My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the chapter of the Pirates, Chapter 1341

Now, I finally turned to the whirlpool, I really encountered Ning in the third official exam. Ning Ji has made many people's stunt, including gossip, sixty-four palms, returning day, point-hole, physical attacks that do not completely defend against Naruto, make the Naruto completely defeat.

It can be said that the day, Ning, is a genius of the day, and even the day and sufficient is also surprised. It claims that the blood of the sky is inherited. Is it inherited? ? ? ? The day, Ningjun, is storing brown and tied to a small bundle in the end of the year, and the owner, the world is self-studying, the secret, the secret, the nature of the guests - Bagua Hold the day. The father of Ning Ji is willing to go to death, but Ning is always thought that the family is forced to die. Have a person who has been hatred to a person!

In the battle, Ning Ji did not disclose why it was so hatred, and the fate of the people was born and could not change, so they believe that the Naruto will be defeated by him, and it is also expected. However, the Naruto faithfully dismissed his thought and repeated his concept.

The last swirling rings finally showed the company, and Chakra was blocked when the point of the point of the nutan was blocked, and the spiritual strength summoned the strong Chakra of the nine-tailed demon fox. The result was defeated, and Ningjun was hit on the ground. .

The whirlpool is victorious. And the day, Ning, was carried out.

At the same time, the daily daily sufficiency in the audience also left the seat. Blood songs know that the day will go to the day to find the day to Ning, tell him the truth about the death of the day, and then given the neighborhood of his father. Ning Ji suddenly realized that his father was not forced by the person, but voluntarily a victim to defend the day. Since then, he understands that people's lives are free to dominate, not controlled. He regards Naruto as a person who saved him from the dark, and the decisive thing is that it is stronger than people, and the relationship between the Naruto has also changed.

And this time I endure the exam is still going on. Finally, I finally arrived in the most important moment, that is, Yuxi Bo Sasuke VS I love Luo. After I arouse, Yiszo Sasuo still did not arrive, and the audience lost confidence.

The three generations also felt if they were so? But the big snake pills that were dressed as a vertex were blocked, and they would like to know that the Big Snake Pill is helpful for Unexpello. After all, Unecheo Sasuke is a container he valued.

After waiting for a while, Unechebao did not arrive, just in the referee, I didn't know how to announce my love, the two smogs were taken, and Kakasi took Yizhi Bozuo as a handsome manner.

"We are a bit late, will not be eligible for qualification?" Carti touched a silver-in-one.

"No, you have been pushed to the end, continue to play." I wanted to sway the fire. He is also very interested in the remaining blood Yoso, which is the remaining blood of the Yishabo family.

Almost all people who come to watch the exams are very interested in the strength of Unecheo Sasher. Because Urcho family is really very famous, although it has fallen, who will forget the generation of Yuxi spots in the past? ? ?

Yuxio Sasuke VS I Eli Competition finally started.

The blood song is to look at the white, said, "Waiting for the good show !!!! The guy of the big snake will be shot immediately."

Chapter 849, the first hundred thirty chapter of the shadow, the leaf crash plan

Chapter 849, the first hundred thirty chapter of the shadow, the leaf crash plan

Naruto Chapter 130, Wood Leaf Crash Plan

Blood songs hook out a silk smile, he is very interested in the crash plan for the big snake pills. This is a good play that can't be missed.

"What do you want to do ??" Akai, which has been staring at the blood song, is also moving behind the blood song, and looks at the blood songs.

"You are staring at the wrong person." Blood singer looked at Akai and said.

"Staring at the wrong person ??" Wen Yan, Akai snorted, "I am a blue wild beast, I am invincible, how can I focus on the wrong person?"

"I remind you, I have to stare, I should stare at the dark side of the audience, and there is a wind shadow on the main look." Blood songs are lazy. The dark part of the audience has already been packed, it is entirely the part of the big snake! There are also some Ninja in Sandy Village.

As for the wind shadow on the main look, it is a big snake pill.

"Hey, don't want to deceive you, invincible me." Akai continued to murm.

At this time, Carti returned to the auditorium, he also stood behind the blood songs, and stared at the blood songs like Akai.

What two idiots are staring at me? ? ? Why don't you stare at you today? Blood songs are laughing, just no longer talk, but look at Unecheo Sasuke, I'm fighting in the ring.

At first, I love Luo is using absolute defense to resist the offensive of Unecheo Sasuke, and Yizhi Sasuo seems to have no way to take my love. But is the fact that is really like this? ? ?

Sudden the speed of Unecheo Sasher has improved several times, just like the small Li, which is loaded, the Little Li on the auditor is also surprised.

Of course, Unechebra Sasukes suddenly became fast, this is also outside the love of the aroma, so he is a fist, ""! I love Luo just a whole person and fly out.

"Sasuke! Come on"! The vortex in the audience has excitedly called.

The situation in the front of the eyes looks, I want to lose! But will it be so easy? Xiao Li also rely on the super speed to let me fall in the lower wind, but I love to defeat the speed.

"Breast"! I looked at the proud Unecheo Sasuch to help, and the tail guard in the body also felt that my Ai Luo's anger was also unconscious. My love of Chakra power appeared. The evil, and then I love the hands of the gourd, the sand in the gourd is to wrap the whole person in love, and formed a sand ball.

In this way, I Ai Luo is protected inside, and Uchimo Sasuke can't attack my love.

But Unechebao is still rushing up, hits the fist toward the sand ball, and smashed on the sand ball. But in the sand ball, it is not only my love of Chakra, but also a tail guardian Chakra, the sand ball is hard and incomparable. Yizhi Bozuo helped a punch on the sand ball, and he had felt the severe pain between the fists.

How could this be?

Unechebra was a big shock, did not expect that my arms of Ai Luo actually be so powerful? At this moment, I am protecting my love of the sand ball suddenly condenses the spikes of more than a dozen Kaibi, which is helped to hit Unechebra.

Sasuke, hurry back.

At this time, the blood songs on the audience know that Unecheo Sasukes finally demonstrates the results of cultivation. That is Kakasi's Raincut! ! ! !

That is, the so-called thousands of birds!

After the "Thousand Birds" Unecheo Sasuke, it was condensed with a silk blue lightning, while Hi Zhibo was helped by the rapid sprint, and it was suddenly rushing toward my love. Go up.

Thousands of birds!

After Unechebao, Yiszo took a big drunk, I loved the sand ball was a thousand birds that were taken by Unecheo.

I want to know the power of thousands of birds!

Thousands of birds, but there are many of several of several of the strongest nipplers!

The level of the thousand birds is actually similar to the spiral pill. Specific power to see who is using it!

In general, even if Yu Zhibo spots use fire, the fire dragon bomb is used, and the three generations of merits are used to fly, the power of fire dragons is the same, because the fire, the strongest of the fire dragon bomb is that. But if Yu Zhibo spheres, the three generations will use the thousand birds, so the thousand birds of Yuxi Boss can definitely press the three generations of birds.

"I am playing you." The people who feel the right hand have spurt their blood, and the corner of Yuxi Sasuo is the right to take out a smile!

I loved the pain on the sand ball and I also felt the pain on the shoulder.

"What is this hot?"

"Blood! It is blood!"


"This is my blood!"

I have a hidden cranekla in the body of love again, and more than one thing is more! I loved the breath of Ai Luo. Yischo Sasuke felt that I loved the same, and suddenly felt a crisis, and then jumped.


Suddenly, a roar voice came out from the sand ball, and Yiszo Sasuke saw a huge, not like a human eye, not like a human eye.

This kind of cold, called Unechebra, I thought I once thought of Unexus, and there was a big snake pill. Yuxi Bozuo stood there, the legs could not hit it.

At this moment, the sand ball is also cracking. I love Luo's own shoulder appeared in front of everyone.

The handcuffs on the stage, the Jiulang saw that I was inhabited, and I jumped to help my love.

At this moment, the angrical indignation in the audience is suddenly strange.

Dressed as a dull pharmacist pocket with hands, and then a piece of white feathers are falling from the sky, and all audiences have been sleeping. Blood songs, white natural is nothing.

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