My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the chapter of the Pirace, Chapter 1373

Blood songs are also nodded, but I am very curious why the land will disappear? Blood songs thought, perhaps because this is different time and space.

Blood songs are also looking at this strong and beautiful landland queen.

"Hey, system mission is completed, Sara's heart is completely captured."

When I heard the system, the corner of the bloody mouth smiled.

In the evening, I was finally coming, and the Loulan City was full of glow gains.

Blood songs are on the dragon veins, watching himself, and there is a red sand, swirl moon, day to the young field.

"Strange, how did the time and space have not recovered???"

"What do you say ??" Looking at the blood song, Sarai curious, the body is close to the blood song.

"It's nothing?"

Suddenly, Sara thought, "I asked again," Yes, blood songs, I don't know where you are? I miss you? Your information, I never read it on the population of the landlore "

"I am? I am from the endurance, maybe this time and space does not have a relief, I am here, just for the dragon pulse, now the matter is over, I think I should go."

"What? You want to go ??" Wen Yan, Sarah couldn't help but show the color of the exquisite face, and then grabbed the blood song arm, hurriedly, " Can you not go ?? "

Seeing Sarah is so reluctant, the blood song is also a glimpse.

Sarah, no doubt is a beautiful woman.

And there is a wire with a silk to attract a lot of boys, I believe there is not much man, I can refuse Sara's beauty.

"Okay, then I will stay." I thought about it, the blood song is still nod, said.

Dead, but can't go back.

This also called blood songs. In the past, when he watched the fire, he didn't look at it, because this theatrical version is poised, not.

Sarah took the blood song to promise his own request, and his face was full of happy smiles.

As for the day to the young field, the playful brow is already frowned, it is a bit unhappy.

As for the red sand, the whirlpool is not saying! On this bustling landlore city, it is also good.

It turns out that Sara does have the qualifications of the monarch. After two days of rectification, the landland has resumed the prosperity of the past. After the arms disappeared, the people who were killed were also liberated, they began in the city of Loulan. In the middle, it adds a lot of angry to this city.

On this day, the blood songs stood above the tower and looked at the whole landland. Loulan, the world, there seems to be only the landland, the other rural areas, there is no.

Loulan, independent existence of this space, there is not much kill on history. War of war.

This is a peaceful world.

But the blood songs are in this world, but there is no joy. Because of this world, it is not suitable for him. He didn't want to stay here.

He yearning is the star sea, and he is a endless challenge!

A week passed.

Blood songs never know how to return to the endurance.

"What's wrong?" After the blood song, a graceful voice came, and the blood song came back and saw it.

Sara today wearing a very cool dress, with a smooth long hair of Salana, more beautiful, more beautiful.

"What happened? I saw you seem to be very unhappy." Sara walked to the blood songs, staring at the blood songs, said. Once, this pair of eyes were full of fighting spirit, and it seems that it would like to be higher than the Trial.

But now this is like the night pearl lost gloss, and the sharp edge lost the front.

Blood songs shook their heads and didn't speak.

"If you want to go back, I will not stop you, as long as you remember me." Sara thought, or said, "I hope you have been happy."

Speaking here, there is also a strong mourning between Sarah and a pair of beauty.

She still encountered a man who had a sense of heart, I feel that this man is around her, then she will not have something that can't be solved.

But now this is ...

Blood looked at Sara, nor did you know what to say.

"Can I go back with you?" Suddenly thinking, Sarakou said. This landland, this country, has already embedded a formal, Sarah feels that there is no her, this country is absolutely developing very well.

"You will promise ??" "Blood songs heard, surprised to watch Sara.

"How? I don't want to take me?" Sarah's mouth! At this time, it is also coming to the young, the whirlpool, and the red sand is coming.

Seeing the day of the day to the Wen Tian, ​​Sarah's mouth once again, she saw the day, I like blood songs to the nursing. No longer active point, maybe blood songs like to go to the young field on the day.

"Anyway, Miss you,"! " After the Sarah is coming, it will say this.

Good active!

Blood songs are surprised. Looking at this, Sara really likes him.

With the help of Sara, the blood songs and others finally returned to the endurance.

At the same time, the country of theft, the country of Tianzhi.

The big snake pill is lying on the bed, the buddle is dramatically coughing, unconsciously three years have passed. Three years ago, he looked in Yuxio.

And Zhiso Saso helps you want to destroy Uzeca, and I want to get the same strength as blood songs, so I have to find a big snake pill.

In the past three years, Dashan Pill has always been concerned about the development of the organization. Blood songs actually defeated the six Petion and became the leader of the tissue!

This is what the big snake will have already expected things. People like blood songs will never be succumb to others.

The same is the same as the big snake pill.

At this moment, the big snake pills think he is going to get the body of Unechebra, and it will definitely rely on the blood and blood songs of the Yishabo family.

Thinking of this, the sneer of the big snake pills!

Chapter 885, the 166th chapter of the 166th chapter of Yuxi Bozuo

Chapter 885, the 166th chapter of the 166th chapter of Yuxi Bozuo

Naruto the first hundred and sixty-six chapter Yuxi Bozuo

Big Snake Pills are very confident in the eyes of people 's potential, and he once looked at the potential of blood songs, as well as the potential of Unechebra.

Yishibo family never came out of the crane, and Yishibo belt is a crane end. Why is that? Big Snake Pill once I think this is because Yuxi Boel may open the kaleidoscope, so his qualification is so low!

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