My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1375 of the One Piece.

"System Task: Look for a master, save Uzhi Pub."

"Task Reward: Male Caps, Water Resistance."

"Now I am disbanded." After the blood song said this sentence, it was leaving Xiaonan, Sara, and white. He used flying thunders to go to the wooden leaves.

If you can save Sui Zhi, I am afraid the whole tolerance, only ahead.

On the building of the construction of the wooden leaves, the sleeper Xiachun and thermitis are a angry standing there.

It is very respect for the long group when the three generations flying. But after being brought back to the fire, the apeer was a complete sorrow.

The program should make some decisions, and they don't ask for the views of the long group! The long group has been in shape! ! !

"Dooritis, the flying is dead. This wooden leaf, I think it is not suitable for us, should we retire?" "" "" "" ""

For so many years, I have been holding an elderly group, and I will be tired.

"This ..." Thermitis hesitated, this time he doesn't know what decision should be good.

"No." At this time, I came out and officially collected. The Tibetan Heart contains an angry, the three generations flew, and the fire of the wooden leaves should be him. But I didn't expect that the fire is actually a prominent? ? ?

This makes the group are very uncomfortable.

Wood leaves, only in the hands of my group, you can really carry forward!

The Tang Dynasty fists clasped.

"Wooden leaves are all settled in hard work, can't let the agency will be destroyed." The group said, he said.

Is the wooden leaves not built in a thousand hands? ? ? The sleeping Xiaochun and the door of the door looked at each other, and the heart was dark.

"You have thought that you have a long group, how big a big contribution to the leaves ??? Obmitter has taken your right, what is the sin." Tang Tang is also an urgent road.

It seems that it seems to be in the spring, the temple is angry. And the sleeping Xiaochun, the face of the door is also cold. Yeah, they are so powerful, will they be willing? ? ?

No, absolutely unwilling

Tumored Xiaochun, butteritis, they also have ambition!

"But do we have a hand?" "" "" "" "" "" The apeer is one of the three tolerance, the strength of the shadow. And the most powerful thing here is Tibetan, just a picture.

The group is so old, it is impossible to progress again.

"Yes, that is, I'm taught." The group hiding at this moment, I thought I thought, "I will say that I will collect the tail everywhere, I will go to the wooden leaves. When we wait for us, let the agency to destroy the organization Under the claw, the power of the wood leaves is in our hands. "

The Group I thought about him for a long time. Of course, the power of the wood, the group is exclusive. After solving the board.

He will not let go of Xiachun, and the dooritis.

"Nice conspiracy." This moment sounded.

"Who,?" Tibet, slept, the temple is shocked. When they discuss conspiracy, they were very cautious, and the group hidden is a building, and the Temple of the Spring, the temple is also the second-generation noodle disciple. Although there is no arrival, but also endure!

I didn't expect someone to listen to it, but they did not pay attention at all.

The blood song took this time with a small south, whitened away, and the blood songs have long thought of the group of guys who are absolutely not a place. But I didn't expect to sleep Xiaochun, and the two people of water households actually hide in a wild. ? ?

If the shadow is other people, the blood songs are not careless. But now the hot shadow is a master.

Blood songs are between men, how to say that there is a feeling of unclear.

"It turned out to be you." After the Tang Dynasty saw the blood song, the cold sweat did not help but ran down from the forehead, and he was not a blood song. The success of the blood songs, and now, he is obviously more than the opponent of blood songs.

The root intelligence organization is very powerful. For the mask, what is completely unclear, but also knows the blood songs to defeat Payne.

What is Payne? I used to kill a pair of mountain peppers in the super shadow field.

Blood songs can defeat Payne, there is no doubt that blood songs are absolutely alone, and the character of Yuxi blossoms is.

"How? Can't it be me ??" Blood Sheng smiled.

I don't know what to say.

I have a hard feeling in my heart. , While the sleeper is small spring, the temple only knows that blood songs are rebellious, for the strength of blood songs, I don't know much.

Such a young boy, where is it? ? ? ?

After the insults and small spring faces, they decided to shoot.

"Water, water," insanction of the door, and then a big water ball is going to the blood song.

Not close to the blood song, white is the power of ice, and all give everything.

"How can this be ???" Water households live.

"The printer is so slow, the ambition is not small." Blood songs looked at the road households laughed, "You actually want to deal with the agency? Do you have a thousand hand of your teacher?"

Tumored Xiaochun, the temple is not a genius at all, but the thousand hands is still willing to cultivate them. Without the unique family, where is their today?

But what do they do? ? ungrateful? ? ?

Chapter 887, Huain Ninja, the first hundred and sixty-eight chapters of the Yishabo family's grace resentment

Chapter 887, the first hundred and sixty-eighth chapter of the Yuxi Bo family, the grievances

Naruto the first hundred and sixty-eight chapters of Yuxi Bo family

The sleeper Xiaochun is embarrassed. The group Tibet is whit dare to do, the previous experience tells the group, and the blood song is enemy, it will be a big loss.

"It is evil." And the water households are thorough anger, then they took out more than 10 scrolls from the arms, and the hands were all entered in.

"Now let you know that my water household, nor you can see it."

In an instant, the space made a bursary, tens of thousands of hardships were taken up towards blood songs. Every bitterness is brought by explosions. When you encounter an object, you will issue a dramatic explosion!

"Ping"! Show this hand, the old man is tired, and it is breathed.

"Dooritis, I will help you" the relationship between the sleep Xiaochun and the water household has always been very embarrassing. At this moment, it is behind the water households, and the hand is placed on the back of the water household.

But these have the suffering of explosions, can I really hurt blood songs? ? ? ?


Between the blink of an eye, the bitterness of the explosions is twisted by space, and there is no trace of no discrimination.

"How can I do this?" "Water household, slept in the small spring face, two people cooperate, but did not use the blood songs? ? ?

This is already their last resort.

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