My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the chapter of the Pirates, Chapter 1359

"Is it ??? I said that we have to play it, you can." Blood songs smiled casually.

Among the original, I love to face the attack of Didala, know that it is a trap, or not hesitated to open the sand wall to protect the protective sand wall of the sand, the hatred of the world, that is his heart The annual ice, so the fruit is sledged, and it is broken.

Since then, he is no longer a succier in hell. He is just my love, that in order to protect his shadow village, in order to protect the people of the sand, the people, only this is only. Shura in the flame finally found a way that belongs to himself.

Thinking of this, the blood songs already know how to let me love the bouquet of love very quickly. Blood songs looked at the beast and decided to let the beast personally deal with my love.

Blood songs are cultivating and savvdy, waiting for the next one and the six Penne! Thunder beasts have been roaring at this moment, and the blood is red in the eyes of my love.

With the roaring of the beast, the nearest way to survey the wind shadow building is thoroughly being alarmed, and the fastest speed is here.

"It is him." When the Jiu Lang, when he saw the blood song, he could not help but shock! About the legend of the world's top nest, there has been no disappearance in the past few years, but the more it has been circulating in all major rivers.

I didn't expect blood songs, I came to Sandy Village? And the target seems to be my love.

"We must protect my love." Sheng Ji Lang said.

"Yes." Handcuffs nodded.

And I loved out of the hand and stopped the Jilang, the handcuffs, "enough, you are not his opponent."

"Rest assured, deal with you is not me, but my spiritual beast." Blood song.

"What ???" I loved this sentence, I can't help but angry, I feel that blood songs are completely seeing him.

The strength of the strong sand is sprayed in the gourd, and it suddenly squats to the blood songs.

At this time, the claws of the rear beast suddenly paused at the scene of the blood song, that is, they have fallen down in the power of the blood color lightning bomb.

How could this be? ? ?

I loved the vibration, he was still in this case. Actually, there is a spirit and beast, can you break its tolerance? ? ?

"Blood song is a monster, his psychic beast is also a monster." Strike Jiu Lang face, since the wooden crash plan, my love has reached the point, it is close to the point of shadow, so it is pushed to the wind shadow! But I am so strong that I love, it is not enough to see in front of the psychic beast of blood songs? ? ?

Handcuffs are also worried.

"I know that I can't play you. But I can't even play your spiritual beast." I love Luo. Then it is a two-handed print.

" ."

Suddenly, the sand is to cover the lid of the popular beasts of blood songs and blood songs. This is a problem that blood songs have never faced.

But the blood song is still quietly standing there.

And the beast is also a face!

When the sand is close to the blood song, the beast is time. I also reveal the color of joy, once again, "Sand's hand."

The sand is condensed into a big hand, just holding the researcher. I love to hold the beast in the success of the success, I also laughed.

"Blood song, I said, you are too small to see me, actually use a spirit beast to deal with me, this is impossible to succeed." Next, it is a big "sand water to funeral!" Sweet crowded Press together.

Then, "Boom!", I love Luo and others horrified, is it just a shamy? I love the face of the face, he costs the machine, the act of being defeated is just the shadow? ? ?

Even the leader is just a shadow? ? ? ?

Blood songs and rear beasts appeared at the moment of my love.

"In the current year of the elderly, you are indeed a genius." Thunder is exclaimed.

And I love Lu is a convulsion. My grass is going, is it praised by a beast? ? ? "The game is also over," Thunder, the big paws of the beast, the big paws, condensed the power similar to the tail beast jade on the big paw.

"This is this?" "I loved a deep frown.

"In this point, you only have a way to be defeated to win." Blood songs looked at my love reminded, "screamed a tail guard."

Chapter 870 Huadia Ninji 151 Chapter VS Six Passage Petion

Chapter 870 Huadia Ninji 151 Chapter VS Six Passage Petion

Naruto 151 chapter VS Six Pair of Petion

"Do you have to call a tail?" "I love Luo's eyes. It doesn't seem to use a tail guard, not blood songs, not, not the opponent of the thunder. But for a tail guard, I love Luo is also afraid! The guardian of the sand is very violent, and the relationship between the nine tails seems very bad. In order to avoid the spirit of the spirit, it has to beware of it, it will be unstable, and the spirit will become unstable, and the artist can let himself sleep in sleep. The ability is fully played.

Because it is an unstable laboratory, plus the influence of sleeplessism, the young I Ai Luo is easily out of control, using some kind of special tattoory, I can make my love to become completely attached, using a fake, can make one The end is completely awake.

But in this case, sandy village will definitely suffer.

Now how to do? ? ?

Looking at blood songs, I loved the low head.

"I ... I am willing to go with you." I love Luo.

When I heard my love, the blood song was laughing.

"You are wrong, I am not you, just a tail guard in your body." The blood song stood around my love, then the blood song is to reach out.

"Canadal fruit."

A terrible force of a silk, then in the palm of the blood song, of course, this power is not attacking, but blood songs come from the swallowing fruit of the One Piece.

This kind of fruit is that the power is a degree, that is, even the sky will be swallowed. What's more? ? ? After the death of blood songs, I felt that I felt a terrible force and pulled the tail beast in his body. The next moment, a tail guard was pulled out slowly by blood songs.

How could this be? ? ?

I loved a lot of love, I have already felt the lapse of the life. Then, my love is over the ground, it seems that it has been dead.

Strong Jiulang, the handcuffs are all.

The blood song is turned to leave, and this night sandy village can no longer calm down. Blood songs left, and came to Sandy Village, I saw Xiaojing, Didala, Red Sand.

"One tail column power ??" The red opening inquiry.

Blood songs are brightly looked at the red sand, nothing to say, it is turning around.

"Hey, discover SSS level tasks, is it acceptable ???

"The task, defeat the six Peden."

"Task Reward: Round looks back."

Renovation? ? ?

I heard these three words, and I was blood songs and blood boiled.

Blood songs did not say, Xiaonan, Red sand, Didara has already felt a feeling of disturbing.

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