My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Chapter 1390 of the One Piece.

The whirlpool head is to bear these, because the whirlpool is not wanting to come to the name of Haojie.

It is also grateful to see a whirlpool head!

There is a black stick between the vortex heads! The sharp black rod is immediately tapped into a heart.

I didn't feel painful, my eyes slowly closed, but the corner of his mouth outlined a smile.

He finally understood before his death!

Swirl long door, blood songs are not wrong. Because they are insisting on their own enduring!

Their starting point is the same.

Let the endurance peace, but the end of the end is different.

It's also dead!

When the rain of the rain was turned into a heavy rain.

The eyes are finally blurred!

"The prophecy is the Naruto ???"

"But why do you have a different number of blood songs?"

"Forbearing, how will you come to the end? I really want to know,"

"Well, this world"!

A generation of heroes, this is falling.

Chapter 902, the fate of the fire, the first eighty-three articles, how is it?

Chapter 902, the fate of the fire, the first eighty-three articles, how is it?

What is the fate of the first hundred and eighty-three articles of Naruto?

In the office of the rains, the blood songs and swirls walked into the office, Xiao Nan saw blood songs, which was a burst of blood songs.

"The teacher is also a teacher, is it???"

"It's already dead, the body is kept in this, and I will let him resurrect." Blood song thought, calmly said, and hugged small south. Xiao Nan's paters are very soft, and there is a special fragrance.

The whirlpool heads stand there and once again black line.

God, when you love, don't forget that I am still next.

At this time, there is a wave of fluctuations in the space.

Blood songs know that the annoying mask male A Fei is coming.

Blood songs have known his identity, but what about him? Still wearing a mask.

You ask him who he is.

He is still saying, I am a great Yuxi Boss!

This is completely a brain-made brain-made brain-made brain.

Yisi Hostel is also coming in.

"What happened?" "Blood songs see Yisi Bohedral, and asked.

"Just saga, told me to go to a place, duel." Yuxio said.

Wen said, the blood song is also faint, "So you go!"

If Yishi Hose is like the original one, the blood song will naturally help him! ! !

Blood songs will not be called Yuxi Poso is so dead!

"I know, I will take it now." After finishing, Yisi Pub will turn away.

Blood songs thought about it, "It seems that I have to watch!"

"You also go ??" Wen Yan, A Fei faintly, this is not correct, the news that has already died has passed back to the wooden leaves, in case they come to rain, the rain, the rain, how to do? It is not good to take the town without you. "

Blood songs are also seen in A Fei, what is the thoughts on A Fei, the blood songs have long been clear. This guy is afraid to be confused, but it is afraid of the intervention.

Woody Village will send troops? ?

will not!

It's also dead, the enemy is unknown, and the agency will not be easily sent.

"I left a piece of shadow." Blood songs.

A Fei helpless, I have to nod.

Blood songs are with a swirl head, and the small dislike.

Look at the blood songs, don't leave yourself, this is called the written eye in the Afi rotor mask.

"I can evil, you think you have to go to the point of superh, you can do it without people, don't put me in your eyes?"

"I became a tail of the tail, I let you know, how much is the terrible !!"


There is a person in the office, and A Fei is a laughing! !

His sacrificed so much! Xiaolin is dead, he does not allow yourself to fail.

He wants this tolerance to pay the price!

Blood songs, swirls, and small south are walking on the streets of the rain.

"Blood songs," there seems to be dying. "The swirl is the road. He has a round of angry, and it has already seen Yuxi Pub, the body is sick!

The blood song is also nodded. This time Yisizhiso is really dead.

For, the most important person is Unechebra.

When Yishibo is alive, he deceived Sasuke in the world of the moon, and said that the extinguant is to test his own instrument. For the new life goals, let Sasuke constantly become stronger, to prevent the upper layer of the wood. Unfavorable, and the In the memories of Sasuke in the 403th words of Comics, when they left, they took a hook of jade in the eye because they were huge stimulus, and they were pursued in chasing, and they were picked up. After retrying, then Sasuke saw, his brother, Unexpectedly, the painful tears. Then, Sasuke is coma because of the hush, and forgets this small scene, and then left the wooden ninja village.

Yisizhiso, is destined to die!

"Reassured, I will not let the died." The blood song said.

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