My wife is the Pirate Empress

My wife is the Pihydrate Emperor Chapter 200

Your sister!


Inside the bar, the three strong people?

Guldius looked at the blood songs in front of him, in front of Guldius, he already felt no longer a lamb, but a murderous beast, or a murder of a teeth dance, it has been exposed toward him. The white , there is a sharp claw, full body full of domineering, and death!

The horrific momentum of blood songs, and the Guldius face, and the face is incomparable, and the face is completely pale.

It is reluctant to wake up from a nightmare environment.

Original Guldius thinks Hancark, and the same woman is terrible.

I didn't expect the kid in front of you, more terrible!

I am just out of the wolves, and I have a tiger!

Guldius felt that he was a bloody mildew in eight generations and actually stressed this task.

"You are a ghost"! Looking at the blood songs in front of the eyes, Gulius is not a fear of the beginning of the fear.

How can a teenager, how can it be so strong?

This is not something that people can do.

"Don't you say that you want to tell me? Isn't it to be a duel between men?" Blood songs smiled and said.

That smile, at this moment, in Guldius, it is the smile of the devil!

"I am wrong. You don't come over." Gu Li Du is rushing, and then he wants to run. But the legs trembled, and there is no strength.

"You want to run? Forget it, I have fulfilled you!" Said that I didn't think, the blood song is to kick the leg!

"No, I don't want to run!" Guldius rushed!

But it is too late.

Blood songs with armed colors, and then kicked on the body of Guldius.

"Oh!" Guldius screamed, and the whole person flew out.

"Hey!" Came, Guldius has hit the opposite wall.

"Slow, is he just saying that he doesn't want to run? Since this, drag it back."

The corner of the bloody came out with a smile.

Chapter 235, the boss, what did you do before?

Blood songs go out, Esdes, Hancuk two people face their eyes, they all snorted each other, and they followed!


A screaming, the Guldius in the wall is followed by a broken wall, and several bricks are squatting on him.

This is the miserable, let Luo, Monet, and Begagon, Crowd Darrie is from the room, walking out of the room!

Guldius struggled two on the ground, and it was reluctant, and the left left.

At this moment, the blood song has come to him. "You just don't say, don't you want to run? So we can continue to play."

Continue to play?

Guldius is panic!

"I am" Guldius knows that he is in the disaster today.

God, what is my mildew today?

At this moment, the bar will be opened by the neighborhood, and the window is coming out.

They are also recognized by blood songs. Most of them are very good with the relationship between the , often playing mahjong together.

Guldius saw so many people around, the heart couldn't help but, forget it, it seems that I must die today, but die, you have to die!

Think of that many big pirates above history have a famous saying!

For example, Roger!

"Want my treasure? Go, I put all all all all - the great route"

Because Roger said this, it took out the age of the big waters!

I thought here, Guldius took a pain, and the head was very chest!

"I am not afraid of death, I am afraid that there is no value to die! I want my private treasure, go, I put everything."


I haven't spoke yet, the blood songs have been hung up, and the current armed colored domineering is condensed on the right foot!

Guldius is under the feet of blood songs, the body is split, bloody! Thoroughly died!

Death is dead, where is so much nonsense?

What is the most blood songs that are not cool is that the blood songs are also curious about Guldius. How much treasure is hidden! Read the heart of Guldius with a reading in the heart system, discover this guy, and a poor jealous!

But the blood songs think about it! How is Doloming brother? What is smart, cruel role? Do he want to dare to private treasure? Do you don't know how to know?

"Crokdal, buried!" Blood songs directly entered the hotel, and at the same time, Siklock Darl commanded.

Klock Dar sighed, helplessly got up, using the strength of the sand fruit to bury the body.

I didn't think of it before, my powerful power would be used in this place!

"Crokdal" This moment, Bergagon, Monet is noticed to Klockdal!

Wang Xiaqi Wuhai!

In the Queen's Seven Wuhai, you can compare the role with Duofangming brothers in the conspiracy!

Luo, Monet, Bergacon did not expect to see him here!

And it seems that Krod Darr is very listening to that teenager.

I thought of this, Luo, Monet, Berga Punchi couldn't help but wrinkled.

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