My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the chapter of the Pirates, Chapter 1388

Cactus mode, this is the model that focuses on the big natural and powerful. The demon fruit is taken from all things, born in nature, and the fruit of the world.

This is the most suitable because of the fairy model.

I see the immortal mode and the first wave of attack is also blocked. Blood songs don't have much discouragement, but the mouth is outlined to make a smile.

"Shocking fruit!"

Blood songs fists again. ""! The fist is not hitting, but it is hit on the space, and the space is broken, and a burst of explosive airflow swept space.

"What ??" This airflow directly bombards it to the chest!

"! The fairy model has also taken a Memai Cairy, and the cactus will fly together, and the wolf hit a few rolls on the ground!

"It is evil, we must find his weakness to defeat him, otherwise it is dead." Deepened to the cactus.

"Weakness? Is it weak? ?? I wanted not to pass, where did he come so much strange monster ???" Sesame fairy snorted.

"If I have, I am not his opponent, how is the body?" "Mysma Cactus snorted.

"Yes, now I only have this way." The company also thought about saying, and the hands and the feet became rough.


Bottom has not been good at body. But after you have a cactoscale, how can you not be good at body? ? ?

The body is always moving, and the blink of an eye disappears. No, this is not disappearing, but relying on the super speed, let his figure lose the trace in the naked eye.

Suddenly, there was also a fear of blood songs, a fist, a terrible fist who was comparable to the prime monster is to smash the blood song.

"What is better than me? Do you have a body ???" Blood songs huh, huh, the left hand uses the pirates of the pirates, and the cactus Chakra is the fruit, and the strength is stronger. The hand of the lava immediately caught the fist.

"what"! Feel the burning pain of the fist, spare is also a sprinkle. Then the blood song is also said, "How? What? Is it necessary to be with me than the body??"

With the ability of the devil, the blood songs are invincible.

I also shocked myself. I didn't expect his cultural resequibility for the three years. why?

How could this be? ? ?

It is already amazed in our hearts.

This is already the most embarrassing battle in this life. It also feels that his strength and blood songs have a huge gap.

Blood songs, "I tell you, what I use is the real amount of evil."

"Devil Fruit ??" has splendid.

"Why didn't I have never heard of the devil fruit?" Said the Masai Cactus.

"Devil fruit ??? Although I don't know what. But listen to these four words, I know that it is terrible." Deep as an immortal thought about it, meditation.

Below, I have snorted. "I told you, I have no matter what the devil is not devil, today, I have to defeat you."

"Why ??" Blood songs feel that the endless kills in our heart, "It seems that you hate me?"

"Yes." I nodded and said, "Because you are too enchanting, you are going to be astrayed, all I have to kill you."

"I am going to astray?" "The blood song mouth smiled," Why do you think I am going to astray??? Because I walked, I didn't think it was wrong. ??? Late, you are so sure, the road you walk, you must be right? "

"This" I heard the blood songs, I was also stunned. Is it wrong with my road? ? ?

Do not!

It's also shake your head again!

"Laters, in fact, you are all the same." Blood songs, "Many people think that as long as the other party is different from their opinions, the other party is wrong!"

"What joke ???" Blood songs huh, huh, "" If you have determined, I've been to endure, it is wrong? "

After that, the blood song is starting attack.

what? ? ?

Blood songs suddenly lost their traces in front of their eyes, and they couldn't see where the blood songs were found.

How is this terrible speed? ? ?

"Late too." Blood songs appeared in front of our own, but there is no chance to breathe, and blood songs are beginning to attack! Blood songs are relying on sparkling fruit, and the speed does not know how much it is better than it is.

I finally got on the blood song, that is, playing in the belly.

"Ah!" The tap has spurred out a blood, fly.

"Late, I tell you, you are here today, you will be here." Blood songs are cold. How is it died in the original actions?

I also learned that "Xi" leader Penne and member Xiaonan's true identity, it turned out to be the apprentice received by the last end of the endurance battle.

Once upon the past, Daxie fairy has also predicted that he will receive a unique side of the child, and this child will bring unprecedented peace or destruction to the future. He will be forced to make "choose" one day. The choice will lead the world to peace or destruction.

In the first time, I thought that Penne in front of him was the transformation in the prophecy, and the moment when "Choice" is already arrived. Therefore, a teacher of a teacher is in the war. Decades, calling two (deeply and high-ascensual adults), successfully defeated Penne three, but because of their own intentions and do not understand the related information of Payne, they were unfortunately defeated. Death.

But what is it now? ? ?

I also know all the intelligence of blood songs, but can defeat blood songs? ? ?

"What can I do now?" "" "I know that today is more fierce.

"Late, what do you want to do next?" The blood songs looked at the eyes.

"I only desperate with you."

"But do you fight ??" Blood song shocks again once again bombarded.

"what"! The chest is once again dramatically, and the whole person fly again.

And the deep way to the shoulders, Mysma faith also dizzy.

Why is the gap so big? ? ?

The last time I will climb again.

"Do you still get rid of it ??" Blood songs huh. It's not the strongest that it's three tolerance! ! !

"Blood songs, blood songs, now I only have one way to beat you." The coming is also serious.

"any solution???"

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