandao Payne said, "spend a month, each is looking for, find, can't find it, it doesn't matter."

After that, Tiandao Payne was leaving with Xiaonan. Before the small south left, he left the blood song.

In the middle of the night, in the office of Payne, the whirlpool head is in Liaoyang. He looked at Xiaonan, tone temperature and the road "Xiaonan, you seem to have already confirmed the relationship with blood songs, but also show it, don't engage in underground love?? ? "

"You ... do you see it ??" Xiao Nan is ashamed.

"Hehehe." The long door of the whirl smiled. "When I was in the woods, I found you and him ... Hey, I don't know when I will have a nephew."

"..." Xiaonan lived. She knows that the whirlpool is a misunderstanding. The whirlpool head is a double-south, said, "I think, not only me," I hope to get happiness. "

"." The long door mentioned the Nako, Xiao Nan thought of the brother's ask, and then looked at the two brothers. The beauty of Xiaonan dried tears.

The whirlpool is in the bed, and the double object is also a colorful color. His memory seems to have returned to many years. At that time, he, there is also the sea, the small south, although the days are bitter, but the three people are together.

After the death, Xiaonan is the only loved ones for the long gates.

"Blood songs, blood songs, I hope you don't let Xiaoshan sad, or I won't let you!" The swirl wanted in his heart.

The blood song is early, that is, bringing a wooden or white teeth, and the white leaves have left the rain.

Yisizhiso, canmon ghosts. There is also Didala, Red Sand. Flying segments, the three teams of these three teams have left the rain, to find the so-called bliss box.

But can they find it? ? ?

They may know the ghost lights, but they don't know the relationship between the ghost life city and the bliss box.

Blood songs are completely different, they are looking for blind fans, while blood songs are with woody white teeth, white directly towards the ghost lights.

After a few days, it arrived at the ghost light. This is still because the wooden leaves are recognized.

"This is the ghost life of the big name, known as the first prison of the end of the rim?" "Standing outside the island, looking at the lonely castle on the island, blood songs are not.

"It's a big name, but it's just that it is a golden soup, but for us, this ghost city is not like." Woody white teeth said.

The blood song is nod, that is, directly carrying a wooden white teeth, white sneaked into the ghost light city, blood songs are also showing a sense of domineering, see where the bliss box is in the ghost city, but what is not perceived .

This called blood song is depressed, but it also understands that this may be a lot of bliss, it is really different. So if you want to find a lot of bliss, there is only one way, that is, to ask the city owner of the ghost life.

Finding the box of bliss can't find it, but the snow song wants to find the city owner of the Ghost City is a very relaxed thing. The city owner of the ghost life is nothing, in the blood song memory, this guy specializes in prisoners into the box of Chakra into the box, let the bliss's box open, thus completing his purpose. His surface is very cruel, killing is not blind. But he is a good father and has done a lot of things for your son. And opened the bag of the bliss, and released the son of son.

After finding the place where it is found, the blood song is the room in the city owner with wooden leaves and white to the city.

"As long as I can get the power of the bag, then I can dominate the world."

"What is the five rivals ?? I really can dominate the nest of the killer, Yuxi Bao, is not a five big fortune, but I am ghost city."

In the moment, this moment is in the study, fantasy, the future of his future, excitement is the extreme, the opening is big, passionate.

"I don't want you to say that you tyrannkone is."

"Who?" "I heard the voice, the city owner didn't look at the door of the study, and three people have already gone in this moment.

"This ..." The city owner is frowned. He can see that the other party is absolutely not a ghost life.

"You are the youngest S of the sage, blood songs ???" The city owner recognizes the blood songs for a sudden, how to say that the city owner of the first prison, for the blood song, naturally it is Recognize.

"It's me." Blood song is cold and cold, "Now I ask you, where is the box?" "

"The Box of the Pale ??" I heard these four words, the city owner did not help but exclaimed. The box is this, but his secret, he is strange, why do the other person know? ? ?

But the city owner does not know if it is not thinking about it, the bliss's box is his secret, knowing outsider, must die.

Then, the city owner did not look at the eyes of blood songs, there has been a killing!

"It seems that you are not very honest." Blood songs huh. The wooden leaf white teeth is cold and smiled coldly. "This guy is to endure, give it to me."

"Good. Remember not to let him die, we have something to ask him." Blood songs. And the woody white teeth are also nodded.

"You ... you are ..." Notice that the city owner of the woody white teeth is nothing, and when you think it, I'm deeply shocked.

Chapter 825, Huadia, the 106th chapter, playing pigs to eat tiger

Chapter 825, Huadia, the 106th chapter, playing pigs to eat tiger

Naruto 106, Chapter 106, playing pigs, tiger

Blood songs still remember some plots on the box of the bliss, it looks like a bliss box and two teenagers.

The first is the smoldy friend of the son of the ghost, the ghost city. It has a deep feelings for sorghum. (Like odds)

Before you leave, I once again made a promise to come back, which is the belief in her headscarf and the subsequent life.

The father did not open the bag of bliss, and the son was not a sacrifice. The neutral tongue is the ninja in the grass, and it is a crude friend. After knowing the truth of the matter, hidden into the ghost light city, vow to kill the inexpensive, destroy the bliss's box, come to revenge. After the bliss's box is opened, the bliss box will be free and become a monster after using the nine tail of the Naruto. Enlightenment seems to be able to read people, so everyone can't hit him. Later, the Naruto discovered that I couldn't predict the movement of the tongue, because there is no fear in the heart of the tongue. After knowing that the enlightenment can only read the fear, the nectar and Naruto are unable to defeat. However, the tongue has been fatal with the Naruto, and finally the tongue sacrificed his life and used the dragon to revivement.

The second person is the son of the city owner. It is not enough to be caught by the box of the bliss, which is caught by the bliss's box. It was twisted back to the box of bliss, but it was twisted by the inner heart. Its father does not have a monster - awareness of another ninja. After passing by the Naruto, Wen Tan, Chiraby and the Wood and his crude brigade, was hit by the Naruto, recovered the mind, and re-seal it to the bliss box when he was about to die.

Just when the blood song is a contempt of the bliss's box, the woody white teeth has come to the front of the city owner. And see the woody white teeth, the city owner has no time.

When he still endured, the endure of that time, the woody white teeth is already famous, the city owner does not know that the leaves are dead. But the problem now is a dead person, why do you appear in front of him? ? ?

"You are a ghost ??" The city owner is hesitant, and it will ask. And the woody white teeth is lazy to see the city owner.

"This off your ass ??" Wooden white dental road. In addition to his loved ones, outside of our friends, it is disdainful for other people.

"Even if you are real wooden white teeth, do you think now, will I be afraid of you?" "Fire, Tianlun 's Obstel." You can seal the Ninja Chakra, turn Chakra into a gunpowder. Ninja who was imprisoned could not condense Chakra, and if the forced condense, the whole body burns seriously will be burned, and the distance from the monoton will be burned too far. Invaded in the water, the starting method is also invalid after death.

"silly"! Wooden white teeth snatching, although he has the strength, but he is not a ninja, he is a sword.

What is Chakra, there is no interest in woody white teeth.


A white ray burst out of the swords behind the wood leaves, the next moment is a deep mouth on the wrist of the city owner.

No, I can't die so. The city owner did not know that the woody white teeth was very strong, but did not expect that the original wooden white teeth is not Chakra, nor is it strong, but a sword.

At this time, the city owner didn't look at the blood songs on the side, and the heart was dark.

At the time of the city, although the blood songs are sage, but what is the city owner of the first prison, it should be a weak, and the city owner is not a blood song.

Seeing this scene, the woody white teeth also does not block the city's inexpensive stupid behavior, and the woody white teeth can only be mourn for the city owner.

"Are you idiot ???" Blood songs read the city owner nothing, the spiral pill in the hands has been condensed, the small spiral pills, the blink of blink is finally become large jade spiral pills, the city owner is not a blood When the song is in the song, the blood of the bloody mouth smiles, the big jade spiral pill in the hand is heavy.


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