My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the chapter of the Pirates, Chapter 1384

Cartry ghosts looked at Yis Zhi, then smiled, said, "We just grabbed the four-tailed column, because he was very strong, so it took a good job!"

At this time, the mortal ghost is said,: "Blood Song Boss, what is going to tell?"

He quickly opened the topic at this moment.

You know, he is so tired, so tired is so tired.

Blood songs have seen a visor ghosts, and the blood songs are also known, then the blood songs, "four tails", it seems that you have been recycled, then we will seal, I will leave the shadow Framed, as for myself, there are other things to solve. "

Blood songs have already thought, he and others are different. He will cut the four-tailed column of Chakra, and two parts of yin and yang, one part according to the original, seal in the outer road.

The other part of the beast is checked, and the blood song is absolutely used to swallow the fruit, directly use it.

This way, in the end, who will get the strength of the ten tail? ? ?

Even if it is omnipotent Datong, the power is reborn, the power is half!

"Well, the meeting is over, ready to be good, seal the four tails, I want to have two or three days." Blood songs.

Then, a member of the organization, uniform, unloke the lamp. In the residence of the group, there is a blood song, Xiaonan.

"You seem to have other plans." Xiaonan looked at blood songs, curiously asked.

The blood song is also nodded. Of course, there are other plans!

Darkness wants to make big Tongmu night resurrection, blood songs make Datong Military night resurrection, only half of power. When you look at the black, you will cry.

As for the Sui Zhibo sphere, Unexpello belongs to become a tail column? ? ? Under the blood song plan, the top two are semi-finished products!

When the blood song is about to open, suddenly I feel another Chakra, and the blood song brow has frown.

"What happened?" Xiaonan asked.

"I feel that I have been here. I want to know where our base is," I want to know where our base is. "

"Late, teacher ??" When I said this name, Xiao Nan face is also a complex. Once in the age, the war is constantly, the Naki, the long-door and Xiao Nan in order to change the war, and start looking for wood leaf three tolerance. Experienced danger, married three tolerance and wanted food, and gave them a biscuit. Xiaonan used a biscuit paper to fold a paper flower, gave three tolerance, and then decided to stay in these three children. Three years later, I saw that three children can be independent, I have left them.

Below, it is the benefactor of Xiaonan. But Xiaonan is also very happy. Because you also abandon them. Finally, Means died.

"How do you plan to do it ??" Xiaoshan beauty shows the blood song. At this moment, the long gate is also coming in, "blood songs, let me shoot!"

"Your hand is there ??" Blood songs read a vortex head. The whirlpool nodded, "The teacher will always come to us, it seems that it is better."

Speaking of this sentence, the whirlpool is also full of sorrow. Because the disciples who have been the most important disciple are him.

I also told the vortex head, and he may be the reincarnation of the six cactors. You can change this world!

"Rest assured, kill it." Blood song said, "I will finally let him resurrect."

"Good." The whirlpool is nodded.

Chapter 897, the 178th chapter of the fire, the first hundred and eighth chapter (

Chapter 897, the 178th chapter of the fire, the first hundred and eighth chapter

Naruto's 178th chapter of the teacher is going to be?

Blood songs with long gates, and see you before you are in front of you. Blood songs are domineering, learn from the One Piece, now the blood songs are single to see the color domineering, that is, the five old stars who have seen the souvenirs, it is absolutely worse than blood songs.

The blood songs have a great illness that you can clearly feel that Chakra has come to the base of the organization.

"Late too, you can also live, you may have an impact on my plan, so you can only let you temporarily die." The blood song stood there, and the double eyes were already written for the kaleidoscope. The eyes of the eyes, the chill of the eyes, the more shocking.

The vortex also looked at the blood songs, with blood songs, may not be open for more or two years, perhaps it will open your eyes again! Reach the round look!

"You, you will also have a round look." The long door couldn't help. And blood songs have seen a choice of long gates. "Do you still feel that the turn is the strongest eye?"

"Isn't it? Isn't it ??" The whirlpool heads appeared, and the round eyes, that is, the eyes of the six cactors! Isn't it the strongest? ? ?

"It is not more than the round." Blood songs.

The round look, this is the eyes of the big tung feathers, that is, the eyes of the six cactors. The eyes are the eyes of Datong Tumei Village, that is, the top of the moon, the big-camoufu!

Two big eyes, who is more stronger? ? ?

And it is not allowed to have a stronger eye existence.

The whirlpool is also thinking about whether it is not the strongest? ? ?

Xiaonan Station is next to the blood song, the body is against blood songs, "" We and the battle of teachers will affect the villagers? "

"No." Blood songs.

"Why?" Xiao Nan took blood songs, said, "How to say that he is also one of them."

"Because I am stronger than him." Blood songs are confident. Now his strength is too much. Even if the immortal mode is also, it is no longer located in blood songs.

Unless the five major shadows together, it can cause blood songs.

Xiao Nan looked at the blood song and laughed.

The swirling head is "cough cough" on the side. What joke is open? ? When is Xiaoshan so bold? And what do you want? ?

Bulb? ? ?

But Xiao Southern, blood songs, when you, don't say that there is a whirlpool, it is an earthquake next to it.

"Remember, you and you will fight, you must not be a bad enemy." Xiao Nan's head leaned against the blood songs, said.

Even if the blood song is very strong, Xiaoshan likes blood songs, and it is also afraid that there is a one-pool of blood songs to be hurt.

Blood song nodded.

The whirlpool head has a black line. He never thought that he would be ignored by others a day.

Finally, the whirlpool is directly to the blood songs, and in front of Xiaonan.

At this moment, Xiao Nan is thinking, oh, the original swirl always is around? ? ?

Xiaoshan smiled at the long got of sorry, then transferring the topic, "Let me go to the teacher for a while."

After that, the body of Xiaonan is a piece of paper disappeared in this space.

The small south is to avoid this embarrassment, but more importantly, Xiaonan also wants to know, her strength VS is also, what extent can you play? ? ? ?

Blood songs, the long door is looking at your eyes, then two people have fun!

Because they have to start seal four tails.

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