My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Pirace, Chapter 198

"Sorry." The Bellamy's head is cold, and then worship.

"Waste!" Duofangming has snorted coldly.

Then, the other three movements, it also came in the office of this auction office.

The first person, Guldius! Don Quixote family cadres, in Duofangming, very loyal, but the temper is hard, can't tolerate the people who are refurbished. I hate people who don't act according to planning, people who don't keep their time. Very wit.

Second character, Robio G! The character is calm, quite obeyed from Doflameno command. Like to play poker.

Third character, Diamanti! He is the highest cadre of Don Quixote family.

They are three people, the most trusted "three sworders!"

" " Duofangdeo immediately smirked, "The three people heard, now you go to the bar, give me the people who are hindering?"

Diamanti disdainful smile!

Raio G also shook his head.

"Let's go!" Guli Du Dao Road "a small bar, I will give it to me! Give me half an hour, I will come back!"

Duofangming brother nodded, the corner of the corner of the mouth "I am 100% relieved! Remember to get a clean point, to cut into a piece of block, so it is enough to stimulate!" "

Chapter 233 What is the sorrow?

Blood songs, of course, I don't know how to send people someone to find yourself, or I have to go to the door!

Original blood songs, I have to take a break today, I will go back to Duofangming in the Shampo Islands. Do yourself Duofangdeo knows that who is true BOSS!

At the same time, blood songs, also read the industries that Duofangming's black and white!

At this moment, Doloming brothers still don't know, they have been working hard for so many years, and they will not belong to him!

In the hotel's outer hall, three people in the blood song, Esdes, Xiaodi, after all, the genius just bright!

On the street, many stores did not open the door, let alone some guests.

Blood songs drink "Fortering as ", Bellamy bought milk tea, don't point it! The shampoo island, the air contains the natural breath of the big green trees, that is, milk tea, it is also refreshed!

"Hancark also got up. Little girl, you wait for her room to ask her to eat breakfast!" Blood songs.

"You haven't been to her room, you still have to sleep with her!" Xiaoli bite Hamburg, eating as the same as the snack goods, while saying!

At this moment, the Esdes face is cold again! The morning, the air is more cold.

"In the future, don't say it again." Blood songs looked at the little Kiri Rigi "small children's family. Say these can't."

"What kind of child is home, you look at me"! Xiao Kii listened, the little face was unhappy, and the little mouth, "you are disappointing."

Big eyes contain tears! Xiao Kii looked at the blood song.

"Is it not good to grow up yet, so you like your sister, don't like me!"

"..." Blood songs, Esdes's head suddenly slid down the digital black line! They all know that pure Xiaoli, from the empty island, has been polluted.

"I don't want to abandon you." When you cry, the tears of the tears, the blood song said.

"Then, how do you have to kiss me! Hancark's sister said last time, saying that you kiss!" Xiao Kii said, the little palm of the palm wiped tears at the same time.

Esdes is completely icy at this moment!

"You can also pro." Blood songs said casually.

"Really yeah?" Xiao Kirie took a look at the people, it was a bite of his blood songs!

Blood songs pulled the mouth, the blood songs did not, all said that near Zhu is in the dark!

With such a noble character, Xiaoli is staying around him, how can it become this?

I found that my blood songs looked at my own eyes, Suddenly Xiaodi misunderstood, vigilant, "big brother, don't you want to hit me?"

Esdes looked at the blood songs in this moment of cold and fascinating.

"Hey." I was drinking the blood songs of milk tea. When I heard the little girl, the blood song almost vomited from blood.

"You don't worry, big brother, I didn't refuse you! You wait for me to grow tall again." Xiaoli said, reach out of 30 cm, said.

"Eat your meal." Blood songs helpless.

After Esdes, after drinking milk tea, I asked "Do you like me or like the nine snake island!"

I just opened it, I was interrupted by a shout.

"Who is this hotel? Give me it!"

There is a face mask with a circular lens, there is suture scar on both sides of the eye, wearing a dark blue long windbreaker.

Blood songs, Esdes looked at each other, the other person's information, suddenly appeared in the blood, Esdes's mind!

Name: Guldius! "

"Strength points: 705!"

"Introduction to the character: Don Quixote family cadres, Duofangming's hand! I sincerely for Duofangdeo, think that Duofangming is God!"

"Introduction to Demon Fruits: Natural is explosive fruit! It can make your own meat. Body expansion to detonate or explode the inorganic expansion of the touch.

When using the power, the power will make the power to detonate. The body is constantly expanding, similar to the state in which air is inserted into the balloon, can cause a large explosion when expanding to the maximum value, the principle is similar to a balloon bomb. The scale of the explosion and the power seem to be proportional depending on the strength of the power. And let. The clothes wearing the power in the expansion process will not be because of the meat. Body expansion causes rupture, or because of meat. The instant expansion of the body allows the clothes to be tight to the skin, and the ability to use the ability. However, with the expansion of the ability of the power, the clothes of the place will also expand. And the expansion explosion produced by itself does not have damage to their own clothing.

In addition to being able to detonate itself. The power of the power can also make the inorganic matter that you touch, can expand the material you want to detonated like a balloon, and will explode when a certain expansion limit will explode. However, if the process of expansion is attacked by a third party, the ability to use the ability to use it, then the inflated object will change from the expanded appearance and will not detonate. In addition, it can be strong. Hardted inorganic (e.g., helmet) expansion, after exploding, the characteristics of the object will be used to attack the target when using the explosion. "

"You interrupted me," Esdes stood up from the seat, and Esdes also wanted to ask blood songs. In the end, he likes her, or like Hancark!

I didn't think of her, I was interrupted.

At this moment, the temperament of Ice and Snow Queen, the show is incomparable! Esdes station there, like the ice origin, a beautiful rose!

Just a blink of an eye, the bar's hall is full of terrible ice-cold breath.

"Yes, I am interrupted." "Seeing the opponent's breath, but a woman, Guldius is to get up.

Woman, that is all fear of hand-dyed blood, killing.

The Esdes' eye is condensed, that is, I walked toward Guldius.

Blood songs, Xiaoli looks at each other, and suddenly for Guldiuso!

Is Esdes a general woman?

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